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\newenvironment{entryenv}[3]{ \rawentry{#1}{#2}{#3} \vspace{-0.4em} \begin{quote} }{ \end{quote} \vspace{-0.4em} } \newcommand\pub[2]{ \textbf{#1},#2 \smallskip } \newcommand\me{JK-D} \begin{document} \noindent\begin{minipage}[b]{0.4\textwidth} \noindent{\huge\textbf{Curriculum vitae}}\medskip\\ \noindent{\Large\textbf{Jaron Kent-Dobias}} \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}[b]{0.55\textwidth} \raggedleft \noindent{Assegno di ricerca}\\ \noindent{INFN sezione di Roma I}\\ \noindent{\href{mailto:jaron.kent-dobias@roma1.infn.it}{jaron.kent-dobias@roma1.infn.it}} \end{minipage} \rule\textwidth{1pt} \medskip \pgfornament[anchor=south,width=4.5em]{15}\hfill \begin{minipage}[b]{0.53\textwidth} \centering A physicist studying the statistical mechanics of critical, nonequilibrium, and disordered systems. \end{minipage} \hfill\pgfornament[anchor=south,width=4.5em]{16} \rule\textwidth{1pt} \csection{Employment}{103} \entry{Postdoctoral researcher}{Nov 2022 -- Present}{\textsc{DynSysMath}, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Roma I} \entry{Postdoctoral researcher}{Oct 2020 -- Oct 2022}{Centre National de la Researche Scientifique, Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS, Paris} \csection{Education}{123} \begin{entryenv}{Doctor of Philosophy, Physics}{June 2020}{Cornell University, Ithaca, NY} Thesis: \href{https://search.proquest.com/pqdtglobal/docview/2449126045/abstract/DA3EA013F5F140D1PQ/1}{\textbf{Novel critical phenomena}} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2020_Novel.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}, \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_novel_2020_poster.pdf}{Poster \textsc{pdf}}, \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_novel_2020_pres.pdf}{Presentation \textsc{pdf}}) \end{entryenv} \entry{Master of Science, Physics}{Feb 2017}{Cornell University, Ithaca, NY} \begin{entryenv}{Bachelor of Science, Physics}{May 2014}{Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA} Thesis: \href{http://scholarship.claremont.edu/hmc_theses/66/}{\textbf{Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems}} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2014_Energy-driven.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) \end{entryenv} \entry{High School Diploma}{May 2010}{Skyline High School, Sammamish, WA} \csection{Preprints}{94} \pub{Origin of symmetry breaking in the grasshopper model}{ David Llamas, \me, Kun Chen, Adrian Kent \& Olga Goulko, \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.05023}{arXiv:2311.05023} (2023) } \pub{Log-correlated color in Monet's paintings}{ \me, \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.01989}{arXiv:2209.01989} (2022) } \pub{Smooth and global Ising universal scaling functions}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.03791}{arXiv:1707.03791} (2021) } \csection{Publications}{93} \pub{Normal forms, universal scaling functions, and extending the validity of the RG}{ James P Sethna, David Hathcock, \me\ \& Archishman Raju, in \href{https://doi.org/10.1142/13571}{\textsl{50 years of the Renormalization Group: Dedicated to the memory of Michael E Fisher}}, edited by Amnon Aharony, Ora Entin-Wohlman, David A Huse \& Leo Radzihovsky (June 2024) \dotfill\ [ \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.00105}{arXiv:2304.00105} ]} \pub{Arrangement of nearby minima and saddles in the mixed spherical energy landscapes}{ \me, \href{https://doi.org/10.21468/SciPostPhys.16.1.001}{SciPost Physics \textbf{16}, 001 (2024)} \dotfill\ [~\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2024_Arrangement.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.12779}{arXiv:2306.12779}~]} \pub{When is the average number of saddle points typical?}{ \me, \href{https://doi.org/10.1209\%2F0295-5075\%2Facf521}{Europhysics Letters \textbf{143}, 61003 (2023)} \dotfill\\ .\dotfill\ [~\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2023_When.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.12752}{arXiv:2306.12752}~]} \pub{How to count in hierarchical landscapes: a full solution to mean-field complexity}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.107.064111}{Physical Review E \textbf{107}, 064111 (2023)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2023_How.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.06161}{arXiv:2207.06161} ]} \pub{Analytic continuation over complex landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://doi.org/10.1088/1751-8121/ac9cc7}{Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical \textbf{55}, 434006 (2022)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2022_Analytic.