#include "measurements.hpp" #include #include void update_distribution_file(std::string id, const std::vector& data, unsigned N, double Lx, double Ly, double beta) { std::string filename = "fracture_" + std::to_string(Lx) + "_" + std::to_string(Ly) + "_" + std::to_string(beta) + "_" + id + ".dat"; std::ifstream file(filename); uint64_t N_old = 0; std::vector data_old(data.size(), 0); if (file.is_open()) { file >> N_old; for (unsigned i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { uint64_t num; file >> num; data_old[i] = num; } file.close(); } std::ofstream file_out(filename); file_out < void update_field_file(std::string id, const std::vector& data, unsigned N, double Lx, double Ly, double beta, unsigned Mx, unsigned My) { std::string filename = "fracture_" + std::to_string(Lx) + "_" + std::to_string(Ly) + "_" + std::to_string(beta) + "_" + id + "_" + std::to_string(Mx) + "_" + std::to_string(My) + ".dat"; std::ifstream file(filename); uint64_t N_old = 0; std::vector> data_old(data.size()); for (unsigned j = 0; j < data.size(); j++) { data_old[j].resize(data[j].size(), 0); } if (file.is_open()) { file >> N_old; for (unsigned j = 0; j < data.size(); j++) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < data[j].size(); i++) { file >> data_old[j][i]; } } file.close(); } std::ofstream file_out(filename); file_out < void correlation(unsigned Mx, unsigned My, std::vector>& data, const fftw_complex* tx1, const fftw_complex* tx2, fftw_plan reverse_plan, fftw_complex *fftw_reverse_in, double *fftw_reverse_out) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < Mx * (My / 2 + 1); i++) { fftw_reverse_in[i][0] = tx1[i][0] * tx2[i][0] + tx1[i][1] * tx2[i][1]; fftw_reverse_in[i][1] = tx1[i][0] * tx2[i][1] - tx1[i][1] * tx2[i][0]; } fftw_execute(reverse_plan); for (unsigned j = 0; j < data.size(); j++) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < (Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1); i++) { data[j][i] += (T)pow(fftw_reverse_out[Mx * (i / (Mx / 2 + 1)) + i % (Mx / 2 + 1)] / (Mx * My), j + 1); } } } template void autocorrelation(unsigned Mx, unsigned My, std::vector>& out_data, fftw_plan forward_plan, double *fftw_forward_in, fftw_complex *fftw_forward_out, fftw_plan reverse_plan, fftw_complex *fftw_reverse_in, double *fftw_reverse_out) { fftw_execute(forward_plan); for (unsigned i = 0; i < My * (Mx / 2 + 1); i++) { fftw_reverse_in[i][0] = pow(fftw_forward_out[i][0], 2) + pow(fftw_forward_out[i][1], 2); fftw_reverse_in[i][1] = 0.0; } fftw_execute(reverse_plan); for (unsigned j = 0; j < out_data.size(); j++) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < (Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1); i++) { out_data[j][i] += (T)pow(fftw_reverse_out[Mx * (i / (Mx / 2 + 1)) + i % (Mx / 2 + 1)] / (Mx * My), j + 1); } } } unsigned edge_r_to_ind(graph::coordinate r, double Lx, double Ly, unsigned Mx, unsigned My) { return floor((Mx * r.x) / Lx) + Mx * floor((My * r.y) / Ly); } ma::ma(double Lx, double Ly, unsigned Mx, unsigned My, double beta, unsigned Ncum) : Lx(Lx), Ly(Ly), Mx(Mx), My(My), beta(beta), G(2 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2)), sc(2 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), ss(2 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), sm(2 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), sa(2 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), sl(2 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), sd(3 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), sD(3 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), Sc(2 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), Ss(2 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), Sm(2 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), Sa(2 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), Sl(2 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), Sd(3 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), SD(3 * (unsigned)ceil(Lx * Ly / 2), 0), Ccc(Ncum), Css(Ncum), Cmm(Ncum), Caa(Ncum), Cll(Ncum), Cdd(Ncum), CDD(Ncum), CsD(Ncum), ccc(Ncum), css(Ncum), cmm(Ncum), caa(Ncum), cll(Ncum), cdd(Ncum), cDD(Ncum), csD(Ncum) { N = 0; Nc = 0; Na = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < Ncum; i++) { Ccc[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); Css[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); Cmm[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); Caa[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); Cll[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); Cdd[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); CDD[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); CsD[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); ccc[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); css[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); cmm[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); caa[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); cll[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); cdd[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); cDD[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); csD[i].resize((Mx / 2 + 1) * (My / 2 + 1), 0); } // FFTW setup for correlation functions fftw_set_timelimit(1); fftw_forward_in = (double *)fftw_malloc(Mx * My * sizeof(double)); fftw_forward_out = (fftw_complex *)fftw_malloc(Mx * My * sizeof(fftw_complex)); fftw_reverse_in = (fftw_complex *)fftw_malloc(Mx * My * sizeof(fftw_complex)); fftw_reverse_out = (double *)fftw_malloc(Mx * My * sizeof(double)); forward_plan = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d(My, Mx, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out, 0); reverse_plan = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d(My, Mx, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out, 0); std::string filename = "fracture_" + std::to_string(Lx) + "_" + std::to_string(Ly) + "_" + std::to_string(beta) + "_current.dat"; //stress_file.open(filename, std::ifstream::app); } ma::~ma() { // clean up FFTW objects fftw_free(fftw_forward_in); fftw_free(fftw_forward_out); fftw_free(fftw_reverse_in); fftw_free(fftw_reverse_out); fftw_destroy_plan(forward_plan); fftw_destroy_plan(reverse_plan); fftw_cleanup(); update_distribution_file("sc", sc, Nc, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("ss", ss, N, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("sm", sm, N, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("sa", sa, Na, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("sl", sl, N, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("sd", sd, N, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("sD", sD, N, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("Sc", Sc, Nc, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("Ss", Ss, N, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("Sm", Sm, N, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("Sa", Sa, Na, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("Sl", Sl, N, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("Sd", Sd, N, Lx, Ly, beta); update_distribution_file("SD", SD, N, Lx, Ly, beta); update_field_file("Ccc", Ccc, Nc, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("Css", Css, N, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("Cmm", Cmm, N, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("Caa", Caa, Na, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("Cll", Cll, N, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("Cdd", Cdd, N, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("CDD", CDD, N, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("CsD", CsD, N, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("ccc", ccc, Nc, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("css", css, N, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("cmm", cmm, N, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("caa", caa, Na, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("cll", cll, N, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("cdd", cdd, N, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("cDD", cDD, N, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); update_field_file("csD", csD, N, Lx, Ly, beta, Mx, My); //stress_file.close(); } void ma::pre_fracture(const network&) { lv = std::numeric_limits::lowest(); avalanches = {{}}; boost::remove_edge_if(trivial, G); } void ma::bond_broken(const network& net, const current_info& cur, unsigned i) { long double c = logl(cur.conductivity / fabs(cur.currents[i])) + net.thresholds[i]; if (c > lv && avalanches.back().size() > 0) { sa[avalanches.back().size() - 1]++; Na++; std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); unsigned avalanches_trunc = 0; for (auto e : avalanches.back()) { unsigned ind = edge_r_to_ind(net.G.edges[e].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My); if (fftw_forward_in[ind] == 0.0) { fftw_forward_in[ind] = 1.0; avalanches_trunc++; } } Sa[avalanches_trunc - 1]++; autocorrelation(Mx, My, Caa, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); for (auto e : avalanches.back()) { unsigned ind = edge_r_to_ind(net.G.edges[e].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My); fftw_forward_in[ind] += 1.0; } autocorrelation(Mx, My, caa, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); lv = c; avalanches.push_back({i}); } else { avalanches.back().push_back(i); } boost::add_edge(net.G.dual_edges[i].v[0], net.G.dual_edges[i].v[1], {i}, G); } void ma::post_fracture(network &n) { std::vector component(boost::num_vertices(G)); unsigned num = boost::connected_components(G, &component[0]); std::list crack = find_minimal_crack(G, n); // crack surface correlations std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); unsigned surface_size_trunc = 0; for (auto edge : crack) { unsigned ind1 = edge_r_to_ind(n.G.dual_vertices[n.G.dual_edges[edge].v[0]].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My); unsigned ind2 = edge_r_to_ind(n.G.dual_vertices[n.G.dual_edges[edge].v[1]].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My); if (fftw_forward_in[ind1] == 0.0) { fftw_forward_in[ind1] = 1.0; surface_size_trunc++; } if (fftw_forward_in[ind2] == 0.0) { fftw_forward_in[ind2] = 1.0; surface_size_trunc++; } } ss[crack.size()]++; fftw_complex *Tss = data_transform(Mx, My, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out); correlation(Mx, My, Css, Tss, Tss, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); for (auto edge : crack) { fftw_forward_in[edge_r_to_ind(n.G.dual_vertices[n.G.dual_edges[edge].v[0]].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My)] += 0.5; fftw_forward_in[edge_r_to_ind(n.G.dual_vertices[n.G.dual_edges[edge].v[1]].