#include "cluster_finite.h" v_t flip_cluster_finite(state_finite_t *s, v_t v0, R_t rot_ind, gsl_rng *r) { q_t *rot = s->transformations + s->q * s->involutions[rot_ind]; q_t *R_inv = symmetric_invert(s->q, s->R); v_t nv = 0; ll_t *stack = NULL; // create a new stack stack_push(&stack, v0); // push the initial vertex to the stack bool *marks = (bool *)calloc(s->g->nv, sizeof(bool)); while (stack != NULL) { v_t v = stack_pop(&stack); if (!marks[v]) { q_t s_old, s_new; q_t *R_new, *R_inv_new; bool external_flipped; marks[v] = true; if (v == s->g->nv - 1) { R_new = symmetric_compose(s->q, rot, s->R); R_inv_new = symmetric_invert(s->q, R_new); external_flipped = true; } else { s_old = s->spins[v]; s_new = symmetric_act(rot, s_old); external_flipped = false; } v_t nn = s->g->v_i[v + 1] - s->g->v_i[v]; for (v_t i = 0; i < nn; i++) { q_t sn, non_ghost; double prob; bool external_neighbor = false; v_t vn = s->g->v_adj[s->g->v_i[v] + i]; if (vn == s->g->nv - 1) { external_neighbor = true; non_ghost = v; } else { sn = s->spins[vn]; non_ghost = vn; } if (external_flipped || external_neighbor) { q_t rot_s_old, rot_s_new; if (external_neighbor) { rot_s_old = symmetric_act(R_inv, s_old); rot_s_new = symmetric_act(R_inv, s_new); } else { rot_s_old = symmetric_act(R_inv, sn); rot_s_new = symmetric_act(R_inv_new, sn); } prob = s->H_probs[rot_s_new * s->q + rot_s_old]; s->M[rot_s_old]--; s->M[rot_s_new]++; for (D_t i = 0; i < s->D; i++) { L_t x = (non_ghost / (v_t)pow(s->L, s->D - i - 1)) % s->L; s->ReF[s->D * i + rot_s_old] -= s->precomputed_cos[i]; s->ReF[s->D * i + rot_s_new] += s->precomputed_cos[i]; s->ImF[s->D * i + rot_s_old] -= s->precomputed_sin[i]; s->ImF[s->D * i + rot_s_new] += s->precomputed_sin[i]; } } else { q_t diff_old = s->bond_with_zero_type[s->transformations[s->q * s->transform_site_to_zero[sn] + s_old]]; q_t diff_new = s->bond_with_zero_type[s->transformations[s->q * s->transform_site_to_zero[sn] + s_new]]; prob = s->J_probs[diff_new * s->n_bond_types + diff_old]; s->B[diff_old]--; s->B[diff_new]++; } if (gsl_rng_uniform(r) < prob) { // and with probability ps[e]... stack_push(&stack, vn); // push the neighboring vertex to the stack } } if (external_flipped) { free(s->R); free(R_inv); s->R = R_new; R_inv = R_inv_new; } else { s->spins[v] = s_new; } if (v != s->g->nv - 1) { // count the number of non-external sites that flip nv++; } } } free(marks); free(R_inv); return nv; }