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Sethna, David Hathcock, \me\ \& Archishman Raju, \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.00105}{arXiv:2304.00105} (2023) } \pub{Log-correlated color in Monet's paintings}{ \me, \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.01989}{arXiv:2209.01989} (2022) } \pub{Smooth and global Ising universal scaling functions}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.03791}{arXiv:1707.03791} (2021) } \csection{Publications}{93} \pub{Arrangement of nearby minima and saddles in the mixed spherical energy landscapes}{ \me, \href{https://doi.org/10.21468/SciPostPhys.xx.x.xxx}{SciPost Physics xx, xxx (2023)} \dotfill\ [~\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2023_Arrangement.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.12779}{arXiv:2306.12779}~]} \pub{When is the average number of saddle points typical?}{ \me, \href{https://doi.org/10.1209\%2F0295-5075\%2Facf521}{Europhysics Letters \textbf{143}, 61003 (2023)} \dotfill\\ .\dotfill\ [~\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2023_When.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.12752}{arXiv:2306.12752}~]} \pub{How to count in hierarchical landscapes: a full solution to mean-field complexity}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.107.064111}{Physical Review E \textbf{107}, 064111 (2023)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2023_How.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.06161}{arXiv:2207.06161} ]} \pub{Analytic continuation over complex landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://doi.org/10.1088/1751-8121/ac9cc7}{Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical \textbf{55}, 434006 (2022)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2022_Analytic.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06072}{arXiv:2204.06072} ]} \pub{Glass phenomenology in the hard matrix model}{ Junkai Dong, Veit Elser, Gaurav Gyawali, Kai Yen Jee, \me, Avinash Mandaiya, Megan Renz \& Yubo Su, \href{https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/ac1f25}{Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment \textbf{2021}, 093302 (2021)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.07558}{arXiv:1912.07558} ]} \pub{Complex complex landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.023064}{Physical Review Research \textbf 3, 023064 (2021)}\dotfill\\ .\dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2021_Complex.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.06299}{arXiv:2012.06299} ]} \pub{Elastic properties of hidden order in URu$_{\text2}$Si$_{\text2}$ are reproduced by a staggered nematic}{ \me, Michael Matty \& BJ Ramshaw, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.102.075129}{Physical Review B \textbf{102}, 075129 (2020)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2020_Elastic.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.01669}{arXiv:1910.01669} ]} \pub{Visualizing probabilistic models in Minkowski space with intensive symmetrized Kullback-Leibler embedding}{ Han Kheng Teoh, Katherine N Quinn, \me, Colin B Clement, Qingyang Xu \& James P Sethna, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033221}{Physical Review Research \textbf 2, 033221 (2020)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Teoh_2020_Visualizing.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.06039}{arXiv:1912.06039} ]} \pub{Normal form for renormalization groups}{ Archishman Raju, Colin B Clement, Lorien X Hayden, \me, Danilo B Liarte, D Zeb Rocklin \& James P Sethna, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.9.021014}{Physical Review X \textbf 9, 021014 (2019)} \dotfill\\ .\dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Raju_2019_Normal.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.00137}{arXiv:1706.00137} ]} \pub{Cluster representations and the Wolff algorithm in arbitrary external fields}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.98.063306}{Physical Review E \textbf{98}, 063306 (2018)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2018_Cluster.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.04019}{arXiv:1805.04019} ]} \pub{Deformation of crystals: connections with statistical physics}{ James P Sethna, Matthew K Bierbaum, Karin A Dahmen, Carl P Goodrich, Julia R Greer, Lorien X Hayden, \me, Edward D Lee, Danilo B Liarte, Xiaoyue Ni, Katherine N Quinn, Archishman Raju, D Zeb Rocklin, Ashivni Shekhawat \& Stefano Zapperi, \href{https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-matsci-070115-032036}{Annual Review of Materials Research 47, 217 (2017)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.05838}{arXiv:1609.05838} ]} \pub{Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems in the presence of weak noise}{ \me\ \& Andrew J Bernoff, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.91.032919}{Physical Review E \textbf{91}, 032919 (2015)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2015_Energy.