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authorJaron Kent-Dobias <>2020-12-14 14:47:05 +0100
committerJaron Kent-Dobias <>2020-12-14 14:47:05 +0100
commit677567fa5cf8f31b6c742a6b3b803a01b94fd62f (patch)
parent7bd62af5139354130f80e08e09726f1ef4ab5867 (diff)
Translated to LaTeX.
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/cv.tex b/cv.tex
index 48ca394..37cb408 100644
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+++ b/cv.tex
@@ -1,350 +1,359 @@
-% res.tex - A resume in plain TeX.
-% Created by Jaron Kent-Dobias on Sun Jun 16 05:49:36 PDT 2013.
-% Copyright (c) 2013 Jaron Kent-Dobias. All rights reserved.
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-% TeX logo definition snagged from Knuth's TeXbook.
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-% Page numbers, on a resume? Get outta here.
-% Title.
-\hbox to \hsize{\noindent\name Jaron \kern-2pt
- Kent-Dobias \hfill \vbox{\hsize=9.5pc \noindent\hfill\tt
-\href{}{}\vskip-1pt \hfill\rm\href{}{0x534fc3b63e48f730}}}
-\rm I work on explaining emergent collective behavior in statistical physics
-using renormalization group ideas and numeric experiments. Current work
-includes exploring the breadth of universality near first and infinite order
-transitions, scaling theories for disordered fracture, and developing more
-efficient simulations of lattice spin and continuous atomistic models.
-\noindent\tit Employment\dotfill{}
-\noindent\bf Postdoctoral researcher\hfill\sl October 2020 -- Present\break
-\rm Laboratoire de Physique de l'Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure, Paris
-\noindent\tit Education\dotfill{}
-\noindent\bf Doctor of Philosophy, Physics\hfill\sl June 2020\break
-\rm Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
-\item\bull Thesis: \href{}{\bf Novel critical phenomena} (\href{}{PDF}, \href{}{Poster PDF}, \href{}{Presentation PDF}).
-\noindent\bf Master of Science, Physics\hfill\sl February 2017\break
-\rm Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
-\item\bull Examination for Admission to Candidacy: \href{}{Q1 PDF}, \href{}{Q2 PDF}, \href{}{Q3 PDF}, \href{}{Presentation PDF}.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Bachelor of Science, Physics\hfill\sl May 2014\break
- \rm Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA
- \smallskip\rm
-\item\bull Total \sc gpa \rm of 3.779, major \sc gpa \rm of 4.000.
-\item\bull Graduated with high distinction and honors in physics.
-\item\bull Thesis: \href{}{\bf Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems} (\href{}{PDF}).
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf High School Diploma\hfill\sl May\ 2010\break
- \rm Skyline High School, Sammamish, WA
- \bigbreak
- \noindent\tit Publications\dotfill{}
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Glass phenomenology in the hard matrix model\rm, Junkai Dong, Veit Elser, Gaurav Gyawali, Kai Yen Jee, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Avinash Mandaiya, Megan Renz \& Yubo Su, \href{}{arXiv:1912.07558 \tt [cond-mat.stat-mech]}\rm, submitted.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Essential singularities in universal scaling functions at the
- Ising coexistence line\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias \rm \& James P Sethna,
- \href{}{arXiv:1707.03791 \tt
- [cond-mat.stat-mech]}\rm, under revision.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf\scriptfont0=\bfss\scriptfont1=\bfss Elastic properties of hidden order in URu$_{2}$Si$_{2}$ are reproduced by a staggered nematic\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Michael Matty \& B J Ramshaw, \href{}{Physical Review B \bf 102\rm, 075129 (2020)} (\href{}{PDF}) $\cdot$
