#include "fracture.h" uint_t *get_spanning_edges(uint_t num_edges, uint_t *edges_to_verts, double *vert_coords, double cut, uint_t *n) { uint_t *spanning_edges = (uint_t *)malloc(num_edges * sizeof(uint_t)); (*n) = 0; for (uint_t i = 0; i < num_edges; i++) { uint_t v1, v2; v1 = edges_to_verts[2 * i]; v2 = edges_to_verts[2 * i + 1]; double v1y, v2y; v1y = vert_coords[2 * v1 + 1]; v2y = vert_coords[2 * v2 + 1]; if ((fabs(v1y - v2y) < 0.5) && ((v1y < cut && v2y > cut) || (v1y > cut && v2y < cut))) { spanning_edges[*n] = i; (*n)++; } } return spanning_edges; } double *get_edge_coords(uint_t num_edges, double *vert_coords, uint_t *edges_to_verts) { double *output = (double *)malloc(2 * num_edges * sizeof(double)); #pragma omp parallel for for (uint_t i = 0; i < num_edges; i++) { uint_t v1, v2; double v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y, dx, dy; v1 = edges_to_verts[2 * i]; v2 = edges_to_verts[2 * i + 1]; output[2 * i] = 0; output[2 * i + 1] = 0; v1x = vert_coords[2 * v1]; v1y = vert_coords[2 * v1 + 1]; v2x = vert_coords[2 * v2]; v2y = vert_coords[2 * v2 + 1]; dx = v1x - v2x; dy = v1y - v2y; if (fabs(dx) > 0.5) { if (dx > 0) { v2x = v2x + 1; } else { v1x = v1x + 1; } } if (fabs(dy) > 0.5) { if (dy > 0) { v2y = v2y + 1; } else { v1y = v1y + 1; } } output[2 * i] = (v1x + v2x) / 2; output[2 * i + 1] = (v1y + v2y) / 2; } return output; } uint_t *get_verts_to_edges_ind(uint_t num_verts, uint_t num_edges, const uint_t *edges_to_verts) { uint_t *output = (uint_t *)calloc(num_verts + 1, sizeof(uint_t)); assert(output != NULL); for (uint_t i = 0; i < 2 * num_edges; i++) { if (edges_to_verts[i] < num_verts) { output[edges_to_verts[i] + 1]++; } } for (uint_t i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) { output[i + 1] += output[i]; } return output; } uint_t *get_verts_to_edges(uint_t num_verts, uint_t num_edges, const uint_t *edges_to_verts, const uint_t *verts_to_edges_ind) { uint_t *output = (uint_t *)calloc(verts_to_edges_ind[num_verts], sizeof(uint_t)); uint_t *counts = (uint_t *)calloc(num_verts, sizeof(uint_t)); for (int i = 0; i < 2 * num_edges; i++) { if (edges_to_verts[i] < num_verts) { output[verts_to_edges_ind[edges_to_verts[i]] + counts[edges_to_verts[i]]] = i / 2; counts[edges_to_verts[i]]++; } } free(counts); return output; } graph_t *ini_square_network(uint_t width, bound_t boundary, bool side_bounds, cholmod_common *c) { graph_t *network = (graph_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(graph_t)); network->boundary = boundary; bool periodic = (boundary == CYLINDER_BOUND) || (boundary == TORUS_BOUND) ? true : false; network->ne = pow(width, 2); if (boundary == CYLINDER_BOUND) { assert(width % 2 == 0); assert(!side_bounds); network->nv = (width / 2) * (width + 1); network->nv_break = (width / 2) * (width + 1); network->dnv = (width / 2 + 1) * (width / 2) + pow(width / 2, 2); network->num_bounds = 2; network->bound_inds = (uint_t *)malloc((network->num_bounds + 1) * sizeof(uint_t)); network->bound_inds[0] = 0; network->bound_inds[1] = width / 2; network->bound_inds[2] = width; network->bound_verts = (uint_t *)calloc(width, sizeof(uint_t)); network->break_dim = network->nv + network->num_bounds; } else if (boundary == FREE_BOUND || boundary == EMBEDDED_BOUND) { network->nv = 2 * ((width + 1) / 2) * (width / 2 + 1); network->nv_break = 2 * ((width + 1) / 2) * (width / 2 + 1); network->dnv = pow(width / 2 + 1, 2) + pow((width + 1) / 2, 2); if (side_bounds) network->num_bounds = 4; else network->num_bounds = 2; network->bound_inds = (uint_t *)malloc((network->num_bounds + 1) * sizeof(uint_t)); for (uint_t i = 0; i < network->num_bounds + 1; i++) { network->bound_inds[i] = i * ((width + 1) / 2); } network->bound_verts = (uint_t *)malloc( network->num_bounds * ((width + 1) / 2) * sizeof(uint_t)); if (side_bounds) { for (uint_t i = 0; i < (width + 1) / 2; i++) { network->bound_verts[2 * ((width + 1) / 2) + i] = (width + 1) / 2 + i * (width + 1); if (width % 2) { network->bound_verts[3 * ((width + 1) / 2) + i] = (width + 1) / 2 + i * (width + 1) - 1; } else { network->bound_verts[3 * ((width + 1) / 2) + i] = (width + 1) / 2 + i * (width + 1) + width / 2; } } } network->break_dim = network->nv + 2; } else if (boundary == TORUS_BOUND) { network->nv = (width / 2) * (width + 1) - (width / 2); network->nv_break = (width / 2) * (width + 1); network->dnv = (width / 2 + 1) * (width / 2) + pow(width / 2, 2) - (width / 2); network->num_bounds = 1; network->bound_inds = (uint_t *)malloc((network->num_bounds + 1) * sizeof(uint_t)); network->bound_inds[0] = 0; network->bound_inds[1] = width / 2; network->bound_verts = (uint_t *)calloc(width / 2, sizeof(uint_t)); network->break_dim = network->nv_break; } if (boundary != TORUS_BOUND) { for (uint_t i = 0; i < (width + 1) / 2; i++) { network->bound_verts[i] = i; network->bound_verts[(width + 1) / 2 + i] = network->nv - (width + 1) / 2 + i; } } else { for (uint_t i = 0; i < width / 2; i++) { network->bound_verts[i] = i; } } network->ev_break = (uint_t *)calloc(2 * network->ne, sizeof(uint_t)); network->ev = (uint_t *)calloc(2 * network->ne, sizeof(uint_t)); for (uint_t i = 0; i < network->ne; i++) { network->ev_break[2 * i] = edge_to_verts(width, periodic, i, 1); network->ev_break[2 * i + 1] = edge_to_verts(width, periodic, i, 0); network->ev[2 * i] = network->ev_break[2 * i] % network->nv; network->ev[2 * i + 1] = network->ev_break[2 * i + 1] % network->nv; } network->vei = (uint_t *)calloc(network->nv + 1, sizeof(uint_t)); network->vei[0] = 0; uint_t pos1 = 0; for (uint_t i = 0; i < network->nv; i++) { bool in_bound = false; for (uint_t j = 0; j < network->num_bounds; j++) { for (uint_t k = 0; k < network->bound_inds[j + 1] - network->bound_inds[j]; k++) { if (i == network->bound_verts[network->bound_inds[j] + k]) { in_bound = true; break; } } } if (in_bound) pos1 += 2; else pos1 += 4; network->vei[i + 1] = pos1; } network->ve = (uint_t *)calloc( network->vei[network->nv], sizeof(uint_t)); uint_t *vert_counts = (uint_t *)calloc(network->nv, sizeof(uint_t)); for (uint_t i = 0; i < network->ne; i++) { uint_t v0 = network->ev[2 * i]; uint_t v1 = network->ev[2 * i + 1]; network->ve[network->vei[v0] + vert_counts[v0]] = i; network->ve[network->vei[v1] + vert_counts[v1]] = i; vert_counts[v0]++; vert_counts[v1]++; } free(vert_counts); network->vx = (double *)malloc(2 * network->nv * sizeof(double)); for (uint_t i = 0; i < network->nv; i++) { if (!periodic) { network->vx[2 * i + 1] = ((double)((2 * i + 1) / (width + 1)))/width; network->vx[2 * i] = ((double)((2 * i + 1) % (width + 1)))/width; } else { network->vx[2 * i + 1] = ((double)((2 * i + 1) / (width)))/width; network->vx[2 * i] = ((double)((((2 * i + 1) / (width)+1) % 2) + ((2 * i) % (width))))/width; } } network->L = width; network->ex = get_edge_coords( network->ne, network->vx, network->ev); network->dev = (uint_t *)malloc(2 * network->ne * sizeof(uint_t)); for (uint_t i = 0; i < network->ne; i++) { network->dev[2 * i] = dual_edge_to_verts(width, periodic, i, 0) % network->dnv; network->dev[2 * i + 1] = dual_edge_to_verts(width, periodic, i, 1) % network->dnv; } network->dvx = (double *)malloc(2 * network->dnv * sizeof(double)); for (uint_t i = 0; i < network->dnv; i++) { network->dvx[2 * i + 1] = dual_vert_to_coord(width, periodic, i, 0) / width; network->dvx[2 * i] = dual_vert_to_coord(width, periodic, i, 1) / width; } network->voltcurmat = gen_voltcurmat(network->ne, network->break_dim, network->ev_break, c); network->dvei = get_verts_to_edges_ind(network->dnv, network->ne, network->dev); network->dve = get_verts_to_edges( network->dnv, network->ne, network->dev, network->dvei); network->spanning_edges = get_spanning_edges(network->ne, network->ev, network->vx, 0.51, &(network->num_spanning_edges)); return network; } uint_t *get_voro_dual_edges(uint_t num_edges, uint_t num_verts, uint_t *edges, uint_t *triangles) { uint_t *dual_edges = (uint_t *)malloc(2 * num_edges * sizeof(uint_t)); uint_t place = 0; #pragma omp parallel for for (uint_t i = 0; i < num_edges; i++) { uint_t v1, v2; v1 = edges[2 * i]; v2 = edges[2 * i + 1]; if (v1 < num_verts && v2 < num_verts) { bool found_match = false; for (uint_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (uint_t k = 0; k < 3; k++) { uint_t t11, t12, t21, t22; t11 = triangles[3 * v1 + j]; t12 = triangles[3 * v1 + ((j + 1) % 3)]; t21 = triangles[3 * v2 + k]; t22 = triangles[3 * v2 + ((k + 1) % 3)]; if ((t11 == t21 && t12 == t22) || (t11 == t22 && t12 == t21)) { dual_edges[2 * place] = t11 < t12 ? t11 : t12; dual_edges[2 * place + 1] = t11 < t12 ? t12 : t11; place++; found_match = true; break; } } if (found_match) break; } } } return dual_edges; } graph_t *ini_voro_graph(uint_t L, bound_t boundary, bool use_dual, double *(*genfunc)(uint_t, bound_t, gsl_rng *, uint_t *), cholmod_common *c) { graph_t *g = (graph_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(graph_t)); // generate the dual lattice double *lattice; uint_t num; { gsl_rng *r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937); FILE *rf = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r"); unsigned long int seed; fread(&seed, sizeof(unsigned long int), 1, rf); fclose(rf); gsl_rng_set(r, seed); lattice = genfunc(L, boundary, r, &num); gsl_rng_free(r); } // retrieve a periodic voronoi tesselation of the lattice bool run_periodic; if (boundary == EMBEDDED_BOUND) run_periodic = false; else run_periodic = true; intptr_t *vout = run_voronoi(num, lattice, run_periodic, 0, 1, 0, 1); uint_t tmp_num_verts = ((uint_t *)vout[0])[0]; uint_t tmp_num_edges = ((uint_t *)vout[0])[1]; double *tmp_vert_coords = (double *)vout[2]; uint_t *tmp_edges = (uint_t *)vout[3]; uint_t *tmp_tris = (uint_t *)vout[5]; free((void *)vout[0]); free((void *)vout[1]); free((void *)vout[4]); free(vout); // get dual edges of the fully periodic graph uint_t *tmp_dual_edges = get_voro_dual_edges(tmp_num_edges, tmp_num_verts, tmp_edges, tmp_tris); // when use_dual is specificed, the edge and vertex sets are swapped with the // dual edge and dual vertex sets. once formally relabelled, everything // works the same way if (use_dual) { uint_t *tmp_tmp_dual_edges = tmp_edges; double *tmp_lattice = tmp_vert_coords; uint_t tmp_num = tmp_num_verts; tmp_edges = tmp_dual_edges; tmp_dual_edges = tmp_tmp_dual_edges; tmp_vert_coords = lattice; lattice = tmp_lattice; tmp_num_verts = num; num = tmp_num; } // prune the edges of the lattice and assign boundary vertices based on the // desired boundary conditions uint_t num_bounds; uint_t num_verts; double *vert_coords; uint_t *bound_inds; uint_t *bound_verts; uint_t num_edges; uint_t *edges; uint_t *dual_edges; switch (boundary) { case FREE_BOUND: { num_bounds = 4; bound_inds = (uint_t *)malloc((1 + num_bounds) * sizeof(uint_t)); bound_inds[0] = 0; vert_coords = tmp_vert_coords; num_verts = tmp_num_verts; num_edges = 0; edges = (uint_t *)malloc(2 * tmp_num_edges * sizeof(uint_t)); dual_edges = (uint_t *)malloc(2 * tmp_num_edges * sizeof(uint_t)); uint_t num_t, num_b, num_l, num_r; bool *bound_top, *bound_b, *bound_l, *bound_r; num_t = 0; num_b = 0; num_l = 0; num_r = 0; bound_top = (bool *)calloc(num_verts, sizeof(bool)); bound_b = (bool *)calloc(num_verts, sizeof(bool)); bound_l = (bool *)calloc(num_verts, sizeof(bool)); bound_r = (bool *)calloc(num_verts, sizeof(bool)); for (uint_t i = 0; i < tmp_num_edges; i++) { uint_t v1, v2; double v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y, dx, dy; v1 = tmp_edges[2 * i]; v2 = tmp_edges[2 * i + 1]; v1x = vert_coords[2 * v1]; v1y = vert_coords[2 * v1 + 1]; v2x = vert_coords[2 * v2]; v2y = vert_coords[2 * v2 + 1]; dx = v1x - v2x; dy = v1y - v2y; if (fabs(dy) > 0.5) { if (dy > 0) { if (!bound_top[v1] && !bound_l[v1] && !bound_r[v1]) { bound_top[v1] = true; num_t++; } if (!bound_b[v2] && !bound_l[v2] && !bound_r[v2]) { bound_b[v2] = true; num_b++; } } else { if (!bound_top[v2] && !bound_l[v2] && !bound_r[v2]) { bound_top[v2] = true; num_t++; } if (!bound_b[v1] && !bound_l[v1] && !bound_r[v1]) { bound_b[v1] = true; num_b++; } } } else if (fabs(dx) > 0.5) { if (dx > 0) { if (!bound_r[v1] && !bound_top[v1] && !bound_b[v1]) { bound_r[v1] = true; num_r++; } if (!bound_l[v2] && !bound_top[v2] && !bound_b[v2]) { bound_l[v2] = true; num_l++; } } else { if (!bound_r[v2] && !bound_top[v2] && !bound_b[v2]) { bound_r[v2] = true; num_r++; } if (!bound_l[v1] && !bound_top[v1] && !bound_b[v1]) { bound_l[v1] = true; num_l++; } } } else { edges[2 * num_edges] = v1 < v2 ? v1 : v2; edges[2 * num_edges + 1] = v1 < v2 ? v2 : v1; uint_t d1 = tmp_dual_edges[2 * i]; uint_t d2 = tmp_dual_edges[2 * i + 1]; dual_edges[2 * num_edges] = d1 < d2 ? d1 : d2; dual_edges[2 * num_edges + 1] = d1 < d2 ? d2 : d1; num_edges++; } } bound_verts = malloc((num_t + num_b + num_l + num_r) * sizeof(uint_t)); bound_inds[1] = num_t; bound_inds[2] = num_t + num_b; bound_inds[3] = num_l + num_t + num_b; bound_inds[4] = num_t + num_b + num_r + num_l; uint_t pos_t, pos_b, pos_l, pos_r; pos_t = 0; pos_b = 0; pos_l = 0; pos_r = 0; for (uint_t i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) { if (bound_top[i]) { bound_verts[pos_t] = i; pos_t++; } else if (bound_b[i]) { bound_verts[num_t + pos_b] = i; pos_b++; } else if (bound_l[i]) { bound_verts[num_t + num_b + pos_l] = i; pos_l++; } else if (bound_r[i]) { bound_verts[num_t + num_b + num_l + pos_r] = i; pos_r++; } } free(bound_l); free(bound_r); free(bound_top); free(bound_b); free(tmp_edges); free(tmp_dual_edges); num_bounds = 2; g->ev_break = edges; g->ev = edges; g->nv_break = num_verts; g->nv = num_verts; g->break_dim = num_verts + num_bounds; break; } case CYLINDER_BOUND: { num_bounds = 2; bound_inds = (uint_t *)malloc((1 + num_bounds) * sizeof(uint_t)); bound_inds[0] = 0; vert_coords = tmp_vert_coords; num_verts = tmp_num_verts; num_edges = 0; edges = (uint_t *)malloc(2 * tmp_num_edges * sizeof(uint_t)); dual_edges = (uint_t *)malloc(2 * tmp_num_edges * sizeof(uint_t)); uint_t num_t, num_b; bool *bound_top, *bound_b; num_t = 0; num_b = 0; bound_top = (bool *)calloc(num_verts, sizeof(bool)); bound_b = (bool *)calloc(num_verts, sizeof(bool)); for (uint_t i = 0; i < tmp_num_edges; i++) { uint_t v1, v2; double v1y, v2y, dy; v1 = tmp_edges[2 * i]; v2 = tmp_edges[2 * i + 1]; v1y = vert_coords[2 * v1 + 1]; v2y = vert_coords[2 * v2 + 1]; dy = v1y - v2y; if (fabs(dy) > 0.5) { if (dy > 0) { if (!bound_top[v1]) { bound_top[v1] = true; num_t++; } if (!bound_b[v2]) { bound_b[v2] = true; num_b++; } } else { if (!bound_top[v2]) { bound_top[v2] = true; num_t++; } if (!bound_b[v1]) { bound_b[v1] = true; num_b++; } } } else { edges[2 * num_edges] = v1 < v2 ? v1 : v2; edges[2 * num_edges + 1] = v1 < v2 ? v2 : v1; uint_t d1 = tmp_dual_edges[2 * i]; uint_t d2 = tmp_dual_edges[2 * i + 1]; dual_edges[2 * num_edges] = d1 < d2 ? d1 : d2; dual_edges[2 * num_edges + 1] = d1 < d2 ? d2 : d1; num_edges++; } } bound_verts = malloc((num_t + num_b) * sizeof(uint_t)); bound_inds[1] = num_t; bound_inds[2] = num_t + num_b; uint_t pos_t, pos_b; pos_t = 0; pos_b = 0; for (uint_t i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) { if (bound_top[i]) { bound_verts[pos_t] = i; pos_t++; } else if (bound_b[i]) { bound_verts[num_t + pos_b] = i; pos_b++; } } free(bound_top); free(bound_b); free(tmp_edges); free(tmp_dual_edges); g->ev_break = edges; g->ev = edges; g->nv_break = num_verts; g->nv = num_verts; g->break_dim = num_verts + num_bounds; break; } case TORUS_BOUND: { num_bounds = 1; bound_inds = (uint_t *)malloc((1 + num_bounds) * sizeof(uint_t)); bound_inds[0] = 0; num_edges = tmp_num_edges; edges = (uint_t *)malloc(2* num_edges*sizeof(uint_t)); for (uint_t i = 0; i < num_edges; i++) { edges[2*i] = tmp_edges[2*i]; edges[2*i+1] = tmp_edges[2*i+1]; } dual_edges = tmp_dual_edges; bool *bound_top = (bool *)calloc(tmp_num_verts, sizeof(bool)); int *edge_change = (int *)calloc(num_edges, sizeof(int)); uint_t num_t = 