set terminal pslatex rotate size 3.417,2.111 cc1 = "#5e81b5" cc2 = "#e19c24" cc3 = "#8fb032" cc4 = "#eb6235" set logscale y data = "figs/fig-series-data.dat" set xrange [0.5:15.5] set yrange [0.000005:5] set key off set xlabel '$n$' set ylabel offset 2 '$|f_n|$' set lmargin 7 set ytics format '' set ytics add ('$\footnotesize10^{-5}$' 10**(-5),'$\footnotesize10^{-4}$' 10**(-4), '$\footnotesize10^{-3}$' 10**(-3),'$\footnotesize10^{-2}$' 10**(-2), '$\footnotesize10^{-1}$' 10**(-1),'$\footnotesize10^{0}$' 10**(0)) plot \ data using 1:3 with points lc rgb cc1, \ data using 1:2 with points lc rgb cc2, \ data using 1:5 with points lc rgb cc3