#include "wolff.h" graph_t *graph_add_ext(const graph_t *g) { graph_t *h = (graph_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(graph_t)); h->nv = g->nv + 1; h->ne = g->ne + g->nv; h->ev = (uint32_t *)malloc(2 * h->ne * sizeof(uint32_t)); h->vei = (uint32_t *)malloc((h->nv + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)); h->ve = (uint32_t *) malloc(2 * h->ne * sizeof(uint32_t)); h->vx = (double *)malloc(2 * h->nv * sizeof(double)); h->bq = (bool *)malloc(h->nv * sizeof(bool)); memcpy(h->ev, g->ev, 2 * g->ne * sizeof(uint32_t)); memcpy(h->vx, g->vx, 2 * g->nv * sizeof(double)); memcpy(h->bq, g->bq, g->nv * sizeof(bool)); h->vx[2 * g->nv] = -1; h->vx[2 * g->nv + 1] = -0.5; h->bq[g->nv] = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < g->nv; i++) { h->ev[2 * g->ne + 2 * i] = i; h->ev[2 * g->ne + 2 * i + 1] = g->nv; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < g->nv; i++) { h->vei[i] = g->vei[i] + i; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < g->vei[i + 1] - g->vei[i]; j++) { h->ve[h->vei[i] + j] = g->ve[g->vei[i] + j]; } h->ve[h->vei[i] + g->vei[i + 1] - g->vei[i]] = g->ne + i; } h->vei[g->nv] = g->vei[g->nv] + g->nv; h->vei[g->nv + 1] = h->vei[g->nv] + g->nv; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < g->nv; i++) { h->ve[h->vei[g->nv] + i] = g->ne + i; } return h; } double get_hamiltonian(graph_t *g, double *coupling, bool *x) { double hamiltonian = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < g->ne; i++) { uint32_t v1, v2; v1 = g->ev[2 * i]; v2 = g->ev[2 * i + 1]; if (x[v1] == x[v2]) { hamiltonian -= coupling[i]; } else { hamiltonian += coupling[i]; } } return hamiltonian; } cluster_t *flip_cluster(const graph_t *g, const double *ps, double H, bool *x, gsl_rng *r) { uint32_t v0; int32_t n_h_bonds, n_bonds; bool x0; cluster_t *c; v0 = gsl_rng_uniform_int(r, g->nv); // pick a random vertex x0 = x[v0]; // record its orientation ll_t *stack = NULL; // create a new stack stack_push(&stack, v0); // push the initial vertex to the stack // initiate the data structure for returning flip information c = (cluster_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(cluster_t)); c->nv = 0; c->dH = 0; n_h_bonds = 0; n_bonds = 0; while (stack != NULL) { uint32_t v; uint32_t nn; v = stack_pop(&stack); nn = g->vei[v + 1] - g->vei[v]; if (x[v] == x0) { // if the vertex hasn't already been flipped x[v] = !x[v]; // flip the vertex for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nn; i++) { uint32_t e, v1, v2, vn; int32_t *bond_counter; e = g->ve[g->vei[v] + i]; // select the ith bond connected to site v1 = g->ev[2 * e]; v2 = g->ev[2 * e + 1]; vn = v == v1 ? v2 : v1; // distinguish neighboring site from site itself bond_counter = (v1 == g->nv - 1 || v2 == g->nv - 1) ? &n_h_bonds : &n_bonds; if (x[vn] == x0) { // if the neighboring site matches the flipping cluster... (*bond_counter)++; if (gsl_rng_uniform(r) < ps[e]) { // and with probability ps[e]... stack_push(&stack, vn); // push the neighboring vertex to the stack } } else { (*bond_counter)--; } } if (v != g->nv - 1) { c->nv++; } } } c->dH = n_bonds + H * n_h_bonds; if (x0) { c->nv = -c->nv; } return c; } double hh(double th) { return (th - pow(th, 3) / 1.16951) * (1 - 0.222389 * pow(th, 2) - 0.043547 * pow(th, 4) - 0.014809 * pow(th, 6) - 0.007168 * pow(th, 8)); } double *get_bond_probs(double T, double H, ising_state_t *s) { double p = 1 - exp(-2 / T); double q = 1 - exp(-2 * H / T); double *ps = (double *)malloc(s->g->ne * sizeof(double)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s->g->ne; i++) { uint32_t v1, v2; v1 = s->g->ev[2 * i]; v2 = s->g->ev[2 * i + 1]; if (v1 == s->g->nv - 1 || v2 == s->g->nv - 1) { ps[i] = q; } else { ps[i] = p; } } return ps; } int32_t wolff_step(double T, double H, ising_state_t *s, gsl_rng *r, double *ps) { if (r == NULL) { r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937); gsl_rng_set(r, jst_rand_seed()); } if (ps == NULL) { ps = get_bond_probs(T, H, s); } cluster_t *c = flip_cluster(s->g, ps, H, s->spins, r); s->M += 2 * c->nv; s->H += 2 * c->dH; int32_t n_flipped = c->nv; free(c); return n_flipped; }