% % res.tex - A resume in plain TeX. % % Created by Jaron Kent-Dobias on Sun Jun 16 05:49:36 PDT 2013. % Copyright (c) 2013 Jaron Kent-Dobias. All rights reserved. % % TeX logo definition snagged from Knuth's TeXbook. \def\TeX{T\kern-.2em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.06em X} % LaTeX logo is nonstandard. \def\LaTeX{{\rm L\kern-.33em\raise.35ex\hbox{\sc a}\kern-.15em\TeX}} % C++ logo with nicer pluses. \def\CC{{C\kern-.05em\lower-.5ex\hbox{\cpp +\kern-0.05em+}}} % The bullets used throughout. \def\bull{$\mapsto$} \def\bullbull{$\to$} \hsize=6.27in % Font definitions. \font\name=cmssdc10 scaled\magstep5 \font\occu=cmssdc10 scaled\magstep2 \font\tit=cmssdc10 scaled\magstep3 \font\subtit=cmssdc10 scaled\magstep1 \font\modif=cmr7 \font\foot=cmr7 \font\cpp=ccr5 \font\rm=ccr10 \font\it=ccti10 \font\bf=cmssbx10 \font\sc=cccsc10 \font\tt=cmtt10 \font\sl=ccsl10 % Page numbers, on a resume? Get outta here. \nopagenumbers % Title. \hbox to \hsize{\noindent\name Jaron \kern-2pt Kent-Dobias \hfill \vbox{\hsize=9.5pc \noindent\hfill\tt jaron@kent-dobias.com\vskip-1pt \hfill\rm(425) 999-1948}} \medskip\hrule \bigskip \rm I work to explain emergent collective behavior in statistical physics using renormalization group ideas and computational modeling. Current work focuses on exploring the breadth of universality, scaling theories for disordered fracture, and developing more efficient simulations of lattice models. \bigskip \noindent\tit Education\dotfill{} \medskip \noindent\bf PhD Candidate, Physics \rm --- Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.\hfill\sl Expected 2019--2020 \medskip \noindent\bf Master of Science, Physics \rm --- Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.\hfill\sl Feburary 2017 \medskip \noindent\bf Bachelor of Science, Physics \rm --- Harvey Mudd College (HMC), Claremont, CA.\hfill\sl May 2014 \smallskip\rm \item\bull Total \sc gpa \rm of 3.779, major \sc gpa \rm of 4.000. \smallskip \item\bull Graduated with high distinction and honors in physics. \smallskip \item\bull Thesis: Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems. \medskip \noindent\bf High School Diploma \rm --- Skyline High School, Sammamish, WA.\hfill\sl May\ 2010 \bigbreak \noindent\tit Publications\dotfill{} \medskip \noindent\sl Accelerating Monte Carlo: Wolff in arbitrary external fields\rm, \bf Jaron Kent-Dobias \rm\& James P Sethna, arXiv:1805.04019 \tt [cond-mat.stat-mech]\rm, submitted. \medskip \noindent\sl Essential singularities in universal scaling functions at the Ising coexistence line\rm, \bf Jaron Kent-Dobias \rm \& James P Sethna, arXiv:1707.03791 \tt [cond-mat.stat-mech]\rm, submitted. \medskip \noindent\sl Renormalization group and normal form theory\rm, Archishman Raju, Colin B Clement, Lorien X Hayden, \bf Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Danilo B Liarte, D Zeb Rocklin \& James P Sethna, arXiv:1706.00137 \tt [cond-mat.stat-mech]\rm, submitted. \medskip \noindent\sl Deformation of crystals: connections with statistical physics, \rm James P Sethna, Matthew K Bierbaum, Karin A Dahmen, Carl P Goodrich, Julia R Greer, Lorien X Hayden, \bf Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Edward D Lee, Danilo B Liarte, Xiaoyue Ni, Katherine N Quinn, Archishman Raju, D Zeb Rocklin, Ashivni Shekhawat \& Stefano Zapperi, Annual Review of Materials Research 47, 217 (2017) $\cdot$ arXiv:1609.05838 \tt [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]\rm. \medskip \noindent\sl Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems in the presence of weak