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06072}{arXiv:2204.06072} ]} \pub{Glass phenomenology in the hard matrix model}{ Junkai Dong, Veit Elser, Gaurav Gyawali, Kai Yen Jee, \me, Avinash Mandaiya, Megan Renz \& Yubo Su, \href{https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/ac1f25}{Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment \textbf{2021}, 093302 (2021)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.07558}{arXiv:1912.07558} ]} \pub{Complex complex landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.023064}{Physical Review Research \textbf 3, 023064 (2021)}\dotfill\\ .\dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2021_Complex.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.06299}{arXiv:2012.06299} ]} \pub{Elastic properties of hidden order in URu$_{\text2}$Si$_{\text2}$ are reproduced by a staggered nematic}{ \me, Michael Matty \& BJ Ramshaw, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.102.075129}{Physical Review B \textbf{102}, 075129 (2020)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2020_Elastic.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.01669}{arXiv:1910.01669} ]} \pub{Visualizing probabilistic models in Minkowski space with intensive symmetrized Kullback-Leibler embedding}{ Han Kheng Teoh, Katherine N Quinn, \me, Colin B Clement, Qingyang Xu \& James P Sethna, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033221}{Physical Review Research \textbf 2, 033221 (2020)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Teoh_2020_Visualizing.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.06039}{arXiv:1912.06039} ]} \pub{Normal form for renormalization groups}{ Archishman Raju, Colin B Clement, Lorien X Hayden, \me, Danilo B Liarte, D Zeb Rocklin \& James P Sethna, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.9.021014}{Physical Review X \textbf 9, 021014 (2019)} \dotfill\\ .\dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Raju_2019_Normal.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.00137}{arXiv:1706.00137} ]} \pub{Cluster representations and the Wolff algorithm in arbitrary external fields}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.98.063306}{Physical Review E \textbf{98}, 063306 (2018)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2018_Cluster.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.04019}{arXiv:1805.04019} ]} \pub{Deformation of crystals: connections with statistical physics}{ James P Sethna, Matthew K Bierbaum, Karin A Dahmen, Carl P Goodrich, Julia R Greer, Lorien X Hayden, \me, Edward D Lee, Danilo B Liarte, Xiaoyue Ni, Katherine N Quinn, Archishman Raju, D Zeb Rocklin, Ashivni Shekhawat \& Stefano Zapperi, \href{https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-matsci-070115-032036}{Annual Review of Materials Research 47, 217 (2017)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.05838}{arXiv:1609.05838} ]} \pub{Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems in the presence of weak noise}{ \me\ \& Andrew J Bernoff, \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.91.032919}{Physical Review E \textbf{91}, 032919 (2015)} \dotfill\ [ \href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/Kent-Dobias_2015_Energy.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}} | \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1406.3749}{arXiv:1406.3749} ]} \pub{Rock $\bullet$ Paper $\bullet$ Book}{ Brendan Gillett, Anastasia Patterson, Lily Stewart, Gretchen Allen, Garrett Wong, Kate MacDonnell, Carrie Latimer, \me, Siyao Xie, Jay Jonsson, Jacob Bandes-Storch, Rob O'Neill, Jack Ma, Chelsea Carlson, Kitty Maryatt, \href{https://www.scrippscollege.edu/scrippspress/publication/rock-paper-book}{Scripps College Press (2013)} } \csection{Honors \& Awards}{5} \begin{entryenv}{Finalist, LeRoy Apker Award}{Aug 2014}{American Physical Society} An undergraduate physics achievement award to recognize outstanding achievements in physics by undergraduate students, and thereby provide encouragement to young physicists who have demonstrated great potential for future scientific accomplishment. \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Thomas B Brown Memorial Award}{May 2014}{Department of Physics, Harvey Mudd College} The Thomas B Brown Memorial award for senior research in physics is awarded for research results, originality in conception or in execution of