#set terminal epslatex size 6.834, 2.81576 #set output "fig_clusters_ising2d.tex" set term pdf set output "test.pdf" set key autotitle columnhead cc1 = "#5e81b5" cc2 = "#e19c24" cc3 = "#8fb032" cc4 = "#eb6235" cc5 = "#8778b3" cc6 = "#c56e1a" cc7 = "#5d9ec7" set palette model RGB defined ( 8 cc1, 16 cc2, 32 cc3, 64 cc4, 128 cc5, 256 cc6 , 512 cc7 ) unset colorbox set nokey set format x '$10^{%T}$' set logscale xy set ylabel '$\avg{s_{\text{\sc 1c}}}L^{-\gamma/\nu}$' set xlabel '$hL^{\beta\delta/\nu}$' data3Potts2D = "data/correlation-times/potts-3.dat" unset xlabel unset ylabel beta3Potts2D = 1.0 / 9.0 nu3Potts2D = 5.0 / 6.0 delta3Potts2D = 14.0 gamma3Potts2D = 13.0 / 9.0 z3Potts2D = 0.55 plot data3Potts2D using (column("H")/column("T") * exp(log(column("L")) * beta3Potts2D * delta3Potts2D / nu3Potts2D)):(column("t") * column("S") * exp(-log(column("L")) * (z3Potts2D + 2))):(sqrt((column("dt")/column("t"))**2 + (column("dS")/column("S"))**2) * column("t") * column("S") * exp(-log(column("L")) * (z3Potts2D + 2))):1 with yerrorbars pt 0 lw 2 palette,\ data3Potts2D using (column("H")/column("T") * exp(log(column("L")) * beta3Potts2D * delta3Potts2D / nu3Potts2D)):(column("t") * column("S") * exp(-log(column("L")) * (z3Potts2D + 2))):1 with lines palette