\documentclass[a4paper]{letter} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % why not type "Bézout" with unicode? \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % vector fonts plz \usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath} % Times for PR \usepackage[ colorlinks=true, urlcolor=purple, linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, filecolor=black ]{hyperref} % ref and cite links with pretty colors \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage[style=phys]{biblatex} \addbibresource{bezout.bib} \signature{ \vspace{-6\medskipamount} \smallskip Jaron Kent-Dobias \& Jorge Kurchan } \address{ Laboratoire de Physique\\ Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure\\ 24 rue Lhomond\\ 75005 Paris } \begin{document} \begin{letter}{ Editorial Office\\ Physical Review Letters\\ 1 Research Road\\ Ridge, NY 11961 } \opening{To the editors of Physical Review,} We wish to appeal your decision on our manuscript \emph{Complex complex landscapes}, which received a single referee report. We believe that the referee's overall criticisms of our paper are not entirely justified (and above all, difficult to answer). We have, however, submitted a revised manuscript clarifying the specific aspects that the referee found trying. The referee seems particularly worried that we have cited articles that are not themselves sufficiently cited, so we thought it may be useful propose a set of referees that are beyond suspicion of incompetence or uncitedness: \begin{tabular}{ll} G Ben Arous & Courant \\ M Berry & Bristol\\ Daniel Fisher& Stanford\\ T Lubensky & Penn\\ M Moore & Manchester \\ E Witten & IAS Princeton \end{tabular} We have also added some very first results of the geometric implications for a random complex landscape of our calculation, something we plan to expend on in a future full article. \closing{Sincerely,} \vspace{1em} \end{letter} \end{document}