% =========================================================================
% SciPost LaTeX template
% Version 2021-08
% Submissions to SciPost Journals should make use of this template.
% INSTRUCTIONS: simply look for the `TODO:' tokens and adapt your file.
% You can also make use of our empty "skeleton" templates for each Journal,
% e.g. SciPostPhys_skeleton.tex
% =========================================================================

% TODO: uncomment ONE of the class declarations below

% Class declaration format: \documentclass[submission, {DOI label of journal}]{SciPost}
% where the DOI label of the journal should be one of:
% Phys          (for SciPost Physics)
% PhysCore      (for SciPost Physics Core)
% PhysLectNotes (for SciPost Physics Lecture Notes)
% PhysProc      (for SciPost Physics Proceedings -> !! Please use the conference-specific template which you will find on our website !!
% PhysCodeb     (for SciPost Physics Codebases)
% Astro         (for SciPost Astronomy)
% Bio           (for SciPost Biology)
% Chem          (for SciPost Chemistry)
% CompSci       (for SciPost Computer Science)
% Math          (for SciPost Mathematics)

% If you are submitting a paper to SciPost Physics: uncomment next line
\documentclass[submission, Phys]{SciPost}
% If you are submitting a paper to SciPost Physics Core: uncomment next line
%\documentclass[submission, PhysCore]{SciPost}
% If you are submitting a paper to SciPost Physics Lecture Notes: uncomment next line
%\documentclass[submission, PhysLectNotes]{SciPost}
% If you are submitting a paper to SciPost Physics Proceedings: uncomment next line
%\documentclass[submission, PhysProc]{SciPost}
% If you are submitting a paper to SciPost Physics Codebases: uncomment next line
%\documentclass[submission, PhysCodeb]{SciPost}

% If you are submitting a paper to SciPost Astronomy: uncomment next line
% \documentclass[submission, Astro]{SciPost}

% If you are submitting a paper to SciPost Biology: uncomment next line
% \documentclass[submission, Bio]{SciPost}

% If you are submitting a paper to SciPost Chemistry: uncomment next line
% \documentclass[submission, Chem]{SciPost}

% If you are submitting a paper to SciPost Computer Science: uncomment next line
% \documentclass[submission, CompSci]{SciPost}

% If you are submitting a paper to SciPost Mathematics: uncomment next line
% \documentclass[submission, Math]{SciPost}

% Prevent all line breaks in inline equations.



% Fix \cal and \mathcal characters look (so it's not the same as \mathscr)


% TODO: write your article's title here.
% The article title is centered, Large boldface, and should fit in two lines
\begin{center}{\Large \textbf{
Article Title, as descriptive as possible, ideally fitting in two lines (approximately 150 characters) or less\\

% TODO: write the author list here. Use first name (+ other initials) + surname format.
% Separate subsequent authors by a comma, omit comma and use "and" for the last author.
% Mark the corresponding author with a superscript star.
Dee E. Faa\textsuperscript{1},
Aah B. Cee\textsuperscript{2} and
Gee K. See\textsuperscript{3$\star$}

% TODO: write all affiliations here.
% Format: institute, city, country
{\bf 1} Affiliation1
{\bf 2} Affiliation2
{\bf 3} Affiliation2
% TODO: provide email address of corresponding author
${}^\star$ {\small \sf CorrespondingAuthor@email.address}


% For convenience during refereeing (optional),
% you can turn on line numbers by uncommenting the next line:
% You should run LaTeX twice in order for the line numbers to appear.

% TODO: write your abstract here.
The abstract is in boldface, and should fit in 8 lines.
It should be written in a clear and accessible style, emphasizing the context, the problem(s) studied, the methods used, the results obtained, the conclusions reached, and the outlook. You can add a table contents, recommended if your paper is more than 6 pages long.

% TODO: include a table of contents (optional)
% Guideline: if your paper is longer that 6 pages, include a TOC
% To remove the TOC, simply cut the following block

% TODO: write your article here.
The stage is yours. Write your article here.
The bulk of the paper should be clearly divided into sections with short descriptive titles, including an introduction and a conclusion.

\section{A Section}
Use sections to structure your article's presentation.

Equations should be centered; multi-line equations should be aligned.
H = \sum_{j=1}^N \left[J (S^x_j S^x_{j+1} + S^y_j S^y_{j+1} + \Delta S^z_j S^z_{j+1}) - h S^z_j \right].

In the list of references, cited papers \cite{1931_Bethe_ZP_71} should include authors, title, journal reference (journal name, volume number (in bold), start page) and most importantly a DOI link. For a preprint \cite{arXiv:1108.2700}, please include authors, title (please ensure proper capitalization) and arXiv link. If you use BiBTeX with our style file, the right format will be automatically implemented.

All equations and references should be hyperlinked to ensure ease of navigation. This also holds for [sub]sections: readers should be able to easily jump to Section \ref{sec:another}.

\section{Another Section}
There is no strict length limitation, but the authors are strongly encouraged to keep contents to the strict minimum necessary for peers to reproduce the research described in the paper.

\subsection{A first subsection}
You are free to use dividers as you see fit.
\subsection{A note about figures}
Figures should only occupy the stricly necessary space, in any case individually fitting on a single page. Each figure item should be appropriately labeled and accompanied by a descriptive caption. {\bf SciPost does not accept creative or promotional figures or artist's impressions}; on the other hand, technical drawings and scientifically accurate representations are encouraged.

You must include a conclusion.

Acknowledgements should follow immediately after the conclusion.

% TODO: include author contributions
\paragraph{Author contributions}
This is optional. If desired, contributions should be succinctly described in a single short paragraph, using author initials.

% TODO: include funding information
\paragraph{Funding information}
Authors are required to provide funding information, including relevant agencies and grant numbers with linked author's initials. Correctly-provided data will be linked to funders listed in the \href{https://www.crossref.org/services/funder-registry/}{\sf Fundref registry}.


\section{First appendix}
Add material which is better left outside the main text in a series of Appendices labeled by capital letters.

\section{About references}
Your references should start with the comma-separated author list (initials + last name), the publication title in italics, the journal reference with volume in bold, start page number, publication year in parenthesis, completed by the DOI link (linking must be implemented before publication). If using BiBTeX, please use the style files provided  on \url{https://scipost.org/submissions/author_guidelines}. If you are using our \LaTeX template, simply add
at the end of your document. If you are not using our \LaTeX template, please still use our bibstyle as
in order to simplify the production of your paper.

% Provide your bibliography here. You have two options:

% FIRST OPTION - write your entries here directly, following the example below, including Author(s), Title, Journal Ref. with year in parentheses at the end, followed by the DOI number.
%\bibitem{1931_Bethe_ZP_71} H. A. Bethe, {\it Zur Theorie der Metalle. i. Eigenwerte und Eigenfunktionen der linearen Atomkette}, Zeit. f{\"u}r Phys. {\bf 71}, 205 (1931), \doi{10.1007\%2FBF01341708}.
%\bibitem{arXiv:1108.2700} P. Ginsparg, {\it It was twenty years ago today... }, \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/1108.2700}.

% Use your bibtex library
% \bibliographystyle{SciPost_bibstyle} % Include this style file here only if you are not using our template

