> 1. Please provide zip code for affiliation on line 4. Our zip code is 75005. > 2. We checked with the Physical Review Research editor, who will allow your > requested change regarding en dash. Please check. The changes look good, thank you! > 3. We have set Ref. [18] as per style. Ok. I don't know if this is standard, but the typesetting of the "ln" operators seems funny - I am used to seeing thin spaces on each side of the operators (like they appear around "Re", "exp", etc). It looks particularly strange in the uses of "ln \mathcal N". Can the "ln" operators be typeset like the other math operators? Here is a list of where they appear: - Lines 10 (twice), 117, and 119. - Equations (9), twice in (13), twice in (14), twice in (16), twice in (17), and twice in (18). - Twice in the caption of Fig 2.