path: root/01.07.hs
diff options
authorJaron Kent-Dobias <>2019-02-08 16:01:02 -0500
committerJaron Kent-Dobias <>2019-02-08 16:01:02 -0500
commitbdb9f22c1bf5821697561e96bb1913469d160d5f (patch)
tree716298451c3792f08ab00af32a6c24d9f98c7ddd /01.07.hs
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to '01.07.hs')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/01.07.hs b/01.07.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea6b7cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/01.07.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
+import System.Random
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List
+import Data.Tuple
+import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy
+import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
+import Data.Colour.Names
+import Diagrams.Prelude
+import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
+-- Network construction and properties --
+type Node = Int
+type Edge = (Node, Node)
+type Adjacency = [Node]
+type Network = [Adjacency]
+hasNode :: Node -> Network -> Bool
+hasNode v n = v < (length n)
+addNode :: Network -> Network
+addNode n = n <> [[]]
+addHalfedge :: Node -> Node -> Network -> Network
+addHalfedge v1 v2 n = (take v1 n) <> [(n !! v1) ++ [v2]] ++ (drop (v1 + 1) n)
+addEdge :: Edge -> Network -> Network
+addEdge (v1, v2) n = addHalfedge v1 v2 (addHalfedge v2 v1 n)
+getNodes :: Network -> [Node]
+getNodes n = [0..(length n - 1)]
+getEdges :: Network -> [Edge]
+getEdges n = foldr (<>) [] $ map (\i -> map (\j -> (fst i, j)) (snd i)) (zip (getNodes n) n)
+getNeighbors :: Network -> Node -> Adjacency
+getNeighbors n v = n !! v
+emptyNetwork :: Int -> Network
+emptyNetwork 0 = []
+emptyNetwork l = addNode (emptyNetwork (l - 1))
+-- | Take a network and add z short edges to each bond.
+addShortEdges :: Int -> Network -> Network
+addShortEdges 0 n = n
+addShortEdges 1 n = n
+addShortEdges z n = let
+ l = length n
+ addZEdge v = addEdge (v, mod (v + quot z 2) l)
+ in addShortEdges (z - 2) (foldr addZEdge n [0..(l - 1)])
+-- | Lists all possible long edges.
+possibleLongEdges l z = let
+ d = quot z 2 + 1
+ e v = (\u -> (v, mod (v + u) l)) <$> [d..(l - d)]
+ in foldr (<>) [] $ e <$> [0..(l - 1)]
+-- | Take a random element from a list, removing it from the list.
+randomChoice :: RandomGen g => State ([a], g) (Maybe a)
+randomChoice = get >>= (\(xs, g) -> if (length xs == 0) then (return Nothing) else (let (r, g2) = randomR (0, length xs - 1) g in (put ((take r xs) ++ (drop (r+1) xs), g2)) >> return (Just (xs !! r))))
+-- | Returns a list of randomly chosen values with no repeats.
+randomChoices :: RandomGen g => Int -> State ([a], g) [a]
+randomChoices n = state (\si ->
+ let (maybeVals, sf) = runState (sequence $ replicate n randomChoice) si
+ in (catMaybes maybeVals, sf)
+ )
+-- | Adds the appropriate number of long edges to a network.
