set terminal epslatex size 3.417, 4.8 set output "fig_harmonic-susceptibilities.tex" data4 = "data/harmonic-susceptibilities/order-4.dat" data6 = "data/harmonic-susceptibilities/order-6.dat" set palette defined (0 'blue', 0.33 'green', 0.66 'yellow', 1 'red') stats data6 using "H" set cbrange[STATS_min:STATS_max] set logscale xycb set nokey set xrange [3:5000] set yrange [0.005:20000] unset colorbox set multiplot layout 2,1 margins 0.15, 0.99, 0.1, 0.88 spacing 0,0 set size ratio 1 / 1.61803398875 unset xlabel set ylabel '$\chi$' offset 3 set format x '' plot data4 using "L":"X":"dX":"H" with yerrorbars pt 0 lw 2 palette,\ data4 using "L":"X":"H" with lines palette set xlabel '$L$' set colorbox horizontal user origin 0.15, 0.89 size 0.84, 0.03 set cblabel '(Top) $h_4$ or (bottom) $h_6$' offset 0,6.5 set cbtics format '$10^{%T}$' offset 0,2.8 set format x plot data6 using "L":"X":"dX":"H" with yerrorbars pt 0 lw 2 palette,\ data6 using "L":"X":"H" with lines palette