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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/bezout.tex b/bezout.tex
index 552dd93..34bb6ec 100644
--- a/bezout.tex
+++ b/bezout.tex
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ defined by the energy:
where the $J_{i_1\cdots i_p}$ are real Gaussian variables and the $z_i$ are
real and constrained to a sphere $\sum_i z_i^2=N$. If there is a single term
of a given $p$, this is known as the `pure $p$-spin' model, the case we shall
-study here. Also in the Algebra \cite{Cartwright_2013_The} and Probability
+study here. Also in the algebra \cite{Cartwright_2013_The} and probability
literature \cite{Auffinger_2012_Random, Auffinger_2013_Complexity}.
This problem has been attacked from several angles: the replica trick to