set term epslatex size 3.417, 2.3 set output "fig_generator-times.tex" set logscale xy dataPlanarUni = "data/correlation-times/planar-uni.dat" dataPlanarPert = "data/correlation-times/planar-pert.dat" set nokey set size ratio 1 / 1.61803398875 set tmargin 0.01 set rmargin 0.05 set lmargin 5.5 set xlabel '$|H|$' set ylabel "$\\avg{s_{\\text{\\sc 1c}}}\\tau$" offset 2, 0 set xrange [0.00000008:3000] set yrange [40:3000] set format x '$10^{%T}$' plot dataPlanarUni using (column("H")):((column("L") == 32 ? column("t") : 1/0) * column("S") * exp(-log(column("L")) * (2))):(sqrt((column("dt")/column("t"))**2 + (column("dS")/column("S"))**2) * column("S") * exp(-log(column("L")) * (2))) with yerrorbars pt 0 lw 2 lc rgb "red",\ dataPlanarUni using (column("H")):((column("L") == 32 ? column("t") : 1/0) * column("S") * exp(-log(column("L")) * (2))) with lines lc rgb "red",\ dataPlanarPert using (column("H")):((column("L") == 32 ? column("t") : 1/0) * column("S") * exp(-log(column("L")) * (2))):(sqrt((column("dt")/column("t"))**2 + (column("dS")/column("S"))**2) * column("t") * column("S") * exp(-log(column("L")) * (2))) with yerrorbars pt 0 lw 2 lc rgb "green",\ dataPlanarPert using (column("H")):((column("L") == 32 ? column("t") : 1/0) * column("S") * exp(-log(column("L")) * (2))) with lines lc rgb "green"