#include #include #include #include #include #include "pcg-cpp/include/pcg_random.hpp" #include "randutils/randutils.hpp" #include #include "complex_normal.hpp" #include "p-spin.hpp" #include "stereographic.hpp" using Rng = randutils::random_generator; template Vector randomVector(unsigned N, Distribution d, Generator& r) { Vector z(N); for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++) { z(i) = d(r); } return z; } std::tuple gradientDescent(const Tensor& J, const Vector& z0, double γ0, double ε) { Vector z = z0; double W; Vector dW; std::tie(W, dW) = WdW(J, z); double γ = γ0; while (W > ε) { Vector zNew = z - γ * dW.conjugate(); zNew *= sqrt(z.size()) / sqrt((Scalar)(zNew.transpose() * zNew)); double WNew; Vector dWNew; std::tie(WNew, dWNew) = WdW(J, zNew); if (WNew < W) { z = zNew; W = WNew; dW = dWNew; γ = γ0; } else { γ *= 0.5; } if (γ < 1e-15) { std::cout << "Gradient descent stalled." << std::endl; exit(1); } } return {W, z}; } Vector findSaddle(const Tensor& J, const Vector& z0, double ε, double δW, double γ0) { double W; std::tie(W, std::ignore) = WdW(J, z0); Vector ζ = euclideanToStereographic(z0); Vector dH; Matrix ddH; std::tie(std::ignore, dH, ddH) = stereographicHamGradHess(J, ζ); while (W > ε) { // ddH is complex symmetric, which is (almost always) invertible Vector dζ = ddH.partialPivLu().solve(dH); Vector ζNew = ζ - dζ; double WNew; std::tie(WNew, std::ignore) = WdW(J, stereographicToEuclidean(ζNew)); if (WNew < W) { // If Newton's step lowered the objective, accept it! ζ = ζNew; W = WNew; } else { // Otherwise, do gradient descent until W is a factor δW smaller. Vector z; std::tie(W, z) = gradientDescent(J, stereographicToEuclidean(ζ), γ0, W / δW); ζ = euclideanToStereographic(z); } std::tie(std::ignore, dH, ddH) = stereographicHamGradHess(J, ζ); std::cout << W << std::endl; } return stereographicToEuclidean(ζ); } Vector langevin(const Tensor& J, const Vector& z0, double T, double γ0, std::function quit, Rng& r) { Vector z = z0; double W; Vector dW; std::tie(W, dW) = WdW(J, z); unsigned steps = 0; complex_normal_distribution<> d(0, sqrt(T), 0); while (!quit(W, steps)) { double γ = pow(r.variate(0, γ0), 2); Vector η = randomVector(z.size(), d, r.engine()); z -= γ * (dW.conjugate() / pow((double)z.size(), 2) + η); z *= sqrt(z.size()) / sqrt((Scalar)(z.transpose() * z)); std::tie(W, dW) = WdW(J, z); } return z; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // model parameters unsigned N = 10; // number of spins double T = 1; // temperature double Rκ = 1; // real part of distribution parameter double Iκ = 0; // imaginary part of distribution parameter // simulation parameters double ε = 1e-4; double δ = 1e-2; // threshold for determining saddle double γ = 1e-2; // step size unsigned t = 1000; // number of Langevin steps int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "N:T:e:r:i:g:t:E:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'N': N = (unsigned)atof(optarg); break; case 't': t = (unsigned)atof(optarg); break; case 'T': T = atof(optarg); break; case 'e': δ = atof(optarg); break; case 'E': ε = atof(optarg); break; case 'g': γ = atof(optarg); case 'r': Rκ = atof(optarg); break; case 'i': Iκ = atof(optarg); break; default: exit(1); } } Scalar κ(Rκ, Iκ); double σ = sqrt(factorial(p) / (2.0 * pow(N, p - 1))); Rng r; Tensor J = generateCouplings(N, complex_normal_distribution<>(0, σ, κ), r.engine()); Vector z = randomVector(N, complex_normal_distribution<>(0, 1, 0), r.engine()); z *= sqrt(N) / sqrt((Scalar)(z.transpose() * z)); // Normalize. std::function f = [δ](double W, unsigned) { std::cout << W << std::endl; return W < δ; }; //Vector zm = langevin(J, z, T, γ, f, r); Vector zm = findSaddle(J, z, ε, δ, γ); Scalar H; Vector dH; std::tie(H, dH, std::ignore) = hamGradHess(J, zm); Vector constraint = dH - ((double)p * H / (double)N) * zm; std::cout << constraint << std::endl; std::cout << H / (double)N << std::endl; }