- \href{}{arXiv:1910.01669 \tt [cond-mat.str-el]}\rm.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Visualizing probabilistic models in Minkowski space with intensive symmetrized Kullback-Leibler embedding\rm, Han Kheng Teoh, Katherine N Quinn, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Colin B Clement, Qingyang Xu \& James P Sethna, \href{}{Physical Review Research \bf 2\rm, 033221 (2020)} (\href{}{PDF}) $\cdot$ \href{}{arXiv:1912.06039 \tt [cond-mat.stat-mech]}\rm.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Normal form for renormalization groups\rm, Archishman Raju,
- Colin B Clement, Lorien X Hayden, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Danilo B Liarte, D Zeb
- Rocklin \& James P Sethna,
- \href{}{Physical Review X \bf 9\rm, 021014 (2019)} (\href{}{PDF}) $\cdot$
- \href{}{arXiv:1706.00137 \tt [cond-mat.stat-mech]}\rm.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Cluster representations and the Wolff algorithm in arbitrary external fields\rm,
- \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias \rm\& James P Sethna,
- \href{}{Physical Review E \bf 98\rm, 063306 (2018)} (\href{}{PDF}) $\cdot$
- \href{}{arXiv:1805.04019 \tt [cond-mat.stat-mech]}\rm.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Deformation of crystals: connections with statistical
- physics, \rm James P Sethna, Matthew K Bierbaum, Karin A Dahmen, Carl P
- Goodrich, Julia R Greer, Lorien X Hayden, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Edward D Lee,
- Danilo B Liarte, Xiaoyue Ni, Katherine N Quinn, Archishman Raju, D Zeb
- Rocklin, Ashivni Shekhawat \& Stefano Zapperi,
- \href{}{Annual Review of Materials
- Research 47, 217 (2017)} $\cdot$
- \href{}{arXiv:1609.05838 \tt
- [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]}\rm.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Energy driven pattern formation in planar
- dipole--dipole systems in the presence of weak noise, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias
- \rm \&
- Andrew J Bernoff,
- \href{}{Physical Review E
- \bf 91\rm, 032919 (2015)} (\href{}{PDF}) $\cdot$
- \href{}{arXiv:1406.3749 \tt [cond-mat.soft]}\rm.
- \medskip
- \noindent\rm {\bf Rock $\cdot$ Paper $\cdot$ Book}, Brendan Gillett, Anastasia
- Patterson, Lily Stewart, Gretchen Allen, Garrett Wong, Kate MacDonnell, Carrie
- Latimer, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Siyao Xie, Jay Jonsson, Jacob Bandes-Storch, Rob
- O'Neill, Jack Ma, Chelsea Carlson, Kitty Maryatt,
- \href{}{Scripps
- College Press (2013)}.
- \bigskip
- \noindent\tit Honors \& Awards\dotfill{}
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Finalist, LeRoy Apker Award\hfill\sl August 2014\break
- \rm American Physical Society
- \smallskip \rm
- \noindent An undergraduate physics achievement award
- to recognize outstanding achievements in physics by undergraduate students,
- and thereby provide encouragement to young physicists who have demonstrated
- great potential for future scientific accomplishment.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Thomas B Brown Memorial Award\hfill\sl May 2014\break
- \rm Department of Physics, Harvey Mudd College
- \smallskip\rm
- \noindent The Thomas B Brown Memorial award for senior research in physics is awarded
- for research results, originality in conception or in execution of research,
- diligence, and clarity of oral and written reports.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf The Chavin Prize\hfill\sl May 2014\break
- \rm Department of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College
- \smallskip\rm
- \noindent The Chavin Prize is awarded for outstanding senior theses in the
- mathematical sciences.
+ colorlinks=true,
+ urlcolor=purple,
+ filecolor=purple,
+ linkcolor=purple,
+ citecolor=purple
- \noindent\bf Cornell Graduate Fellowship\hfill \sl February 2014\break
- \rm Department of Physics, Cornell University
- \smallskip\rm
- \noindent The Graduate Fellowship is awarded upon admission to the students with the strongest academic and research records.