noise, \bf Jaron Kent-Dobias \rm \& Andrew J Bernoff, Physical Review E 91, 032919 (2015) $\cdot$ arXiv:1406.3749 \tt [cond-mat.soft]\rm. \medskip \noindent\rm {\sl Rock $\cdot$ Paper $\cdot$ Book}, Brendan Gillett, Anastasia Patterson, Lily Stewart, Gretchen Allen, Garrett Wong, Kate MacDonnell, Carrie Latimer, \bf Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Siyao Xie, Jay Jonsson, Jacob Bandes-Storch, Rob O'Neill, Jack Ma, Chelsea Carlson, Kitty Maryatt, Scripps College Press (2013). \bigbreak \noindent\tit Honors \& Awards\dotfill{} \medskip \noindent\bf Finalist, LeRoy Apker Award \rm --- American Physical Society. \hfill\sl August 2014 \smallskip \rm \noindent An undergraduate physics achievement award to recognize outstanding achievements in physics by undergraduate students, and thereby provide encouragement to young physicists who have demonstrated great potential for future scientific accomplishment. \medskip \noindent\bf Thomas B.\ Brown Memorial Award \rm --- Department of Physics, HMC.\hfill\sl May 2014 \smallskip\rm \noindent The Thomas B.\ Brown Memorial award for senior research in physics is awarded for research results, originality in conception or in execution of research, diligence, and clarity of oral and written reports. \medskip \noindent\bf The Chavin Prize \rm --- Department of Mathematics, HMC.\hfill\sl May 2014 \smallskip\rm \noindent The Chavin Prize is awarded for outstanding senior theses in the mathematical sciences. \medskip \noindent\bf Eagle Scout \rm --- Troop 636, Sammamish, WA.\hfill\sl March 2008 \medskip \noindent\bf Second Degree Black Belt \rm --- True Martial Arts, Sammamish, WA. \hfill\sl December\ 2008 \bigbreak \noindent\tit Research Experience\dotfill{} \medskip \noindent\bf With Prof James P Sethna \rm --- Department of Physics, Cornell. \hfill\sl May 2014 -- Present \smallskip\rm \item\bull Examined the plausibility of imaging defect structure in metals using coherent x-ray diffraction. \smallskip \item\bull Developed scaling theories of stress and damage near the tip of cracks in disordered brittle materials. \smallskip \item\bull Examined novel nonlinear {\sc rg} flow equations associated with Kosterlitz--Thouless critical points. \smallskip \item\bull Studied the impact of first-order transitions on universality. \smallskip \item\bull Developed an efficient extension of cluster Monte Carlo algorithms. \medskip \noindent\bf With Prof Andrew J Bernoff \rm --- Department of Mathematics, HMC. \hfill\sl January 2013 -- February 2015 \smallskip\rm \item\bull Studied the shape and stability of modulated phases in two-dimensional magnetic fluids using asmyptotic analysis \& computational modeling. \medskip \noindent\bf With Prof Sharon Gerbode \rm --- Department of Physics, HMC.\hfill \sl January\ 2012 -- September\ 2012 \smallskip\rm \item\bull Developed experimental and computational tools to study the behavior of impurities during phase changes in colloidal crystals. \bigbreak \noindent\tit Teaching Experience\dotfill{} \medskip \noindent\bf Teaching Assistant \rm --- Physics Department, Cornell University.\hfill\sl August 2014 -- Present \smallskip\rm \item\bull\bf Physics 1116 -- Physics I: Mechanics \& Special Relativity \smallskip \itemitem\bullbull\rm Recitation, Lab, \& Grading: Fall 2014 \& Fall 2017. \medskip\rm \item\bull\bf Physics 6562 -- Statistical Physics I \smallskip \itemitem\bullbull\rm Flipped classroom facilitation: Spring 2016, Spring 2017 \& Spring 2018. \smallskip \itemitem\bullbull Grading: Spring 2017. \medskip\rm \item\bull\bf Physics 7653 -- Statistical Physics II \smallskip \itemitem\bullbull\rm Grading: Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2017 \& Fall 2018. \medskip \noindent\bf Academic Excellence Facilitator \rm --- Academic Excellence Program, HMC.