#include "analysis_tools.hpp" template bool is_shorter(const std::list &l1, const std::list &l2) { return l1.size() < l2.size(); } /* bool trivial(boost::detail::edge_desc_impl) { return true; } std::list, std::list>> find_minimal_crack(const Graph& G, const network& n) { Graph Gtmp(n.G.vertices.size()); std::list removed_edges; class add_tree_edges : public boost::default_dfs_visitor { public: Graph& G; std::list& E; add_tree_edges(Graph& G, std::list& E) : G(G), E(E) {} void tree_edge(boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor e, const Graph& g) { boost::add_edge(boost::source(e, g), boost::target(e, g), g[e], G); } void back_edge(boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor e, const Graph& g) { if (!(boost::edge(boost::source(e, g), boost::target(e, g), G).second)) { E.push_back(g[e].index); } } }; add_tree_edges ate(Gtmp, removed_edges); boost::depth_first_search(G, visitor(ate)); class find_cycle : public boost::default_dfs_visitor { public: std::list& E; unsigned end; struct done{}; find_cycle(std::list& E, unsigned end) : E(E), end(end) {} void discover_vertex(boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor v, const Graph& g) { if (v == end) { throw done{}; } } void examine_edge(boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor e, const Graph& g) { E.push_back(g[e].index); } void finish_edge(boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor e, const Graph& g) { E.erase(std::find(E.begin(), E.end(), g[e].index)); } }; std::list> cycles; for (auto edge : removed_edges) { std::list cycle = {edge}; find_cycle vis(cycle, n.G.dual_edges[edge].v[1]); std::vector new_color_map(boost::num_vertices(Gtmp)); try { boost::depth_first_visit(Gtmp, n.G.dual_edges[edge].v[0], vis, boost::make_iterator_property_map(new_color_map.begin(), boost::get(boost::vertex_index, Gtmp), new_color_map[0])); } catch(find_cycle::done const&) { cycles.push_back(cycle); } } std::list> bool_cycles; for (auto cycle : cycles) { std::valarray bool_cycle(n.G.edges.size()); for (auto v : cycle) { bool_cycle[v] = 1; } bool_cycles.push_back(bool_cycle); } // generate all possible cycles by taking xor of the edge sets of the known cycles for (auto it1 = bool_cycles.begin(); it1 != std::prev(bool_cycles.end()); it1++) { for (auto it2 = std::next(it1); it2 != bool_cycles.end(); it2++) { std::valarray new_bool_cycle = (*it1) ^ (*it2); std::list new_cycle; unsigned pos = 0; for (uint8_t included : new_bool_cycle) { if (included) { new_cycle.push_back(pos); } pos++; } cycles.push_back(new_cycle); } } std::list, std::list>> output; // find the cycle representing the crack by counting boundary crossings for (auto cycle : cycles) { std::array crossing_count{0,0}; for (auto edge : cycle) { if (n.G.dual_edges[edge].crossings[0]) { crossing_count[0]++; } if (n.G.dual_edges[edge].crossings[1]) { crossing_count[1]++; } } if (crossing_count[0] % 2 == 1 && crossing_count[1] % 2 == 0) { output.push_back({{1, 0}, cycle}); } else if (crossing_count[0] % 2 == 0 && crossing_count[1] % 2 == 1) { output.push_back({{0, 1}, cycle}); } } return output; } */