+ {\LARGE\titlebf{#1}}
+ \hfill\raisebox{0.5em}{\pgfornament[height=20pt]{#2}}
+ \\\rule\textwidth{1pt}
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+ \textbf{#1}\dotfill\textsl{#2}\\
+ #3
+ \rawentry{#1}{#2}{#3}
- \noindent\bf Eagle Scout\hfill\sl March 2008\break
- \rm Boy Scouts of America, Troop 636, Sammamish, WA
+ \rawentry{#1}{#2}{#3}
+ \vspace{-0.4em}
+ \begin{quote}
+ \end{quote}\smallskip
+ \textbf{#1},#2
- \noindent\bf Second Degree Black Belt\hfill\sl December\ 2008\break
- \rm True Martial Arts, Sammamish, WA
- \bigbreak
- \noindent\tit Teaching\dotfill{}
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Teaching Assistant\hfill\sl August 2014 -- May 2020\break
- \rm Physics Department, Cornell University
- \smallskip\rm
-\item\bull\bf Physics 1101 -- General Physics I
- \smallskip
-\itemitem\bullbull\rm Flipped classroom facilitation: Fall 2018.
- \smallskip\rm
-\item\bull\bf Physics 1112 -- Physics I: Mechanics \& Heat
- \smallskip
-\itemitem\bullbull\rm Recitation, Lab \& Grading: Spring 2015.
- \smallskip\rm
-\item\bull\bf Physics 1116 -- Physics I: Mechanics \& Special Relativity
- \smallskip
-\itemitem\bullbull\rm Recitation \& Lab: Falls 2014, 2017 \& 2019.
-\itemitem\bullbull\rm Grading: Falls 2014, 2017, 2019 \& Spring 2019.
- \medskip\rm
-\item\bull\bf Physics 6562 -- Statistical Physics I
- \smallskip
-\itemitem\bullbull\rm Flipped classroom facilitation: Springs 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 \& 2020.
-\itemitem\bullbull Grading: Springs 2017 \& 2019.
- \medskip\rm
-\item\bull\bf Physics 7653 -- Statistical Physics II
- \smallskip
-\itemitem\bullbull\rm Grading: Falls 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 \& 2019.
+\titlebf{\Huge Jaron Kent-Dobias}
+ \raggedleft
+ \texttt{\href{}{}}\\
+ \texttt{\href{}{0x534fc3b63e48f730}}
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Academic Excellence Facilitator\hfill\sl April 2012 -- May 2014\break
- \rm Academic Excellence Program, Harvey Mudd College
- \smallskip\rm
- \noindent Tutored students taking core courses in mechanics, electromagnetism, and
- special relativity. Worked closely with faculty to improve both tutoring and lecturing.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences
- \bf Lab Mentor\hfill\sl Spring 2012 -- Spring 2014\break
- \rm Department of Mathematics, Claremont Graduate University
- \smallskip\rm
- \noindent Provided support for \sc Matlab\rm,
- \sl Mathematica\rm, \LaTeX, and Python for students and faculty throughout the Claremont Consortium.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Grader\hfill\sl Spring 2012 -- Fall 2013\break
- \rm Department of Physics, Harvey Mudd College
- \smallskip\rm
-\item\bull\bf Physics 24 -- Mechanics\rm: Spring 2012
-\item\bull\bf Physics 111 -- Theoretical Mechanics\rm: Fall 2012
-\item\bull\bf Physics 161 -- Electromagnetic Fields\rm: Fall 2013
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Tutor\hfill\sl Spring 2013\break
- \rm Department of Physics, Harvey Mudd College
- \smallskip\rm
-\item\bull\bf Physics 18 -- Fundamentals of Mechanics\rm: Spring 2013
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Grader\hfill\sl Spring 2012 -- Spring 2014\break
- \rm Department of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College
- \smallskip\rm
-\item\bull\bf Math 45 -- Linear Algebra \& Differential Equations\rm: Spring 2012
-\item\bull\bf Math 115 -- Fourier Series \& Boundary Value Problems\rm: Spring 2014
- \bigbreak
- \noindent\tit Other Experience\dotfill{}
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Systems Administrator\hfill\sl May 2011 -- May 2014\break
- \rm Department of Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College
+ \centering
+ A physicist studying the statistical mechanics of classical critical and
+ disordered systems.