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1406.3749}{arXiv:1406.3749} ]} \pub{Rock $\bullet$ Paper $\bullet$ Book}{ Brendan Gillett, Anastasia Patterson, Lily Stewart, Gretchen Allen, Garrett Wong, Kate MacDonnell, Carrie Latimer, \me, Siyao Xie, Jay Jonsson, Jacob Bandes-Storch, Rob O'Neill, Jack Ma, Chelsea Carlson, Kitty Maryatt, \href{https://www.scrippscollege.edu/scrippspress/publication/rock-paper-book}{Scripps College Press (2013)} } \csection{Honneurs \& Prix}{5} \begin{entryenv}{Finaliste pour le prix LeRoy Apker}{Août 2014}{American Physical Society} Un prix de réussite en physique de premier cycle pour reconnaître les réalisations exceptionnelles en physique des étudiants de premier cycle, et ainsi encourager les jeunes physiciens qui ont démontré un grand potentiel pour de futures réalisations scientifiques. \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Prix commémoratif Thomas B Brown}{Mai 2014}{Département de physique, Harvey Mudd College} Le prix commémoratif Thomas B Brown pour la recherche supérieure en physique est décerné pour les résultats de la recherche, l'originalité dans la conception ou l'exécution de la recherche, la diligence et la clarté des rapports oraux et écrits. \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Le prix Chavin}{Mai 2014}{Département de mathématiques, Harvey Mudd College} Le prix Chavin est décerné à des thèses supérieures exceptionnelles en sciences mathématiques. \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Bourse d'études supérieures Cornell}{Fév 2014}{Département de physique, Cornell University} La bourse d'études supérieures est décernée lors de l'admission aux étudiants ayant les meilleurs dossiers académiques et de recherche. \end{entryenv} \entry{Eagle Scout}{Mars 2008}{Boy Scouts of America, Troop 636, Sammamish, WA} \entry{Ceinture noire au deuxième degré}{Déc 2008}{True Martial Arts, Sammamish, WA} \clearpage \csection{Expérience d'enseignement}{160} \begin{entryenv}{Assistant à l'enseignement}{Août 2014 -- Juin 2020}{Département de physique, Cornell University} \begin{citemize} \item \textbf{Physics 1101 (General Physics I)} \begin{citemize} \item Facilitation de la classe inversée: à l'automne de 2018 \end{citemize} \item \textbf{Physics 1112 (Physics I: Mechanics \& Heat)} \begin{citemize} \item Récitation, laboratoire \& notation: au printemps de 2015 \end{citemize} \item \textbf{Physics 1116 (Physics I: Mechanics \& Special Relativity)} \begin{citemize} \item Récitation \& laboratoire: les automnes de 2014, 2017 \& 2019 \item Notation: les automnes de 2014, 2017, 2019 \& printemps de 2019 \end{citemize} \item \textbf{Physics 6562 (Statistical Physics I)} \begin{citemize} \item Facilitation de la classe inversée: les printemps de 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 \& 2020 \item Notation: les printemps 2017 \& 2019 \end{citemize} \item \textbf{Physics 7653 (Statistical Physics II)} \begin{citemize} \item Notation: les automnes de 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 \& 2019. \end{citemize} \end{citemize} \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Facilitateur de Academic Excellence}{Avr 2012 -- Mai 2014}{Academic Excellence Program, Harvey Mudd College} Étudiants tutorés suivant des cours de base en mécanique, électromagnétisme et relativité restreinte. Travaillé en étroite collaboration avec le corps professoral pour améliorer à la fois le tutorat et les conférences. \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Mentor du laboratoire de centre Claremont pour les sciences mathématiques}{Jan 2012 -- Mai 2014}{Département de mathématiques, Claremont Graduate University} Prise en charge de \textsc{Matlab}, \textsl{Mathematica}, \LaTeX, et Python pour les étudiants et les professeurs de l'ensemble du consortium Claremont. \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Correcteur}{Jan 2012 -- Mai 2013}{Département de physique, Harvey Mudd College} \begin{citemize} \item\textbf{Physics 24 (Mechanics)}: au printemps 2012 \item\textbf{Physics 111 (Theoretical Mechanics)}: à l'automne de 2012 \item\textbf{Physics 161 (Electromagnetic Fields)}: à l'automne de 2013 \end{citemize} \end{entryenv} \entry{Tuteur pour Physics 18 (Fundamentals of Mechanics)}{Printemps 2013}{Département de physique, Harvey Mudd College} \begin{entryenv}{Correcteur}{Jan 2012 -- Mai 2014}{Département de mathématiques, Harvey Mudd College} \begin{citemize} \item\textbf{Math 45 (Linear Algebra \& Differential Equations)}: au printemps de 2012 \item\textbf{Math 115 (Fourier Series \& Boundary Value Problems)}: au printemps de 2014 \end{citemize} \end{entryenv} \csection{Autre Expérience}{79} \begin{entryenv}{Administrateur des systèmes}{Mai 2011 -- Mai 2014}{Département d'informatique, Harvey Mudd College} Administré des serveurs Linux et Mac OS et géré un réseau de systèmes codépendants. Scripts créés et modifiés écrits en Perl, Bash, et Python pour une variété de tâches système. Conçu, mis en place et administré un cluster à l'usage d'autres chercheurs. \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Consultant en systèmes}{Sep 2010 -- Mai 2011}{Département d'informatique, Harvey Mudd College} Rédiger la documentation et fournir un assistance utilisateur sur site pour les systèmes de bureau et de serveur. Animation de sessions éducatives sur des sujets liés à l'administration Unix et à l'utilisation avancée. \end{entryenv} \csection{Présentations académiques}{152} \pub{How to count in hierarchical landscapes: complexity in the mixed spherical models}{ \me, \href{https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/statphys28/subject/T4-07B-07/tables}{StatPhys28 (2023)} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_presentation_aug2023.