path: root/cv.tex
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authorJaron Kent-Dobias <>2018-07-29 14:14:55 -0400
committerJaron Kent-Dobias <>2018-07-29 14:14:55 -0400
commit7a59e8451f2ef3425e4fe11f720e7afe16540f3a (patch)
tree227478a8ca6300404ea7a03c0ca433884c1c43ad /cv.tex
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'cv.tex')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cv.tex b/cv.tex
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+% res.tex - A resume in plain TeX.
+% Created by Jaron Kent-Dobias on Sun Jun 16 05:49:36 PDT 2013.
+% Copyright (c) 2013 Jaron Kent-Dobias. All rights reserved.
+% TeX logo definition snagged from Knuth's TeXbook.
+\def\TeX{T\kern-.2em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.06em X}
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+% C++ logo with nicer pluses.
+\def\CC{{C\kern-.05em\lower-.5ex\hbox{\cpp +\kern-0.05em+}}}
+% The bullets used throughout.
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+% Page numbers, on a resume? Get outta here.
+% Title.
+\noindent\name Jaron \kern-2pt Kent-Dobias, \kern-3pt\occu physicist
+ \hfill\tt
+\noindent\tit Education \dotfill{}
+\noindent\bf PhD Candidate, Physics \rm --- Cornell University, Ithaca,
+NY.\hfill\it Expected 2019--2020
+\noindent\bf Master of Science, Physics \rm --- Cornell University, Ithaca,
+NY.\hfill\it Feburary 2017
+\noindent\bf Bachelor of Science, Physics \rm --- Harvey Mudd College (HMC),
+ Claremont, CA.\hfill\it May 2014
+\item\bull Total \sc gpa \rm of 3.779, major \sc gpa \rm of 4.000.
+ \smallskip
+\item\bull Graduated with high distinction and honors in physics.
+ \smallskip
+\item\bull Thesis: Energy driven pattern formation in planar dipole--dipole systems.
+\noindent\bf High School Diploma \rm --- Skyline High School,
+ Sammamish, WA.\hfill\it May\ 2010
+\noindent\tit Publications \dotfill{}
+\noindent\it Deformation of crystals: connections with statistical
+physics, \rm James P Sethna, Matthew K Bierbaum, Karin A Dahmen, Carl P
+Goodrich, Julia R Greer, Lorien X Hayden, \bf Jaron Kent-Dobias\rm, Edward D Lee,
+Danilo B Liarte, Xiaoyue Ni, Katherine N Quinn, Archishman Raju, D Zeb
+Rocklin, Ashivni Shekhawat \& Stefano Zapperi, Annual Review of Materials
+Research 47, 217 (2017) $\cdot$ \tt arXiv:1609.05838 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
+\noindent\it Energy driven pattern formation in planar
+dipole--dipole systems in the presence of weak noise, \bf Jaron Kent-Dobias
+\rm \&
+Andrew J Bernoff, Phys~Rev~E
+{\bf 91}, 032919 (2015) $\cdot$ arXiv:1406.3749 [cond-mat.soft].
+\noindent\rm ``\sc Rock $\cdot$ Paper $\cdot$ Book\rm,'' Scripps College Press under the direction
+of Kitty Maryatt.
+\noindent\tit Research Experience \dotfill{}
+\noindent\bf Under Prof.\ Eun-Ah Kim \rm --- Department of Physics, Cornell.
+ \hfill\it May 2015 -- Present
+\item\bull Proposed an experimentally accessible cold atom model which exhibits
+ fractionalized charge excitations.
+\item\bull Used numeric exact diagonalization to study the model's plausibility.
+\noindent\bf Under Prof.\ James Sethna \rm --- Department of Physics, Cornell.
+ \hfill\it May 2014 -- Present
+\item\bull Studied the possibility of using coherent x-ray diffraction to
+ image defect structure in metals.
+\item\bull Studied the structure and scaling behavior of damage at the tip of cracks in
+ disordered brittle materials like concrete.
+\noindent\bf Under Prof.\ Andrew Bernoff \rm --- Department of Mathematics, HMC.
+ \hfill\it Jan.\ 2013 -- Feb.\ 2015
+\item\bull Theoretically studied the shape and stability of modulated phases in Langmuir systems.
+ \smallskip
+\item\bull Employed techniques from perturbation theory, asymptotic integration,
+ and linear stability analysis.
+ \smallskip
+\item\bull Created a library of tools in
+ \CC\ to analyze domains and perform nonlinear optimization on a
+ high-dimensional,
+ highly constrained parameter space.
+\noindent\bf Under Prof.\ Sharon Gerbode \rm --- Department of Physics, HMC.\hfill
+ \it Jan.\ 2012 -- Sept.\ 2012
+\item\bull Experimentally studied the behavior of impurities during phase
+ changes in colloidal crystals.
+ \smallskip
+\item\bull Designed experiments and wrote software in \sc Matlab \rm to analyze particle
+ tracking data.
+ \smallskip
+\item\bull Performed a literature review of statistical hard-sphere fluid theory in order
+ to assess its applicability to the colloidal problem.
+\noindent\tit Awards \dotfill{}
+\noindent\bf Finalist, LeRoy Apker Award \rm --- American Physical Society.
+\hfill\it Aug.\ 2014
+\smallskip \rm
+\noindent An undergraduate physics achievement award
+to recognize outstanding achievements in physics by undergraduate students,
+and thereby provide encouragement to young physicists who have demonstrated
+great potential for future scientific accomplishment.
+\noindent\bf Thomas B.\ Brown Memorial Award \rm --- Department of Physics,
+HMC.\hfill\it May 2014
+\noindent The Thomas B.\ Brown Memorial award for senior research in physics is awarded
+for research results, originality in conception or in execution of research,
+diligence, and clarity of oral and written reports.
+\noindent\bf The Chavin Prize \rm --- Department of Mathematics, HMC.\hfill\it
+May 2014
+\noindent The Chavin Prize is awarded for outstanding senior theses in the
+mathematical sciences.
+\noindent\tit Work Experience \dotfill{}
+\noindent\bf Teaching Assistant \rm --- Physics Department, Cornell
+University.\hfill\it Aug.\ 2014 -- May 2015
+\item\bull Lead recitation sections, wrote quizzes, graded homeworks and
+ tests, and help office hours.
+\item\bull Taught Cornell's engineering mechanics and honors mechanics
+ courses.
+\noindent\bf Academic Excellence Facilitator \rm ---
+ Academic Excellence Program, HMC.\hfill\it Apr.\ 2012 -- May 2014
+\item\bull Tutored students taking core courses in mechanics, electromagnetism, and
+ special relativity.
+ \smallskip
+\item\bull Worked closely with faculty to improve both tutoring and lecturing.
+\noindent\bf Systems Administrator \rm --- Department of Computer Science,
+ HMC.\hfill\it May 2011 -- May 2014
+\item\bull Administered Linux and Mac OS servers and managed a large network
+ of codependent systems.
+ \smallskip
+\item\bull Created and modified scripts written in Perl, Bash, and Python for
+ a variety of system tasks.
+\noindent\bf CCMS\footnote{\rm$^\ast$}
+ {\foot Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences}
+ \bf Lab Mentor \rm --- Department of Mathematics, CGU.\footnote{$^\dagger$}
+ {\foot Claremont Graduate University}
+ \hfill\it Jan.\ 2012 -- May 2014
+\item\bull Provided support for \sc Matlab\rm,
+ \sl Mathematica\rm, \LaTeX, and Python for students and faculty throughout the Claremont Consortium.
+\noindent\bf Physics Grader \rm --- Department of Physics, HMC.\hfill
+ \it Jan.\ 2012 -- May 2014
+\item\bull Graded assignments for the Mechanics, Theoretical
+ Mechanics, Electromagnetic Fields, and Fourier Series \& Boundary Value
+ Problems courses.
+\noindent\bf Physics 18 Tutor \rm --- Department of Physics, HMC.\hfill
+ \it Jan.\ 2013 -- May 2013
+\item\bull Tutored students enrolled in mechanics who have a
+ poor background in or difficulty with physics.
+\noindent\bf Math Grader \rm --- Department of Mathematics, HMC.\hfill
+ \it Jan.\ 2012 -- May 2012
+\item\bull Graded assignments for the Linear Algebra and Differential
+ Equations courses.
+\noindent\bf Systems Consultant \rm --- Department of Computer Science, HMC.\hfill
+ \it Sept.\ 2010 -- May 2011
+\item\bull Wrote documentation and provided on-site user support for desktop
+ and server systems.
+\item\bull Led educational sessions on topics related to Unix
+ administration and advanced usage.
+\noindent\tit Test Scores \dotfill{}
+\noindent\bf GRE General \rm --- 165 on Verbal Reasoning \& 168 on
+Quantitative Reasoning.\hfill \it Aug.\ 2013
+\noindent\bf GRE Subject \rm --- 900 on Physics Subject.\hfill \it Oct. 2013
+\noindent\tit Skills \dotfill{}
+\noindent\subtit Computer Related
+\item\bull Experienced programming in the following languages (listed in order
+ of proficiency):
+ \sl Mathematica\rm, C, \CC, \LaTeX, \TeX, Python, Gnuplot,
+ Igor Pro, \sc Matlab\rm, Perl, \sc Cuda\rm, Bash.
+ \smallskip
+\item\bull Experienced in the use of many Unix variants, especially Arch Linux,
+ Gentoo, and Mac OS.
+ \medskip
+\noindent\subtit Physics \& Mathematics Coursework
+\noindent At Harvey Mudd College
+\item\bull Physics classes taken include Special Relativity, Mechanics,
+ Gravitation, Electromagnetism, Modern Laboratory, Quantum Physics,
+ Theoretical Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics,
+ Electromagnetic Fields, Biophysics, Optics Laboratory, General Relativity,
+ Computational Methods in Physics, Fields \& Waves, Topics in Quantum Theory,
+ Readings in Stochastic Methods, Foundations of Field Theory, Solid State
+ Physics, and Electrodynamics.
+ \smallskip
+\item\bull Mathematics classes taken include Linear Algebra I \& II,
+ Differential Equations, Single and Multivariable Calculus, Probability \&
+ Statistics, Fourier Transforms \& Boundary Value Problems, Discrete
+ Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis~I \& II, Abstract Algebra, Differential
+ Geometry, and Harmonic Analysis on Finite Groups.
+\noindent At Cornell University
+\item\bull Physics classes taken include Classic Electrodynamics, Relativistic
+ Quantum Field Theory I \& II, and Statistical Physics I.
+\noindent\tit Non-Academic Achievements\dotfill{}
+\noindent\bf Eagle Scout \rm --- Troop 636, Sammamish, WA.\hfill\it Mar.\
+ 2008
+\noindent\bf 2nd Degree Black Belt \rm --- True Martial Arts, Sammamish, WA.
+ \hfill\it Dec.\ 2008
+\footline={\hfill\modif Modified 16 September 2015.}