- \smallskip\rm
- \noindent Administered Linux and Mac OS servers and managed a network
- of codependent systems. Created and modified scripts written in Perl, Bash, and Python for
- a variety of system tasks. Designed, set up and administered a cluster for use by other
- researchers.
- \medskip
- \noindent\bf Systems Consultant\hfill\sl September 2010 -- May 2011\break
- \rm Department of Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College
- \smallskip\rm
- \noindent Wrote documentation and provided on-site user support for desktop
- and server systems. Led educational sessions on topics related to Unix
- administration and advanced usage.
- \bigbreak
- \noindent\tit Presentations\dotfill{}
+\entry{Postdoctoral researcher}{October 2020 -- Present}{Laboratoire de Physique de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris}
- \medskip\noindent\bf
- Cluster-flip colloidal and atomistic algorithms with background potentials\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm \& James P Sethna,
- \href{}{APS March Meeting 2020, B45.4} (Cancelled) (\href{}{PDF}).
- \medskip\noindent\bf
- Inconsistent static and dynamic scaling in disordered brittle fracture\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm\ \& James P Sethna, 122nd Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, Short Talks (December 2019).
+\begin{entryenv}{Doctor of Philosophy, Physics}{June 2020}{Cornell University, Ithaca, NY}
+ Thesis: \href{}{\textbf{Novel critical phenomena}} (\href{}{PDF}, \href{}{Poster PDF}, \href{}{Presentation PDF})
- \medskip\noindent\bf
- Rejection-free cluster Monte Carlo in arbitrary external fields\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm\ \& James P Sethna, \href{}{Statphys 27 (2019)} (\href{}{PDF}).
+\begin{entryenv}{Master of Science, Physics}{February 2017}{Cornell University, Ithaca, NY}
+ Examination for Admission to Candidacy: \href{}{Q1 PDF}, \href{}{Q2 PDF}, \href{}{Q3 PDF}, \href{}{Presentation PDF}
- \medskip\noindent\bf
- Scaling and spatial correlations in the quasibrittle process zone\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm\ \& James P Sethna, \href{}{APS March Meeting 2019, V56.11} (\href{}{PDF}).
+\begin{entryenv}{Bachelor of Science, Physics}{May 2014}{Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA}
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item Total GPA of 3.779, major GPA of 4.000
+ \item Graduated with high distinction and honors in physics
+ \item Thesis: \href{}{\textbf{Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems}} (\href{}{PDF})
+ \end{citemize}
- \medskip\noindent\bf
- Cluster representations and the Wolff algorithm in arbitrary external fields\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm\ \& James P Sethna, \href{}{120th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, Short Talks (December 2018)}.
+\entry{High School Diploma}{May 2010}{Skyline High School, Sammamish, WA}
- \medskip\noindent\bf
- An efficient cluster algorithm for the Ising model in an external field\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm\ \& James P Sethna, \href{}{APS March Meeting 2018, X48.11} (\href{}{HTML}).
- \medskip\noindent\bf
- Universal scaling and the essential singularity at the Ising first-order transition\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm\ \& James P Sethna, \href{}{APS March Meeting 2017, V15.5} (\href{}{PDF}).
- \medskip\noindent\bf
- Scaling theory of the process zone of quasibrittle materials: an avalanche crossover analysis\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Ashivni Shekhawat \& James P Sethna, \href{}{APS March Meeting 2016, A43.3} (\href{}{PDF}).
+\pub{Complex complex landscapes}{
+ \me\ \& Jorge Kurchan, \href{}{arXiv:2012.06299}
- \bigbreak
- \noindent\tit Posters\dotfill{}
+\pub{Glass phenomenology in the hard matrix model}{
+ Junkai Dong, Veit Elser, Gaurav Gyawali, Kai Yen Jee, \me, Avinash Mandaiya, Megan Renz \& Yubo Su,
+ \href{}{arXiv:1912.07558}
- \medskip\noindent\bf
- \scriptfont0=\bfss\scriptfont1=\bfss Elastic properties of hidden order in URu$_{2}$Si$_{2}$ are reproduced by a staggered nematic\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Michael Matty \& Brad Ramshaw,
- \href{}{APS March Meeting 2020, H71.63} (Cancelled) (\href{}{PDF}).
+\pub{Essential singularities in universal scaling functions at the Ising coexistence line}{
+ \me\ \& James P Sethna, \href{}{arXiv:1707.03791}
-Exploring the quasibrittle process zone with real-space RG\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, James P Sethna \& Ashivni Shekhawat, \href{}{Statphys 26 (2016)} (\href{}{PDF}).
+\pub{Elastic properties of hidden order in URu$_{\text2}$Si$_{\text2}$ are reproduced by a staggered nematic}{
+ \me, Michael Matty \& BJ Ramshaw,
+ \href{}{Physical Review B \textbf{102}, 075129 (2020)} (\href{}{PDF}) $\cdot$
+ \href{}{arXiv:1910.01669}
-Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems\rm, Andrew J Bernoff \& \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Harvey Mudd College 2014 Thesis Posters (\href{}{PDF}).
+\pub{Visualizing probabilistic models in Minkowski space with intensive symmetrized Kullback-Leibler embedding}{
+ Han Kheng Teoh, Katherine N Quinn, \me, Colin B Clement, Qingyang Xu \& James P Sethna,
+ \href{}{Physical Review Research \textbf 2, 033221 (2020)} (\href{}{PDF}) $\cdot$ \href{}{arXiv:1912.06039}
-Mapping the energy landscape of compact Langmuir domains\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Harvey Mudd College Summer 2013 Physics Research (\href{}{PDF}).
+\pub{Normal form for renormalization groups}{
+ Archishman Raju, Colin B Clement, Lorien X Hayden, \me, Danilo B Liarte, D Zeb Rocklin \& James P Sethna,
+ \href{}{Physical Review X \textbf 9, 021014 (2019)} (\href{}{PDF}) $\cdot$
+ \href{}{arXiv:1706.00137}
-Impurity expulsion in colloidal crystals\rm, \sl Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm\ \& Paul Jerger, Harvey Mudd College Summer 2012 Physics Research (\href{}{PDF}).
+\pub{Cluster representations and the Wolff algorithm in arbitrary external fields}{
+ \me\ \& James P Sethna,
+ \href{}{Physical Review E \textbf{98}, 063306 (2018)} (\href{}{PDF}) $\cdot$
+ \href{}{arXiv:1805.04019}
-\footline={\hfill\modif Modified 6 December 2020}
+\pub{Deformation of crystals: connections with statistical physics}{
+ James P Sethna, Matthew K Bierbaum, Karin A Dahmen, Carl P Goodrich, Julia R
+ Greer, Lorien X Hayden, \me, Edward D Lee, Danilo B Liarte, Xiaoyue Ni,
+ Katherine N Quinn, Archishman Raju, D Zeb Rocklin, Ashivni Shekhawat \& Stefano
+ Zapperi,
+ \href{}{Annual Review of Materials Research 47, 217 (2017)}
+ $\cdot$ \href{}{arXiv:1609.05838}
+\pub{Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems in the presence of weak noise}{
+ \me\ \& Andrew J Bernoff,
+ \href{}{Physical Review E
+ \textbf{91}, 032919 (2015)} (\href{}{PDF}) $\cdot$
+ \href{}{arXiv:1406.3749}
+\pub{Rock $\bullet$ Paper $\bullet$ Book}{
+ Brendan Gillett, Anastasia Patterson, Lily Stewart, Gretchen Allen, Garrett
+ Wong, Kate MacDonnell, Carrie Latimer, \me, Siyao Xie, Jay Jonsson, Jacob
+ Bandes-Storch, Rob O'Neill, Jack Ma, Chelsea Carlson, Kitty Maryatt,
+ \href{}{Scripps College Press (2013)}
+\csection{Honors \& Awards}{5}
+\begin{entryenv}{Finalist, LeRoy Apker Award}{August 2014}{American Physical Society}
+ An undergraduate physics achievement award to recognize outstanding
+ achievements in physics by undergraduate students, and thereby provide
+ encouragement to young physicists who have demonstrated great potential for
+ future scientific accomplishment.