research, diligence, and clarity of oral and written reports. \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{The Chavin Prize}{May 2014}{Department of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College} The Chavin Prize is awarded for outstanding senior theses in the mathematical sciences. \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Cornell Graduate Fellowship}{Feb 2014}{Department of Physics, Cornell University} The Graduate Fellowship is awarded upon admission to the students with the strongest academic and research records. \end{entryenv} \entry{Eagle Scout}{Mar 2008}{Boy Scouts of America, Troop 636, Sammamish, WA} \entry{Second Degree Black Belt}{Dec 2008}{True Martial Arts, Sammamish, WA} \clearpage \csection{Teaching}{160} \begin{entryenv}{Teaching Assistant}{Aug 2014 -- May 2020}{Physics Department, Cornell University} \begin{citemize} \item \textbf{Physics 1101 (General Physics I)} \begin{citemize} \item Flipped classroom facilitation: Fall 2018 \end{citemize} \item \textbf{Physics 1112 (Physics I: Mechanics \& Heat)} \begin{citemize} \item Recitation, Lab \& Grading: Spring 2015 \end{citemize} \item \textbf{Physics 1116 (Physics I: Mechanics \& Special Relativity)} \begin{citemize} \item Recitation \& Lab: Falls 2014, 2017 \& 2019 \item Grading: Falls 2014, 2017, 2019 \& Spring 2019 \end{citemize} \item \textbf{Physics 6562 (Statistical Physics I)} \begin{citemize} \item Flipped classroom facilitation: Springs 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 \& 2020 \item Grading: Springs 2017 \& 2019 \end{citemize} \item \textbf{Physics 7653 (Statistical Physics II)} \begin{citemize} \item Grading: Falls 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 \& 2019. \end{citemize} \end{citemize} \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Academic Excellence Facilitator}{Apr 2012 -- May 2014}{Academic Excellence Program, Harvey Mudd College} Tutored students taking core courses in mechanics, electromagnetism, and special relativity. Worked closely with faculty to improve both tutoring and lecturing. \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences Lab Mentor}{Jan 2012 -- May 2014}{Department of Mathematics, Claremont Graduate University} Provided support for \textsc{Matlab}, \textsl{Mathematica}, \LaTeX, and Python for students and faculty throughout the Claremont Consortium. \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Grader}{Jan 2012 -- May 2013}{Department of Physics, Harvey Mudd College} \begin{citemize} \item\textbf{Physics 24 (Mechanics)}: Spring 2012 \item\textbf{Physics 111 (Theoretical Mechanics)}: Fall 2012 \item\textbf{Physics 161 (Electromagnetic Fields)}: Fall 2013 \end{citemize} \end{entryenv} \entry{Physics 18 (Fundamentals of Mechanics) Tutor}{Spring 2013}{Department of Physics, Harvey Mudd College} \begin{entryenv}{Grader}{Jan 2012 -- May 2014}{Department of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College} \begin{citemize} \item\textbf{Math 45 (Linear Algebra \& Differential Equations)}: Spring 2012 \item\textbf{Math 115 (Fourier Series \& Boundary Value Problems)}: Spring 2014 \end{citemize} \end{entryenv} \csection{Other Experience}{79} \begin{entryenv}{Systems Administrator}{May 2011 -- May 2014}{Department of Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College} Administered Linux and Mac OS servers and managed a network of codependent systems. Created and modified scripts written in Perl, Bash, and Python for a variety of system tasks. Designed, set up and administered a cluster for use by other researchers. \end{entryenv} \begin{entryenv}{Systems Consultant}{Sep 2010 -- May 2011}{Department of Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College} Wrote documentation and provided on-site user support for desktop and server systems. Led educational sessions on topics related to Unix administration and advanced usage. \end{entryenv} \csection{Presentations}{152} \pub{How to count in hierarchical landscapes: complexity in the mixed spherical models}{ \me, \href{https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/statphys28/subject/T4-07B-07/tables}{StatPhys28 (2023)} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_presentation_aug2023.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{How to count in hierarchical landscapes: complexity in the mixed spherical models}{ \me, \href{http://www.sigmaphi.polito.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=239&Itemid=342}{$\Sigma\Phi$ International Conference on Statistical Physics (2023)} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_presentation_jul2023.