path: root/lib/src/problem.cpp
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authorJaron Kent-Dobias <>2019-05-27 22:26:21 -0400
committerJaron Kent-Dobias <>2019-05-27 22:26:21 -0400
commitae6ad8569615d81fd4b4a8f13318c8f90a768a37 (patch)
treee8580c1fb0c4112cebc4a2caf2b661b2af853bbb /lib/src/problem.cpp
parent1e939e597964fa081b347e40af2be1069867b906 (diff)
refactored much of the fracture library and fixed some percolation measurements
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/src/problem.cpp')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/src/problem.cpp b/lib/src/problem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f66a35c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/problem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#include "problem.hpp"
+class nanException: public std::exception
+ virtual const char* what() const throw()
+ {
+ return "The linear problem returned NaN.";
+ }
+} nanex;
+problem::problem(const graph& G, unsigned axis, cholmod_sparse *vcmat, cholmod_common *c) : G(G), axis(axis), voltcurmat(vcmat), c(c) {
+ b = CHOL_F(zeros)(G.vertices.size(), 1, CHOLMOD_REAL, c);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < G.edges.size(); i++) {
+ graph::coordinate v0 = G.vertices[G.edges[i].v[0]].r;
+ graph::coordinate v1 = G.vertices[G.edges[i].v[1]].r;
+ if (G.edges[i].crossings[axis]) {
+ bool ind;
+ if (axis == 1) {
+ ind = v0.y < v1.y ? 0 : 1;
+ } else {
+ ind = v0.x < v1.x ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ ((double *)b->x)[G.edges[i].v[ind]] += 1.0;
+ ((double *)b->x)[G.edges[i].v[!ind]] -= 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned nnz = G.vertices.size() + G.edges.size();
+ cholmod_triplet *t = CHOL_F(allocate_triplet)(G.vertices.size(), G.vertices.size(), nnz, 1, CHOLMOD_REAL, c);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < G.vertices.size(); i++) {
+ ((CHOL_INT *)t->i)[i] = i;
+ ((CHOL_INT *)t->j)[i] = i;
+ ((double *)t->x)[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ unsigned terms = G.vertices.size();
+ std::unordered_map<std::array<unsigned, 2>, unsigned> known_edges;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < G.edges.size(); i++) {
+ unsigned v0 = G.edges[i].v[0];
+ unsigned v1 = G.edges[i].v[1];
+ ((double *)t->x)[v0]++;
+ ((double *)t->x)[v1]++;
+ unsigned s0 = v0 < v1 ? v0 : v1;
+ unsigned s1 = v0 < v1 ? v1 : v0;
+ auto it = known_edges.find({s0, s1});
+ if (it == known_edges.end()) {
+ ((CHOL_INT *)t->i)[terms] = s1;
+ ((CHOL_INT *)t->j)[terms] = s0;
+ ((double *)t->x)[terms] = -1.0;
+ known_edges[{s0, s1}] = terms;
+ terms++;
+ } else {
+ ((double *)t->x)[it->second] -= 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ ((double *)t->x)[0]++;
+ t->nnz = terms;
+ cholmod_sparse *laplacian = CHOL_F(triplet_to_sparse)(t, terms, c);
+ CHOL_F(free_triplet)(&t, c);
+ factor = CHOL_F(analyze)(laplacian, c);
+ CHOL_F(factorize)(laplacian, factor, c);
+ CHOL_F(free_sparse)(&laplacian, c);
+problem::problem(const graph& G, unsigned axis, cholmod_common *c) : problem(G, axis, NULL, c) {
+ cholmod_triplet *t = CHOL_F(allocate_triplet)(G.edges.size(), G.vertices.size(), 2 * G.edges.size(), 0, CHOLMOD_REAL, c);
