cc1 = "#5e81b5" cc2 = "#e19c24" cc3 = "#8fb032" cc4 = "#eb6235" set terminal epslatex size 8.68cm, 8.2cm standalone set output "fig-stiffnesses.tex" set multiplot layout 3, 2 margins 0.13, 0.93, 0.1, 0.998 spacing 0.01, 0.01 set nokey set xrange [-25:315] set arrow 1 from 17.26,graph 0 to 17.26,graph 1 nohead lw 4 lc rgb cc2 set format x "" set xtics 0, 100, 300 offset 0,0.5 set mxtics 2 set ylabel '\footnotesize $\lambda / \mathrm{GPa}$' offset 4.5 set format y '\tiny $%.1f$' set format y2 '\tiny $%.1f$' set yrange [217.5:220.75] set ytics 218,1,220 offset 0.5 set title '\footnotesize (a) $\lambda^{(11)}_{\mathrm{A_{1\mathrm g}}}$' offset -1,-6 plot "data/c11pc12.dat" using 1:(100 * $2) with lines lw 3 lc rgb cc3 set ylabel '' set format y2 '\tiny $%1.f$' set yrange [306:317] set y2tics 308,2,316 offset -0.5 mirror set title '\footnotesize (b) $\lambda^{(22)}_{\mathrm{A_{1\mathrm g}}}$' offset -1,-6 plot "data/c33.dat" using 1:(100 * $2) with lines lw 3 lc rgb cc3 set format y2 '\tiny $%.1f$' set ylabel '\footnotesize $\lambda / \mathrm{GPa}$' set yrange [112.6:114] set ytics 112.8,0.3,113.9 offset 0.5 set title '\footnotesize (d) $\lambda^{(12)}_{\mathrm{A_{1\mathrm g}}}$' offset -1,-6 plot "data/c13.dat" using 1:(100 * $2) with lines lw 3 lc rgb cc3 set ylabel '' set yrange [65.05:65.7] set y2tics 62.1,0.1,65.6 offset -0.5 mirror set title '\footnotesize (c) $\lambda^{(11)}_{\mathrm{B_{1\mathrm g}}}$' offset -1,-6 plot "data/c11mc12.dat" using 1:(100 * $2) with lines lw 3 lc rgb cc3 set format x '\tiny $%.0f$' set ylabel '\footnotesize $\lambda / \mathrm{GPa}$' set xlabel '\footnotesize $T / \mathrm K$' offset 0,1 set yrange [140:145] set ytics 141,1,144 offset 0.5 set title '\footnotesize (e) $\lambda^{(11)}_{\mathrm{B_{2\mathrm g}}}$' offset -1,-6 plot "data/c66.dat" using 1:(100 * $2) with lines lw 3 lc rgb cc3 set ylabel '' set format y2 '\tiny $%1.f$' set yrange [101:106] set y2tics 102,1,105 offset -0.5 mirror set title '\footnotesize (f) $\lambda^{(11)}_{\mathrm{E_{\mathrm g}}}$' offset -1,-6 plot "data/c44.dat" using 1:(100 * $2) with lines lw 3 lc rgb cc3