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Analytic continuation over complex landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR22/Session/Q08.15}{APS March Meeting 2022, Q08.15} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_presentation_mar2022.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Analytic continuation over complex landscapes}{ \me, \href{http://jstat.phys.ens.fr/en/archives/Program_JSTAT_2022.pdf}{Journées de Physique Statistique} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_presentation_jan2022.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Glassy dynamics in the hard matrix model}{ \me\ \& Veit Elser, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR21/Session/R16.5}{APS March Meeting 2021, R16.5} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_presentation_mar2021.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Cluster-flip colloidal and atomistic algorithms with background potentials}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR20/Session/B45.4}{APS March Meeting 2020, B45.4} (Cancelled) (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_presentation_mar2020.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Inconsistent static and dynamic scaling in disordered brittle fracture}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, 122nd Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, Short Talks (December 2019) } \pub{Rejection-free cluster Monte Carlo in arbitrary external fields}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://statphys27.df.uba.ar/registration/index.php/SP27/MainConference/paper/view/78}{Statphys 27 (2019)} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_rejection-free_2019.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Scaling and spatial correlations in the quasibrittle process zone}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR19/Session/V56.11}{APS March Meeting 2019, V56.11} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_scaling_2019.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Cluster representations and the Wolff algorithm in arbitrary external fields}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10955-019-02231-5}{120th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, Short Talks (December 2018)} } \pub{An efficient cluster algorithm for the Ising model in an external field}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR18/Session/X48.11}{APS March Meeting 2018, X48.11} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_efficient_2018/aps_mm_2018.html}{\textsc{html}}) } \pub{Universal scaling and the essential singularity at the Ising first-order transition}{ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR17/Session/V15.5}{APS March Meeting 2017, V15.5} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_universal_2017.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Scaling theory of the process zone of quasibrittle materials: an avalanche crossover analysis}{ \me, Ashivni Shekhawat \& James P Sethna, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR16/Session/A43.3}{APS March Meeting 2016, A43.3} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_scaling_2016.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \csection{Posters}{95} \pub{How to count in hierarchical landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://indico.ictp.it/event/10175/session/7/contribution/3/material/0/}{Youth in High-Dimensions: Recent Progress in Machine Learning, High-Dimensional Statistics and Inference (2023)} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_youth.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Analytic continuation over complex landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://www.unige.ch/math/rmrl2022/}{Random Matrices and Random Landscapes: Conference in honour of Yan Fyodorov's 60th birthday (2022)} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_fyodorov.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Analytic continuation over complex landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{https://www.simonsfoundation.org/event/simons-collaboration-on-cracking-the-glass-problem-annual-meeting-2022/}{Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem Annual Meeting 2022} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_simons_2022.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Analytic continuation of complex landscapes}{ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{http://indico.ictp.it/event/9625/material/1/0.pdf}{EPS Conference on Statistical Physics of Complex Systems 2021, P20} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_trieste_2021.