+ t->nnz = 2 * G.edges.size();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < G.edges.size(); i++) {
+ ((CHOL_INT *)t->i)[2 * i] = i;
+ ((CHOL_INT *)t->j)[2 * i] = G.edges[i].v[0];
+ ((double *)t->x)[2 * i] = 1.0;
+ ((CHOL_INT *)t->i)[2 * i + 1] = i;
+ ((CHOL_INT *)t->j)[2 * i + 1] = G.edges[i].v[1];
+ ((double *)t->x)[2 * i + 1] = -1.0;
+ }
+ voltcurmat = CHOL_F(triplet_to_sparse)(t, 2 * G.edges.size(), c);
+ CHOL_F(free_triplet)(&t, c);
+problem::problem(const problem& other) : G(other.G), axis(other.axis), c(other.c) {
+ b = CHOL_F(copy_dense)(other.b, c);
+ factor = CHOL_F(copy_factor)(other.factor, c);
+ voltcurmat = CHOL_F(copy_sparse)(other.voltcurmat, c);
+problem::~problem() {
+ CHOL_F(free_dense)(&b, c);
+ CHOL_F(free_factor)(&factor, c);
+ CHOL_F(free_sparse)(&voltcurmat, c);
+current_info problem::solve(std::vector<bool>& fuses) {
+ cholmod_dense *x = CHOL_F(solve)(CHOLMOD_A, factor, b, c);
+ if (((double *)x->x)[0] != ((double *)x->x)[0]) {
+ throw nanex;
+ }
+ cholmod_dense *y = CHOL_F(allocate_dense)(G.edges.size(), 1, G.edges.size(), CHOLMOD_REAL, c);
+ double alpha[2] = {1, 0};
+ double beta[2] = {0, 0};
+ CHOL_F(sdmult)(voltcurmat, 0, alpha, beta, x, y, c);
+ std::vector<double> currents(G.edges.size());
+ std::array<double, 2> total_current = {0, 0};
+ for (int i = 0; i < G.edges.size(); i++) {
+ if (fuses[i]) {
+ currents[i] = 0;
+ } else {
+ currents[i] = ((double *)y->x)[i];
+ graph::coordinate v0 = G.vertices[G.edges[i].v[0]].r;
+ graph::coordinate v1 = G.vertices[G.edges[i].v[1]].r;
+ if (G.edges[i].crossings[axis]) {
+ bool comp;
+ if (axis == 1) {
+ comp = v0.y > v1.y;
+ } else {
+ comp = v0.x > v1.x;
+ }
+ if (comp) {
+ currents[i] += 1.0;
+ total_current[axis] += currents[i];
+ } else {
+ currents[i] -= 1.0;
+ total_current[axis] -= currents[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ total_current[!axis] = 0.0;
+ CHOL_F(free_dense)(&x, c);
+ CHOL_F(free_dense)(&y, c);
+ return {total_current, currents};
+void problem::break_edge(unsigned e, bool unbreak) {
+ unsigned v0 = G.edges[e].v[0];
+ unsigned v1 = G.edges[e].v[1];
+ unsigned n = factor->n;
+ cholmod_sparse *update_mat = CHOL_F(allocate_sparse)(n, n, 2, true, true, 0, CHOLMOD_REAL, c);
+ unsigned s1, s2;
+ s1 = v0 < v1 ? v0 : v1;
+ s2 = v0 < v1 ? v1 : v0;
+ CHOL_INT *pp = (CHOL_INT *)update_mat->p;
+ CHOL_INT *ii = (CHOL_INT *)update_mat->i;
+ double *xx = (double *)update_mat->x;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i <= s1; i++) {
+ pp[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = s1 + 1; i <= n; i++) {
+ pp[i] = 2;
+ }
+ ii[0] = s1;
+ ii[1] = s2;
+ xx[0] = 1;
+ xx[1] = -1;
+ cholmod_sparse *perm_update_mat = CHOL_F(submatrix)(
+ update_mat, (CHOL_INT *)factor->Perm, factor->n, NULL, -1, true, true, c);
+ CHOL_F(updown)(unbreak, perm_update_mat, factor, c);
+ CHOL_F(free_sparse)(&perm_update_mat, c);
+ CHOL_F(free_sparse)(&update_mat, c);
+ graph::coordinate r0 = G.vertices[v0].r;
+ graph::coordinate r1 = G.vertices[v1].r;
+ if (G.edges[e].crossings[axis]) {
+ bool ind;
+ if (axis == 1) {
+ ind = r0.y < r1.y ? unbreak : !unbreak;
+ } else {
+ ind = r0.x < r1.x ? unbreak : !unbreak;
+ }
+ ((double *)b->x)[G.edges[e].v[ind]] -= 1.0;
+ ((double *)b->x)[G.edges[e].v[!ind]] += 1.0;
+ }