+\begin{entryenv}{Thomas B Brown Memorial Award}{May 2014}{Department of Physics, Harvey Mudd College}
+ The Thomas B Brown Memorial award for senior research in physics is awarded
+ for research results, originality in conception or in execution of research,
+ diligence, and clarity of oral and written reports.
+\begin{entryenv}{The Chavin Prize}{May 2014}{Department of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College}
+ The Chavin Prize is awarded for outstanding senior theses in the
+ mathematical sciences.
+\begin{entryenv}{Cornell Graduate Fellowship}{February 2014}{Department of Physics, Cornell University}
+ The Graduate Fellowship is awarded upon admission to the students with the
+ strongest academic and research records.
+\entry{Eagle Scout}{March 2008}{Boy Scouts of America, Troop 636, Sammamish, WA}
+\entry{Second Degree Black Belt}{December 2008}{True Martial Arts, Sammamish, WA}
+\begin{entryenv}{Teaching Assistant}{August 2014 -- May 2020}{Physics Department, Cornell University}
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item \textbf{Physics 1101 (General Physics I)}
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item Flipped classroom facilitation: Fall 2018
+ \end{citemize}
+ \item \textbf{Physics 1112 (Physics I: Mechanics \& Heat)}
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item Recitation, Lab \& Grading: Spring 2015
+ \end{citemize}
+ \item \textbf{Physics 1116 (Physics I: Mechanics \& Special Relativity)}
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item Recitation \& Lab: Falls 2014, 2017 \& 2019
+ \item Grading: Falls 2014, 2017, 2019 \& Spring 2019
+ \end{citemize}
+ \item \textbf{Physics 6562 (Statistical Physics I)}
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item Flipped classroom facilitation: Springs 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 \& 2020
+ \item Grading: Springs 2017 \& 2019
+ \end{citemize}
+ \item \textbf{Physics 7653 (Statistical Physics II)}
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item Grading: Falls 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 \& 2019.
+ \end{citemize}
+ \end{citemize}
+\begin{entryenv}{Academic Excellence Facilitator}{April 2012 -- May 2014}{Academic Excellence Program, Harvey Mudd College}
+ Tutored students taking core courses in mechanics, electromagnetism, and
+ special relativity. Worked closely with faculty to improve both tutoring and
+ lecturing.
+\begin{entryenv}{Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences Lab Mentor}{Spring 2012 -- Spring 2014}{Department of Mathematics, Claremont Graduate University}
+ Provided support for \textsc{Matlab}, \textsl{Mathematica}, \LaTeX, and
+ Python for students and faculty throughout the Claremont Consortium.