\hfill\sl April 2012 -- May 2014 \smallskip\rm \item\bull Tutored students taking core courses in mechanics, electromagnetism, and special relativity. \smallskip \item\bull Worked closely with faculty to improve both tutoring and lecturing. \medskip \noindent\bf CCMS\footnote{\rm$^\ast$} {\foot Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences} \bf Lab Mentor \rm --- Department of Mathematics, CGU.\footnote{$^\dagger$} {\foot Claremont Graduate University} \hfill\sl January\ 2012 -- May 2014 \smallskip\rm \item\bull Provided support for \sc Matlab\rm, \sl Mathematica\rm, \LaTeX, and Python for students and faculty throughout the Claremont Consortium. \medskip \noindent\bf Physics Grader \rm --- Department of Physics, HMC.\hfill \sl January\ 2012 -- May 2014 \smallskip\rm \item\bull Graded assignments for the Mechanics, Theoretical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Fields, and Fourier Series \& Boundary Value Problems courses. \medskip \noindent\bf Physics 18 Tutor \rm --- Department of Physics, HMC.\hfill \sl January\ 2013 -- May 2013 \smallskip\rm \item\bull Tutored students enrolled in mechanics who have a poor background in or difficulty with physics. \medskip \noindent\bf Math Grader \rm --- Department of Mathematics, HMC.\hfill \sl January\ 2012 -- May 2012 \smallskip\rm \item\bull Graded assignments for the Linear Algebra and Differential Equations courses. \bigbreak \noindent\tit Other Experience\dotfill{} \medskip \noindent\bf Systems Administrator \rm --- Department of Computer Science, HMC.\hfill\sl May 2011 -- May 2014 \smallskip\rm \item\bull Administered Linux and Mac OS servers and managed a large network of codependent systems. \smallskip \item\bull Created and modified scripts written in Perl, Bash, and Python for a variety of system tasks. \smallskip \item\bull Designed, set up and administered a large cluster for use by other researchers. \medskip \noindent\bf Systems Consultant \rm --- Department of Computer Science, HMC.\hfill \sl September 2010 -- May 2011 \smallskip\rm \item\bull Wrote documentation and provided on-site user support for desktop and server systems. \smallskip \item\bull Led educational sessions on topics related to Unix administration and advanced usage. \bigbreak \noindent\tit Skills\dotfill{} \medskip \noindent\subtit Mathematics \smallskip\rm \item\bull Course training in the abstract algebra of groups, rings, fields, modules \& algebras, including applications to physics and efficient algorithms for harmonic analysis. \smallskip \item\bull Course training in real and complex analysis, including foundational measure theory and differential manifolds. \medskip \noindent\subtit Computational \smallskip\rm \item\bull Experienced programming in the following languages (listed in order of proficiency): \sl Mathematica\rm, C, \CC, \LaTeX, \TeX, Python, Haskell, Gnuplot, Igor Pro, \sc Matlab\rm, Perl, \sc Cuda\rm, Bash. \smallskip \item\bull Experienced in the use and administration of many Unix variants, especially Arch Linux, Gentoo, Ubuntu, and Mac OS. \smallskip \item\bull Experienced administrator of file servers, mail servers, networked storage, version control systems, databases, webservers, the linux networking stack, firewalls, and virtual private networks. \footline={\hfill\modif Modified 29 July 2018.} \bye