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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/bezout.tex b/bezout.tex
index fd48abb..2095b7f 100644
--- a/bezout.tex
+++ b/bezout.tex
@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ where the argument of the exponential is
The integral of the distribution $\rho$ of eigenvalues of $\partial\partial
- H$ comes from the Hessian and is dependant on $a$ alone. This function has a
- maximum in $\hat a$, $b$, $\hat c$, and $d$ at which its value is
+ H$ comes from the Hessian and is dependant on $a$ alone. This function has an
+ extremum in $\hat a$, $b$, $\hat c$, and $d$ at which its value is
\begin{equation} \label{}
f(a)=1+\frac12\log\left(\frac4{p^2}\frac{a^2-1}{a^{2(p-1)}-|\kappa|^2}\right)+\int d\lambda\,\rho(\lambda)\log|\lambda|^2
-2C_+[\operatorname{Re}(\epsilon e^{-i\theta})]^2-2C_-[\operatorname{Im}(\epsilon e^{-i\theta})]^2,