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{How to count in hierarchical landscapes: complexity in the mixed spherical models}{ \me, \href{http://www.sigmaphi.polito.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=239&Itemid=342}{$\Sigma\Phi$ International Conference on Statistical Physics (2023)} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_presentation_jul2023.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Analytic continuation over complex landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR22/Session/Q08.15}{APS March Meeting 2022, Q08.15} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_presentation_mar2022.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Analytic continuation over complex landscapes}{ \me, \href{http://jstat.phys.ens.fr/en/archives/Program_JSTAT_2022.pdf}{Journées de Physique Statistique} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_presentation_jan2022.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Glassy dynamics in the hard matrix model}{ \me\ \& Veit Elser, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR21/Session/R16.5}{APS March Meeting 2021, R16.5} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_presentation_mar2021.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Cluster-flip colloidal and atomistic algorithms with background potentials}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR20/Session/B45.4}{APS March Meeting 2020, B45.4} (Annulé) (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_presentation_mar2020.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Inconsistent static and dynamic scaling in disordered brittle fracture}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, 122nd Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, Short Talks (décembre 2019) } \pub{Rejection-free cluster Monte Carlo in arbitrary external fields}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://statphys27.df.uba.ar/registration/index.php/SP27/MainConference/paper/view/78}{Statphys 27 (2019)} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_rejection-free_2019.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Scaling and spatial correlations in the quasibrittle process zone}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR19/Session/V56.11}{APS March Meeting 2019, V56.11} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_scaling_2019.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Cluster representations and the Wolff algorithm in arbitrary external fields}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10955-019-02231-5}{120th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, Short Talks (décembre 2018)} } \pub{An efficient cluster algorithm for the Ising model in an external field}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR18/Session/X48.11}{APS March Meeting 2018, X48.11} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_efficient_2018/aps_mm_2018.html}{\textsc{html}}) } \pub{Universal scaling and the essential singularity at the Ising first-order transition}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR17/Session/V15.5}{APS March Meeting 2017, V15.5} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_universal_2017.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Scaling theory of the process zone of quasibrittle materials: an avalanche crossover analysis}{ \me, Ashivni Shekhawat \& James P Sethna, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR16/Session/A43.3}{APS March Meeting 2016, A43.3} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_scaling_2016.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \csection{Affiches}{95} \pub{How to count in hierarchical landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://indico.ictp.it/event/10175/session/7/contribution/3/material/0/}{Youth in High-Dimensions: Recent Progress in Machine Learning, High-Dimensional Statistics and Inference (2023)} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_youth.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Analytic continuation over complex landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://www.unige.ch/math/rmrl2022/}{Random Matrices and Random Landscapes: Conference in honour of Yan Fyodorov's 60th birthday (2022)} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_fyodorov.