path: root/blossom5-v2.05.src/misc.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'blossom5-v2.05.src/misc.cpp')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blossom5-v2.05.src/misc.cpp b/blossom5-v2.05.src/misc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bdfd3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blossom5-v2.05.src/misc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "PerfectMatching.h"
+#include "LCA.h"
+struct Node
+ PerfectMatching::REAL sum; // = twice_y[i] + twice_y[i->parent] + twice_y[i->parent->parent] + ...
+ Node* match;
+ Node* parent;
+ Node* child;
+ Node* sibling;
+ int lca_preorder;
+int CheckPerfectMatchingOptimality(int node_num, int edge_num, int* edges, int* weights, PerfectMatching* pm, PerfectMatching::REAL threshold)
+ int _i, _j, _e;
+ Node* i;
+ Node* j;
+ int blossom_num = pm->GetBlossomNum();
+ int* blossom_parents = new int[node_num+blossom_num];
+ PerfectMatching::REAL* twice_y = new PerfectMatching::REAL[node_num+blossom_num];
+ PerfectMatching::REAL y_blossom_min = 0;
+ PerfectMatching::REAL slack_min = 0;
+ PerfectMatching::REAL active_slack_max = 0;
+ // step 1 - read dual solution and construct tree
+ pm->GetDualSolution(blossom_parents, twice_y);
+ Node* nodes = new Node[node_num+blossom_num+1];
+ memset(nodes, 0, (node_num+blossom_num+1)*sizeof(Node));
+ Node* ROOT = nodes+node_num+blossom_num;
+ for (_i=0, i=nodes; _i<node_num+blossom_num; _i++, i++)
+ {
+ i->sum = twice_y[_i];
+ if (_i >= node_num && y_blossom_min > i->sum) y_blossom_min = i->sum;
+ if (blossom_parents[_i] >= 0)
+ {
+ if (blossom_parents[_i]<node_num || blossom_parents[_i]>=node_num+blossom_num)
+ {
+ delete [] nodes;
+ delete [] blossom_parents;
+ delete [] twice_y;
+ return 2;
+ }
+ i->parent = nodes + blossom_parents[_i];
+ i->sibling = i->parent->child;
+ i->parent->child = i;
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] blossom_parents;
+ delete [] twice_y;
+ for (i=nodes; i<nodes+node_num+blossom_num; i++)
+ {
+ if (!i->parent)
+ {
+ i->parent = ROOT;
+ i->sibling = ROOT->child;
+ ROOT->child = i;
+ }
+ }
+ LCATree* lca_tree = new LCATree(node_num+blossom_num+1);
+ Node** rev_mapping = new Node*[node_num+blossom_num];
+ i = ROOT;
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ if (i->child)
+ {
+ if (i < nodes+node_num) { delete [] nodes; delete lca_tree; delete [] rev_mapping; return 2; }
+ i->child->sum += i->sum;
+ i = i->child;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (i >= nodes+node_num) { delete [] nodes; delete lca_tree; delete [] rev_mapping; return 2; }
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ i->lca_preorder = lca_tree->Add(i, i->parent);
+ rev_mapping[i->lca_preorder] = i;
+ if (i->sibling) break;
+ i = i->parent;
+ if (i == ROOT)
+ {
+ i->lca_preorder = lca_tree->AddRoot(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == ROOT) break;
+ i = i->sibling;
+ i->sum += i->parent->sum;
+ }
+ }
+ int matched_num = 0;
+ for (_e=0; _e<edge_num; _e++)
+ {
+ _i = edges[2*_e];
+ _j = edges[2*_e+1];
+ if (_i<0 || _j<0 || _i>=node_num || _j>=node_num || _i==_j) { delete [] nodes; delete lca_tree; delete [] rev_mapping; return 2; }
+ int lca_i = nodes[_i].lca_preorder;
+ int lca_j = nodes[_j].lca_preorder;
+ lca_tree->GetPenultimateNodes(lca_i, lca_j);
+ i = rev_mapping[lca_i];
+ j = rev_mapping[lca_j];
+ PerfectMatching::REAL twice_slack = 2*weights[_e] - (nodes[_i].sum - i->parent->sum) - (nodes[_j].sum - j->parent->sum);
+ if (slack_min > twice_slack) slack_min = twice_slack;
+ if (pm->GetSolution(_e))
+ {
+ if (pm->GetMatch(_i)!=_j || pm->GetMatch(_j)!=_i || i->match || j->match) { delete [] nodes; delete lca_tree; delete [] rev_mapping; return 2; }
+ i->match = j;
+ j->match = i;
+ if (active_slack_max < twice_slack) active_slack_max = twice_slack;
+ matched_num += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] nodes;
+ delete lca_tree;
+ delete [] rev_mapping;
+ if (matched_num != node_num) return 2;
+ if (y_blossom_min < -threshold || slack_min < -threshold || active_slack_max > threshold)
+ {
+ printf("ERROR in CheckPerfectMatchingOptimality():\n");
+ if ( ((PerfectMatching::REAL)1 / 2) == 0 )
+ printf("\ty_blossom_min=%d\n\tslack_min=%d\n\tactive_slack_max=%d\n", (int)y_blossom_min, (int)slack_min, (int)active_slack_max);
+ else
+ printf("\ty_blossom_min=%.15f\n\tslack_min=%.15f\n\tactive_slack_max=%.15f\n", (double)y_blossom_min, (double)slack_min, (double)active_slack_max);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+double ComputePerfectMatchingCost(int node_num, int edge_num, int* edges, int* weights, PerfectMatching* pm)
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int e;
+ double cost = 0;
+ int* nodes = new int[node_num];
+ memset(nodes, 0, node_num*sizeof(int));
+ for (e=0; e<edge_num; e++)
+ {
+ if (pm->GetSolution(e))
+ {
+ i = edges[2*e];
+ j = edges[2*e+1];
+ nodes[i] ++;
+ nodes[j] ++;
+ cost += weights[e];
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<node_num; i++)
+ {
+ if (nodes[i] != 1)
+ {
+ printf("ComputeCost(): degree = %d!\n", nodes[i]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] nodes;
+ return cost;