# colors cc1 = "#5e81b5" cc2 = "#e19c24" cc2l = "#f9ebd3" cc3 = "#1a85ff" cc4 = "#d41159" Tc = 17.26 a1 = 71.1212 b1 = 0.0104105 c1 = 0.00378087 d1 = 6.2662 C10(T) = a1 - b1 * T C1(T) = C10(T) / (1 + d1 / (1 + c1 * abs(T - Tc)) / C10(T)) a2 = 144.345 b2 = 0.019492 c2 = 120.462 C20(T) = a2 - b2 * T**2 / (c2 + T) set terminal epslatex size 8.68cm, 6.7cm standalone header \ '\usepackage{xcolor}\definecolor{mathc3}{HTML}{1a85ff}\definecolor{mathc4}{HTML}{d41159}' set output "fig-stiffnesses.tex" set multiplot layout 2, 2 margins 0.1, 0.88, 0.125, 0.99 spacing 0.01, 0.01 set nokey set mxtics 2 set mx2tics 2 set mytics 2 set my2tics 2 set format y '\tiny $%1.f$' set format y2 '\tiny $%.1f$' set format x '\tiny $%.0f$' #set format x2 '\tiny $%.0f$' set format x2 '' set style rect back fc rgb cc2l set object 1 rect from 0,0 to Tc,200 set border lw 2 front set tics front set arrow 1 from Tc,graph 0 to Tc,graph 1 nohead lw 5 lc rgb cc2 unset xtics set x2tics 50, 50, 250 offset 0,-0.5 mirror #set x2label '\tiny $T / \mathrm K$' offset 0,-1.0 set xrange [0:300] set title '(a)' offset 5,-2.7 set ylabel '\scriptsize $C_{\mathrm{B_{2\mathrm g}}} / \mathrm{GPa}$' offset 3.5 set yrange [140:145] set ytics 141,1,144 offset 0.5 mirror plot "data/c66.dat" using 1:(100 * $2) with lines lw 3 lc rgb cc3, \ C20(x) dt 3 lw 4 lc rgb cc4 set title '(b)' offset 5,-2.7 unset ylabel set y2label '\scriptsize $C_{\mathrm{B_{1\mathrm g}}} / \mathrm{GPa}$' offset -5 rotate by -90 set yrange [65.05:65.7] set y2tics 62.1,0.1,65.6 offset -0.5 mirror plot "data/c11mc12.dat" using 1:(100 * $2) with lines lw 3 lc rgb cc3, \ C1(x) dt 3 lw 4 lc rgb cc4 unset x2label unset x2tics set title '(c)' offset 5,-2.7 set xlabel '\scriptsize $T / \mathrm K$\\~' offset 0,0.78 set xtics 50, 50, 250 offset 0,0.5 mirror unset y2tics set ytics 63,1,72 unset y2label set ylabel '\scriptsize $\textcolor{mathc3}{C_{\mathrm{B_{1\mathrm g}}}},\textcolor{mathc4}{C_{\mathrm{B_{1\mathrm g}}}^0} / \mathrm{GPa}$' offset 3 set yrange [64.5:71.5] plot "data/c11mc12.dat" using 1:(100 * $2) with lines lw 3 lc rgb cc3, \ C10(x) dt 3 lw 4 lc rgb cc4 set ylabel '' set y2label '\scriptsize $[C^0(C^0/C - 1)]^{-1} / \mathrm{GPa}^{-1}$' offset -5.5 rotate by -90 set title '(d)' offset 5,-2.7 set format y2 '\tiny $%0.2f$' set format y '\tiny $%0.2f$' set yrange [0.12:0.38] set y2tics 0.15,0.05,0.39 offset -0.7 mirror plot "data/c11mc12.dat" using 1:(1 / (C10($1)*(C10($1) / (100 * $2) - 1))) with lines lw 3 lc rgb cc3, \ 1/(C10(x) * (C10(x) / C1(x) - 1)) dt 3 lw 4 lc rgb cc4