+\begin{entryenv}{Grader}{Spring 2012 -- Fall 2013}{Department of Physics, Harvey Mudd College}
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item\textbf{Physics 24 (Mechanics)}: Spring 2012
+ \item\textbf{Physics 111 (Theoretical Mechanics)}: Fall 2012
+ \item\textbf{Physics 161 (Electromagnetic Fields)}: Fall 2013
+ \end{citemize}
+\entry{Physics 18 (Fundamentals of Mechanics) Tutor}{Spring 2013}{Department of Physics, Harvey Mudd College}
+\begin{entryenv}{Grader}{Spring 2012 -- Spring 2014}{Department of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College}
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item\textbf{Math 45 (Linear Algebra \& Differential Equations)}: Spring 2012
+ \item\textbf{Math 115 (Fourier Series \& Boundary Value Problems)}: Spring 2014
+ \end{citemize}
+\csection{Other Experience}{79}
+\begin{entryenv}{Systems Administrator}{May 2011 -- May 2014}{Department of Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College}
+ Administered Linux and Mac OS servers and managed a network of codependent
+ systems. Created and modified scripts written in Perl, Bash, and Python for a
+ variety of system tasks. Designed, set up and administered a cluster for use
+ by other researchers.
+\begin{entryenv}{Systems Consultant}{September 2010 -- May 2011}{Department of Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College}
+ Wrote documentation and provided on-site user support for desktop and server
+ systems. Led educational sessions on topics related to Unix administration
+ and advanced usage.
+\pub{Cluster-flip colloidal and atomistic algorithms with background potentials}{
+ \me\ \& James P Sethna,
+ \href{}{APS March Meeting 2020, B45.4} (Cancelled)
+ (\href{}{PDF})
+\pub{Inconsistent static and dynamic scaling in disordered brittle fracture}{
+ \me\ \& James P Sethna,
+ 122nd Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, Short Talks (December 2019)
+\pub{Rejection-free cluster Monte Carlo in arbitrary external fields}{
+ \me\ \& James P Sethna,
+ \href{}{Statphys 27 (2019)}
+ (\href{}{PDF})
+\pub{Scaling and spatial correlations in the quasibrittle process zone}{
+ \me\ \& James P Sethna,
+ \href{}{APS March Meeting 2019, V56.11}
+ (\href{}{PDF})
+\pub{Cluster representations and the Wolff algorithm in arbitrary external fields}{
+ \me\ \& James P Sethna,
+ \href{}{120th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, Short Talks (December 2018)}
+\pub{An efficient cluster algorithm for the Ising model in an external field}{
+ \me\ \& James P Sethna,
+ \href{}{APS March Meeting 2018, X48.11}
+ (\href{}{HTML})
+\pub{Universal scaling and the essential singularity at the Ising first-order transition}{
+ \me\ \& James P Sethna,
+ \href{}{APS March Meeting 2017, V15.5}
+ (\href{}{PDF})
+\pub{Scaling theory of the process zone of quasibrittle materials: an avalanche crossover analysis}{
+ \me, Ashivni Shekhawat \& James P Sethna,
+ \href{}{APS March Meeting 2016, A43.3}
+ (\href{}{PDF})
+\pub{Elastic properties of hidden order in URu$_{\text2}$Si$_{\text2}$ are reproduced by a staggered nematic}{
+ \me, Michael Matty \& Brad Ramshaw,
+ \href{}{APS March Meeting 2020, H71.63} (Cancelled)
+ (\href{}{PDF})
+\pub{Exploring the quasibrittle process zone with real-space RG}{
+ \me, James P Sethna \& Ashivni Shekhawat,
+ \href{}{Statphys 26 (2016)}
+ (\href{}{PDF})
+\pub{Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems}{
+ Andrew J Bernoff \& \me,
+ Harvey Mudd College 2014 Thesis Posters
+ (\href{}{PDF})
+\pub{Mapping the energy landscape of compact Langmuir domains}{
+ \me, Harvey Mudd College Summer 2013 Physics Research
+ (\href{}{PDF})
+\pub{Impurity expulsion in colloidal crystals}{
+ \me\ \& Paul Jerger,
+ Harvey Mudd College Summer 2012 Physics Research
+ (\href{}{PDF})
+\let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{Last modified \today. Get the latest version \href{}{here}.}