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Analytic continuation over complex landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://www.simonsfoundation.org/event/simons-collaboration-on-cracking-the-glass-problem-annual-meeting-2022/}{Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem Annual Meeting 2022} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_simons_2022.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Analytic continuation of complex landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{http://indico.ictp.it/event/9625/material/1/0.pdf}{EPS Conference on Statistical Physics of Complex Systems 2021, P20} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_trieste_2021.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Elastic properties of hidden order in URu$_{\text2}$Si$_{\text2}$ are reproduced by a staggered nematic}{ \me, Michael Matty \& Brad Ramshaw, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR20/Session/H71.63}{APS March Meeting 2020, H71.63} (Annulé) (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_mar2020.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Exploring the quasibrittle process zone with real-space RG}{ \me, James P Sethna \& Ashivni Shekhawat, \href{http://statphys26.sciencesconf.org/conference/statphys26/pages/PosterBookOfAbstracts.pdf}{Statphys 26 (2016)} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_jul2016.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems}{ \me\ \& Andrew J Bernoff, Harvey Mudd College 2014 Thesis Posters (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_jun2014.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Mapping the energy landscape of compact Langmuir domains}{ \me\ \& Andrew J Bernoff, Harvey Mudd College Summer 2013 Physics Research (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_aug2013.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Impurity expulsion in colloidal crystals}{ \me, Paul Jerger \& Sharon Gerbode, Harvey Mudd College Summer 2012 Physics Research (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_aug2012.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \csection{Conférences, ateliers \& écoles}{184} \pub{Advanced Working Group on Slow Relaxation and Glassiness}{ septembre 2023. Cambridge, Royaume-Uni } \pub{StatPhys28}{ août 2023. Tokyo, Japon } \pub{$\pmb\Sigma\pmb\Phi$ International Conference on Statistical Physics}{ juillet 2023. La Canée, Crète, Grèce } \pub{Youth in High-Dimensions: Recent Progress in Machine Learning, High-Dimensional Statistics and Inference}{ juin 2023. Trieste, Italie } \pub{Interdisciplinary challenges: from non-equilibrium physics to life sciences}{ avril 2023. Rome, Italie } \pub{Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem Annual Meeting}{ mars 2023. New York, USA } \pub{Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem Yearly Meeting}{ novembre 2022. Venice, Italie } \pub{Two days with Giorgio Parisi in Paris}{ octobre 2022. Paris, France } \pub{Jean-Philippe Bouchaud: a rare event?}{ septembre 2022. Paris, France } \pub{Random Matrices and Random Landscapes: Conference in Honor of Yan Fyodorov's 60th birthday}{ juillet 2022. Ascona, Suisse } \pub{Beg Rohu Summer School: Out of Equilibrium Dynamics}{ juin 2022. Saint Pierre Quiberon, France } \pub{A day with Giorgio Parisi in Rome}{ mai 2022. Rome, Italie } \pub{Mathematics Meets Physics on Disordered Systems}{ avril 2022. Cortona, Italie } \pub{APS March Meeting}{ mars 2022. Chicago, Illinois, USA } \pub{Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem Annual Meeting}{ mars 2022. New York, USA } \pub{Journées de Physique Statistique}{ janvier 2022. Paris, France } \pub{Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem Yearly Meeting}{ novembre 2021. Venice, Italie } \pub{EPS Conference on Statistical Physics of Complex Systems}{ septembre 2021. Trieste, Italie } \pub{Glassy Systems and Inter-Disciplinary Applications}{ juin 2021. Cargèse, Corse, France } \pub{LPENS 5 Longest Days in Les Houches}{ juin 2021. Les Houches, France } \pub{APS March Meeting}{ mars 2021. Participation en ligne } \pub{Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem Annual Meeting}{ décembre 2020. Participation en ligne } \pub{122nd Statistical Mechanics Conference}{ décembre 2019. Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA } \pub{StatPhys27}{ juillet 2019. Buenos Aires, Argentine } \pub{APS March Meeting}{ mars 2019. Boston, Massachusetts, USA } \pub{120th Statistical Mechanics Conference}{ décembre 2018. Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA } \pub{APS March Meeting}{ mars 2018. Los Angeles, California, USA } \pub{APS March Meeting}{ mars 2017. Nouvelle Orléans, Louisiana, USA } \pub{Renormalization Group Theory of Disordered Systems}{ juillet 2016. Paris, France } \pub{StatPhys26}{ juillet 2016. Lyon, France } \pub{APS March Meeting}{ mars 2016. Baltimore, Maryland, USA } \let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{Dernière modification le {\selectlanguage{french}\today}. Obtenez la dernière version \href{https://kent-dobias.com/kent-dobias_cv_fr.pdf}{ici}.} \end{document}