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My)] += 0.5; } Ss[surface_size_trunc]++; fftw_complex *tss = data_transform(Mx, My, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out); correlation(Mx, My, css, tss, tss, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); unsigned crack_component = component[n.G.dual_edges[crack.front()].v[0]]; std::vector> components(num); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n.G.dual_vertices.size(); i++) { components[component[i]].push_back(i); } // non-spanning clusters std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (i != crack_component && components[i].size() > 0) { unsigned cluster_size_trunc = 0; for (auto it = components[i].begin(); it != components[i].end(); it++) { unsigned ind = edge_r_to_ind(n.G.dual_vertices[*it].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My); if (fftw_forward_in[ind] == 0.0) { cluster_size_trunc++; fftw_forward_in[ind] = 1.0; } } Sc[cluster_size_trunc - 1]++; sc[components[i].size() - 1]++; autocorrelation(Mx, My, Ccc, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); Nc++; for (auto it = components[i].begin(); it != components[i].end(); it++) { fftw_forward_in[edge_r_to_ind(n.G.dual_vertices[*it].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My)] = 0.0; } for (auto it = components[i].begin(); it != components[i].end(); it++) { unsigned ind = edge_r_to_ind(n.G.dual_vertices[*it].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My); fftw_forward_in[ind] += 1.0; } autocorrelation(Mx, My, ccc, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); for (auto it = components[i].begin(); it != components[i].end(); it++) { fftw_forward_in[edge_r_to_ind(n.G.dual_vertices[*it].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My)] = 0.0; } } } // spanning cluster // std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); we already reset in the last loop sm[components[crack_component].size() - 1]++; unsigned spanning_cluster_trunc = 0; for (auto it = components[crack_component].begin(); it != components[crack_component].end(); it++) { unsigned ind = edge_r_to_ind(n.G.dual_vertices[*it].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My); if (fftw_forward_in[ind] == 0.0) { fftw_forward_in[ind] = 1.0; spanning_cluster_trunc++; } } autocorrelation(Mx, My, Cmm, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); Sm[spanning_cluster_trunc - 1]++; for (auto it = components[crack_component].begin(); it != components[crack_component].end(); it++) { fftw_forward_in[edge_r_to_ind(n.G.dual_vertices[*it].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My)] += 1.0; } autocorrelation(Mx, My, cmm, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); /// damage at end std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); unsigned final_broken = 0; unsigned final_trunc = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n.G.edges.size(); i++) { if (n.fuses[i]) { final_broken++; unsigned ind = edge_r_to_ind(n.G.edges[i].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My); if (fftw_forward_in[ind] == 0.0) { final_trunc++; fftw_forward_in[ind] = 1.0; } } } fftw_complex *TDD = data_transform(Mx, My, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out); SD[final_trunc]++; sD[final_broken]++; correlation(Mx, My, CDD, TDD, TDD, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); correlation(Mx, My, CsD, Tss, TDD, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); free(Tss); free(TDD); std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n.G.edges.size(); i++) { if (n.fuses[i]) { fftw_forward_in[edge_r_to_ind(n.G.edges[i].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My)] += 1.0; } } fftw_complex *tDD = data_transform(Mx, My, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out); correlation(Mx, My, cDD, tDD, tDD, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); correlation(Mx, My, csD, tss, tDD, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); free(tss); free(tDD); std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); // rewind the last avalanche sl[avalanches.back().size() - 1]++; unsigned last_trunc = 0; for (auto e : avalanches.back()) { boost::remove_edge(n.G.dual_edges[e].v[0], n.G.dual_edges[e].v[1], G); n.break_edge(e, true); unsigned ind = edge_r_to_ind(n.G.edges[e].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My); if (fftw_forward_in[ind] == 0.0) { fftw_forward_in[ind] = 1.0; last_trunc++; } } Sl[last_trunc - 1]++; autocorrelation(Mx, My, Cll, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); // rewind the last avalanche for (auto e : avalanches.back()) { fftw_forward_in[edge_r_to_ind(n.G.edges[e].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My)] += 1.0; } autocorrelation(Mx, My, cll, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); // damage size distribution unsigned total_broken = 0; std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); unsigned damage_trunc = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n.G.edges.size(); i++) { if (n.fuses[i]) { total_broken++; unsigned ind = edge_r_to_ind(n.G.edges[i].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My); if (fftw_forward_in[ind] == 0.0) { fftw_forward_in[ind] = 1.0; damage_trunc++; } } } Sd[damage_trunc]++; autocorrelation(Mx, My, Cdd, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); std::fill_n(fftw_forward_in, Mx * My, 0.0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n.G.edges.size(); i++) { if (n.fuses[i]) { fftw_forward_in[edge_r_to_ind(n.G.edges[i].r, Lx, Ly, Mx, My)] += 1.0; } } autocorrelation(Mx, My, cdd, forward_plan, fftw_forward_in, fftw_forward_out, reverse_plan, fftw_reverse_in, fftw_reverse_out); sd[total_broken]++; N++; }