path: root/01.06.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '01.06.hs')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/01.06.hs b/01.06.hs
index 7a92197..1ab017a 100644
--- a/01.06.hs
+++ b/01.06.hs
@@ -1,70 +1,96 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-import System.Random
-import Data.Random.Normal
import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Random.Normal
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra as Lin
+import System.Random
-import Control.Monad(void)
+import Control.Monad (void)
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
+import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Grid
-import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
-import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot.Histogram(defaultNormedPlotHist)
+import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot.Histogram (defaultNormedPlotHist)
instance Default (PlotHist x Double) where
- def = defaultNormedPlotHist
+ def = defaultNormedPlotHist
-- | Evaluates the Winger surmise.
ρWinger :: Floating t => t -> t
-ρWinger s = pi * s / 2 * exp(- pi * s^2 / 4)
+ρWinger s = pi * s / 2 * exp (-pi * s ^ 2 / 4)
-- | Computes the splitting of the center eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix.
eigenSplitting :: Herm Double -> Double
eigenSplitting m = e2 - e1
- where
- e = sortVector $ eigenvaluesSH m
- i = (Lin.size e) `quot` 2
- e1 = e Lin.! (i - 1)
- e2 = e Lin.! i
+ where
+ e = sortVector $ eigenvaluesSH m
+ i = (Lin.size e) `quot` 2
+ e1 = e Lin.! (i - 1)
+ e2 = e Lin.! i
-- | Produces random GOE matrices.
goeGen :: RandomGen g => Int -> State g (Herm Double)
-goeGen n = get >>= (\g -> let (g1, g2) = split g in
- (put g1) >> (return $ sym $ matrix n $ take (n^2) $ normals' (0.0, 2.0) g2))
+goeGen n =
+ get >>=
+ (\g ->
+ let (g1, g2) = split g
+ in (put g1) >> (return $ sym $ matrix n $ take (n ^ 2) $ normals' (0.0, 2.0) g2))
-- | Produces random ∓1 matrices.
pm1Gen :: RandomGen g => Int -> State g (Herm Double)
-pm1Gen n = state (\g -> let (m, g2) = runState (goeGen n) g in (trustSym $ cmap signum (unSym m), g2))
+pm1Gen n =
+ state
+ (\g ->
+ let (m, g2) = runState (goeGen n) g
+ in (trustSym $ cmap signum (unSym m), g2))
-- | Produces n eigenvalue splittings from the matrix ensemble m.
eigenSplittings :: RandomGen g => Int -> State g (Herm Double) -> State g [Double]
-eigenSplittings n m = state (\g -> let (mats, g2) = runState (sequence $ replicate n m) g in (eigenSplitting <$> mats, g2))
+eigenSplittings n m =
+ state
+ (\g ->
+ let (mats, g2) = runState (sequence $ replicate n m) g
+ in (eigenSplitting <$> mats, g2))
hsChart :: RandomGen g => g -> State g (Herm Double) -> Int -> Int -> String -> Layout Double Double
-hsChart g gen num bins tit = execEC $ do
- plot $ fmap histToPlot $ liftEC $ do
- plot_hist_title .= tit
- plot_hist_bins .= bins
- plot_hist_values .= scaledData
- plot_hist_range .= Just (0.0, 5.0)
- plot_hist_norm_func .= const (\x -> fromIntegral bins * fromIntegral x / fromIntegral num / 5.0)
- plot (line "ρ_Winger" [ [(s,ρWinger s) | s <- [0,0.005..5]] ])
+hsChart g gen num bins tit =
+ execEC $ do
+ plot $
+ fmap histToPlot $
+ liftEC $ do
+ plot_hist_title .= tit
+ plot_hist_bins .= bins
+ plot_hist_values .= scaledData
+ plot_hist_range .= Just (0.0, 5.0)
+ plot_hist_norm_func .=
+ const (\x -> fromIntegral bins * fromIntegral x / fromIntegral num / 5.0)
+ plot (line "ρ_Winger" [[(s, ρWinger s) | s <- [0,0.005 .. 5]]])
rawData = evalState (eigenSplittings num gen) g
mean = sum rawData / fromIntegral (length rawData)
scaledData = (\x -> x / mean) <$> rawData
-mkgrid g num bins = title `wideAbove` aboveN [ besideN [ layoutToGrid (hsChart g ((fst gen) n) num bins (snd gen Prelude.<> show n)) | gen <- gens] | n <- ns]
+mkgrid g num bins =
+ title `wideAbove`
+ aboveN
+ [ besideN
+ [layoutToGrid (hsChart g ((fst gen) n) num bins (snd gen Prelude.<> show n)) | gen <- gens]
+ | n <- ns
+ ]
gens = [(goeGen, "GOE, N = "), (pm1Gen, "±1, N = ")]
ns = [2, 4, 10]
- title = setPickFn nullPickFn $ label ls HTA_Centre VTA_Centre "Winger surmise compared with eigenvalue splitting of random matrices"
- ls = def { _font_size = 15, _font_weight = FontWeightBold }
+ title =
+ setPickFn nullPickFn $
+ label
+ ls
+ HTA_Centre
+ VTA_Centre
+ "Winger surmise compared with eigenvalue splitting of random matrices"
+ ls = def {_font_size = 15, _font_weight = FontWeightBold}
main = do
g <- newStdGen
- void $ renderableToFile (def { _fo_format = PDF}) "01.06.pdf" $ fillBackground def $ gridToRenderable $ mkgrid g 1000 50
+ void $
+ renderableToFile (def {_fo_format = PDF}) "01.06.pdf" $
+ fillBackground def $ gridToRenderable $ mkgrid g 1000 50