0; for (uint_t i = 0; i < num_edges; i++) { uint_t v1, v2; double v1y, v2y, dy; v1 = edges[2 * i]; v2 = edges[2 * i + 1]; v1y = tmp_vert_coords[2 * v1 + 1]; v2y = tmp_vert_coords[2 * v2 + 1]; dy = v1y - v2y; if (fabs(dy) > 0.5) { if (dy > 0) { edge_change[i] = 1; if (!bound_top[v1]) { bound_top[v1] = true; num_t++; } } else { edge_change[i] = 2; if (!bound_top[v2]) { bound_top[v2] = true; num_t++; } } } } num_verts = tmp_num_verts + num_t; vert_coords = (double *)malloc(2 * num_verts * sizeof(double)); bound_verts = malloc(num_t * sizeof(uint_t)); bound_inds[1] = num_t; uint_t pos_t = 0; for (uint_t i = 0; i < tmp_num_verts; i++) { vert_coords[2*i] = tmp_vert_coords[2*i]; vert_coords[2*i+1] = tmp_vert_coords[2*i+1]; if (bound_top[i]) { bound_verts[pos_t] = i; vert_coords[2*(tmp_num_verts + pos_t)] = tmp_vert_coords[2*i]; vert_coords[2*(tmp_num_verts + pos_t)+1] = tmp_vert_coords[2*i+1]; pos_t++; } } for (uint_t i = 0; i < num_edges; i++) { if (edge_change[i]) { for (uint_t j = 0; j < num_t; j++) { if (edges[2*i+(edge_change[i]-1)] == bound_verts[j]) { edges[2*i+(edge_change[i]-1)] = tmp_num_verts + j; break; } } } } free(tmp_vert_coords); free(bound_top); free(edge_change); g->nv_break = num_verts; g->nv = tmp_num_verts; g->ev_break = edges; g->ev = tmp_edges; g->break_dim = num_verts; break; } case EMBEDDED_BOUND: { num_bounds = 4; bound_inds = (uint_t *)malloc(5 * sizeof(uint_t)); bound_verts = (uint_t *)malloc(2 * L * sizeof(uint_t)); for (uint_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) bound_inds[i] = i * L / 2; for (uint_t i = 0; i < 2 * L; i++) bound_verts[i] = i; uint_t num_away = 0; for (uint_t i = 0; i < tmp_num_edges; i++) { if (tmp_dual_edges[2*i] > num || tmp_dual_edges[2*i+1] > num) num_away++; } num_edges = (int)tmp_num_edges - (int)num_away; num_verts = tmp_num_verts; edges = tmp_edges; dual_edges = tmp_dual_edges; vert_coords = tmp_vert_coords; g->nv_break = num_verts; g->nv = num_verts; g->ev_break = edges; g->ev = edges; g->break_dim = num_verts + 2; } } g->boundary = boundary; g->num_bounds = num_bounds; g->bound_inds = bound_inds; g->bound_verts = bound_verts; g->ne = num_edges; g->dev = dual_edges; g->vx = vert_coords; g->vei = get_verts_to_edges_ind(g->nv, g->ne, g->ev); g->ve = get_verts_to_edges(g->nv, g->ne, g->ev, g->vei); g->L = L; g->ex = get_edge_coords( g->ne, g->vx, g->ev); free(tmp_tris); g->dvx = lattice; g->dnv = num; g->voltcurmat = gen_voltcurmat(g->ne, g->break_dim, g->ev_break, c); g->dvei = get_verts_to_edges_ind(g->dnv, g->ne, g->dev); g->dve = get_verts_to_edges( g->dnv, g->ne, g->dev, g->dvei); g->spanning_edges = get_spanning_edges(g->ne, g->ev_break, g->vx, 0.5, &(g->num_spanning_edges)); return g; } graph_t *graph_create(lattice_t lattice, bound_t bound, uint_t L, bool dual, cholmod_common *c) { bool side_bounds; switch (lattice) { case (VORONOI_LATTICE): return ini_voro_graph(L, bound, dual, genfunc_hyperuniform, c); case (SQUARE_LATTICE): if (bound == EMBEDDED_BOUND) side_bounds = true; else side_bounds = false; return ini_square_network(L, bound, side_bounds, c); default: printf("lattice type unsupported\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }