path: root/CMakeLists.txt
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-04-24many changes to introduce two-component, elastic-like fractureJaron Kent-Dobias
2018-12-20added animation example, and did many fixes to the voronoi systemJaron Kent-Dobias
2018-11-14a lot of cleaning and simplificationJaron Kent-Dobias
2018-11-01revamped and simplied fracture code with c++Jaron Kent-Dobias
2018-07-31added support for measuring correlation functionsJaron Kent-Dobias
2017-06-22updated cmake file aganiJaron Kent-Dobias
2017-06-22updated cmake fileJaron Kent-Dobias
2017-06-07make the cmake file more sensibleJaron Kent-Dobias
2017-02-10fixed net_copy: wasn't copying the voltcurmatJaron Kent-Dobias
2017-02-10changed code to rely on jstJaron Kent-Dobias