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Elastic properties of hidden order in URu$_{\text2}$Si$_{\text2}$ are reproduced by a staggered nematic}{ \me, Michael Matty \& Brad Ramshaw, \href{https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR20/Session/H71.63}{APS March Meeting 2020, H71.63} (Cancelled) (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_mar2020.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Exploring the quasibrittle process zone with real-space RG}{ \me, James P Sethna \& Ashivni Shekhawat, \href{http://statphys26.sciencesconf.org/conference/statphys26/pages/PosterBookOfAbstracts.pdf}{Statphys 26 (2016)} (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_jul2016.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems}{ \me\ \& Andrew J Bernoff, Harvey Mudd College 2014 Thesis Posters (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_jun2014.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Mapping the energy landscape of compact Langmuir domains}{ \me\ \& Andrew J Bernoff, Harvey Mudd College Summer 2013 Physics Research (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_aug2013.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \pub{Impurity expulsion in colloidal crystals}{ \me, Paul Jerger \& Sharon Gerbode, Harvey Mudd College Summer 2012 Physics Research (\href{https://kent-dobias.com/files/kent-dobias_poster_aug2012.pdf}{\textsc{pdf}}) } \csection{Conferences, workshops \& schools}{184} \pub{Advanced Working Group on Slow Relaxation and Glassiness}{ September 2023. Cambridge, United Kingdom } \pub{StatPhys28}{ August 2023. Tokyo, Japan } \pub{$\pmb\Sigma\pmb\Phi$ International Conference on Statistical Physics}{ July 2023. Chania, Crete, Greece } \pub{Youth in High-Dimensions: Recent Progress in Machine Learning, High-Dimensional Statistics and Inference}{ June 2023. Trieste, Italy } \pub{Interdisciplinary challenges: from non-equilibrium physics to life sciences}{ April 2023. Rome, Italy } \pub{Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem Annual Meeting}{ March 2023. New York, USA } \pub{Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem Yearly Meeting}{ November 2022. Venice, Italy } \pub{Two days with Giorgio Parisi in Paris}{ October 2022. Paris, France } \pub{Jean-Philippe Bouchaud: a rare event?}{ September 2022. Paris, France } \pub{Random Matrices and Random Landscapes: Conference in Honor of Yan Fyodorov's 60th birthday}{ July 2022. Ascona, Switzerland } \pub{Beg Rohu Summer School: Out of Equilibrium Dynamics}{ June 2022. Saint Pierre Quiberon, France } \pub{A day with Giorgio Parisi in Rome}{ May 2022. Rome, Italy } \pub{Mathematics Meets Physics on Disordered Systems}{ April 2022. Cortona, Italy } \pub{APS March Meeting}{ March 2022. Chicago, Illinois, USA } \pub{Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem Annual Meeting}{ March 2022. New York, USA } \pub{Journées de Physique Statistique}{ January 2022. Paris, France } \pub{Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem Yearly Meeting}{ November 2021. Venice, Italy } \pub{EPS Conference on Statistical Physics of Complex Systems}{ September 2021. Trieste, Italy } \pub{Glassy Systems and Inter-Disciplinary Applications}{ June 2021. Cargese, Corsica, France } \pub{LPENS 5 Longest Days in Les Houches}{ June 2021. Les Houches, France } \pub{APS March Meeting}{ March 2021. Online participation } \pub{Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem Annual Meeting}{ December 2020. Online participation } \pub{122nd Statistical Mechanics Conference}{ December 2019. Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA } \pub{StatPhys27}{ July 2019. Buenos Aires, Argentina } \pub{APS March Meeting}{ March 2019. Boston, Massachusetts, USA } \pub{120th Statistical Mechanics Conference}{ December 2018. Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA } \pub{APS March Meeting}{ March 2018. Los Angeles, California, USA } \pub{APS March Meeting}{ March 2017. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA } \pub{Renormalization Group Theory of Disordered Systems}{ July 2016. Paris, France } \pub{StatPhys26}{ July 2016. Lyon, France } \pub{APS March Meeting}{ March 2016. Baltimore, Maryland, USA } \let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{Last modified \today. Get the latest version \href{https://kent-dobias.com/kent-dobias_cv.pdf}{here}.} \end{document}