+addLongEdges :: (RealFrac a, RandomGen g) => Int -> Int -> a -> Network -> State g Network
+addLongEdges l z p n = state (\g ->
+ let
+ nle = floor (p * fromIntegral (l * quot z 2))
+ (es, (_, g2)) = runState (randomChoices nle) (possibleLongEdges l z, g)
+ in (foldr addEdge n $ es, g2)
+ )
+constructNetwork :: (RealFrac a, RandomGen g) => Int -> Int -> a -> State g Network
+constructNetwork l z p = addLongEdges l z p $ addShortEdges z $ emptyNetwork l
+-- Finding shortest paths --
+pathLengths :: Network -> (Int, [Node], [Maybe Int]) -> (Int, [Node], [Maybe Int])
+pathLengths n (level, curNodes, knownDists) =
+ let
+ setVertexFound node dists =
+ if isNothing (head after)
+ then (before ++ [Just level] ++ (drop 1 after))
+ else dists
+ where (before, after) = splitAt node dists
+ newDists = foldr setVertexFound knownDists curNodes
+ in (level + 1, nub $ filter (\x -> isNothing (newDists !! x)) $ foldr (<>) [] $ getNeighbors n <$> curNodes, newDists)
+findPathLengthsFromNode :: Network -> Node -> [Int]
+findPathLengthsFromNode n v = catMaybes $ (\(_,_,d) -> d) $ head $ dropWhile (\(_,nodes,_) -> length nodes > 0) $ iterate (pathLengths n) (0, [v], replicate (length n) Nothing)
+findAllPathLengths :: Network -> [Int]
+findAllPathLengths n = foldr (<>) [] $ (findPathLengthsFromNode n) <$> getNodes n
+findAveragePathLength :: RealFrac a => Network -> a
+findAveragePathLength n = let xs = findAllPathLengths n in fromIntegral (sum xs) / fromIntegral (length xs)
+shortestPath f n i j 0 | i == j = 0
+ | elem (i, j) $ getEdges n = 1
+ | elem (j, i) $ getEdges n = 1
+ | otherwise = length n
+shortestPath f n i j k = min (f n i j (k - 1)) (f n i k (k - 1) + f n k j (k - 1))
+data NaturalTree a = NNode a (NaturalTree a) (NaturalTree a)
+NNode a tl tr !!! 0 = a
+NNode a tl tr !!! n =
+ if odd n
+ then tl !!! top
+ else tr !!! (top-1)
+ where top = n `div` 2
+instance Functor NaturalTree where
+ fmap f (NNode a tl tr) = NNode (f a) (fmap f tl) (fmap f tr)
+naturals r n =
+ NNode n
+ ((naturals $! r2) $! (n+r))
+ ((naturals $! r2) $! (n+r2))
+ where r2 = 2*r
+shortestPaths n =
+ let
+ nodes = getNodes n
+ memo = fmap (\y -> fmap (\z -> fmap z (naturals 1 0)) y) (fmap (\x -> fmap x (naturals 1 0)) (fmap (shortestPath shortestPath' n) (naturals 1 0)))
+ shortestPath' n a b c = memo !!! a !!! b !!! c
+ in
+ (\i j -> shortestPath' n i j (length n - 1)) <$> nodes <*> nodes
+-- Betweenness centrality --
+-- Drawing routines --
+drawNode :: Node -> Diagram B
+drawNode n = named n $ fc black $ circle 0.1
+drawEdge :: Edge -> (Diagram B -> Diagram B)
+drawEdge (n1, n2) = withName n1 $ \b1 -> withName n2 $ \b2 -> Diagrams.Prelude.atop ((location b1 ~~ location b2))
+drawNetwork :: Network -> Diagram B
+drawNetwork n = atPoints (trailVertices $ regPoly (length n) 1) (map drawNode $ getNodes n) Diagrams.Prelude.# applyAll (map drawEdge $ getEdges n)
+-- Plotting routines --
+lengthHistogram :: Colour Double -> [Int] -> EC (Layout Double Int) ()
+lengthHistogram color lengths = plot $ fmap histToPlot $ liftEC $ do
+ plot_hist_fill_style .= def {_fill_color = (withOpacity color 0.5)}
+ plot_hist_line_style .= def {_line_color = (withOpacity color 1.0)}
+ plot_hist_bins .= 20
+ plot_hist_values .= ((fromIntegral <$> lengths) :: [Double])
+ plot_hist_norm_func .= const id
+main = do
+ g1 <- newStdGen
+ g2 <- newStdGen
+ void $ renderableToFile (def { _fo_format = SVG}) "01.07.hist.svg" $ fillBackground def $ toRenderable $ do
+ lengthHistogram blue $ shortestPaths $ evalState (constructNetwork 200 2 0.02) g1
+ lengthHistogram red $ shortestPaths $ evalState (constructNetwork 200 2 0.20) g2
+-- mainWith (drawNetwork n)