path: root/src/domain_newton.h
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authorJaron Kent-Dobias <>2014-05-01 16:01:48 -0700
committerJaron Kent-Dobias <>2014-05-01 16:01:48 -0700
commita79c2f04682c44275d2415d39e6996802c4a83c4 (patch)
treed811bfc2f9e781c6b3d262c758223179f9b4f511 /src/domain_newton.h
created a git repository for my thesis code.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/domain_newton.h')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/domain_newton.h b/src/domain_newton.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abb7ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/domain_newton.h
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#include <math.h>
+// GSL includes.
+#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_sf.h>
+// Eigen's linear solving uses cheap parallelization.
+#include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
+/* This function is templated so that any set of functions which return an
+ * energy, gradient, and Hessian given an empty object, the size of the state
+ * vector, and the state vector can be used. This allows many such sets of
+ * functions, e.g., that for a fixed domain or a domain on a random background,
+ * to be used. See the file domain_minimize.cpp for examples of construction
+ * of these functions.
+ */
+template <class energy_func, class grad_func, class hess_func>
+int domain_newton(gsl_vector *state, unsigned size, unsigned params,
+ energy_func get_energy, grad_func get_grad, hess_func get_hess, double
+ epsilon, unsigned max_iterations, double beta, double s, double sigma,
+ double gamma, double eta_0, double delta, double bound, bool verbose) {
+/* The function domain_newton carries out a modified version of Newton's
+ * method. On success, 0 is returned. On failure, 1 is returned.
+ *
+ * state - GSL_VECTOR
+ * On entry, state gives the system's initial condition. On
+ * exit, state contains the result Newton's method.
+ *
+ * On entry, size gives the size of the vector state. Unchanged
+ * on exit.
+ *
+ * On entry, params gives the number of non-multiplier elements
+ * in state, which are assumed by the function to be the first
+ * elements of state. Unchanged on exit.
+ *
+ * get_energy - ENERGY_FUNC
+ * On entry, get_energy is a function that returns a double
+ * float. The first argument of get_energy is an unsigned
+ * integer and the second argument is a gsl_vector object. This
+ * function is expected to take size and state, respectively,
+ * and return the energy of that state. Unchanged on exit.
+ *
+ * get_grad - GRAD_FUNC
+ * On entry, get_grad is a function that returns void. The
+ * first argument of get_grad is a gsl_vector object, the second
+ * argument of get_grad is an unsigned integer, and the third
+ * argument of get_grad is a gsl_vector object. This function
+ * is expected to take a vector of size size, size, and state,
+ * respectively. It leaves the gradient of the energy function
+ * in the first argument. Unchanged on exit.
+ *
+ * get_hess - HESS_FUNC
+ * On entry, get_hess is a function that returns void. The
+ * first argument of get_hess is a gsl_matrix object, the second
+ * argument of get_hess is an unsigned integer, and the third
+ * argument of get_hess is a gsl_vector object. This function
+ * is expected to take a matrix of size size by size, size, and
+ * state, respectively. It leaves the Hessian of the energy
+ * function in the first argument. Unchanged on exit.
+ *
+ * epsilon - DOUBLE FLOAT
+ * On entry, epsilon gives the number that is used to judge
+ * convergence. When the norm of the gradient is less than
+ * epsilon * size, the process is deemed complete and the
+ * iterations are stopped. Unchanged on exit.
+ *
+ * max_iterations - UNSIGNED INTEGER
+ * On entry, max_iterations gives the maximum number of times
+ * the algorithm will repeat before failing. Unchanged on exit.
+ *
+ * beta - DOUBLE FLOAT
+ * On entry, beta gives the number which is exponentiated to
+ * scale the step size in Newton's method. Unchanged on exit.
+ *
+ * On entry, s gives a constant scaling of the step size in
+ * Newton's method. Unchanged on exit.
+ *
+ * sigma - DOUBLE FLOAT
+ * On entry, sigma gives a scaling to the condition on the step
+ * size in Newton's method. Unchanged on exit.
+ *
+ * gamma - DOUBLE FLOAT
+ * On entry, gamma gives the amount by which the norm of the
+ * gradient must change for eta to decrement by a factor delta.
+ * Unchanged on exit.
+ *
+ * eta_0 - DOUBLE FLOAT
+ * On entry, eta_0 gives the starting value of eta. Unchanged
+ * on exit.
+ *
+ * delta - DOUBLE FLOAT
+ * On entry, delta gives the factor by which eta is decremented.
+ * Unchanged on exit.
+ *
+ * bound - DOUBLE FLOAT
+ * On entry, delta gives an upper bound to the gradient norm.
+ * If surpassed, the execution is halted and the program returns
+ * failure. Unchanged on exit.
+ *
+ * verbose - BOOLEAN
+ * On entry, verbose indicates whether verbose output will be
+ * printed to stdout by this program. Unchanged on exit.
+ */
+ // Declaring variables.
+ double ratio, norm, old_norm, old_energy, energy, grad_dz_prod, alpha, eta;
+ unsigned iterations, m;
+ bool converged, bound_exceeded;
+ // Declaring GSL variables.
+ gsl_vector *grad, *dz;
+ gsl_matrix *hess;
+ // Allocating memory for GSL objects
+ grad = gsl_vector_alloc(size);
+ dz = gsl_vector_alloc(size);
+ hess = gsl_matrix_alloc(size, size);
+ // Declaring Eigen map objects to wrap the GSL ones.
+ Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> grad_eigen(grad->data, size);
+ Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> dz_eigen(dz->data, size);
+ Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> hess_eigen(hess->data, size, size);
+ // If epsilon > 0, use its value. Otherwise, set to machine precision.
+ if (epsilon == 0) epsilon = DBL_EPSILON;
+ // Initializes the starting value of old_norm at effectively infinity.
+ old_norm = 1 / DBL_EPSILON;
+ // Start the loop parameter at zero.
+ iterations = 0;
+ /* If the loop ends and this boolean has not been flipped, the program will
+ * know it has not converged.
+ */
+ converged = false;
+ // Initializes the value of eta.
+ eta = eta_0;
+ // Begins the algorithm's loop.
+ while (iterations < max_iterations) {
+ // Gets the energy, gradient and Hessian for this iteration.
+ old_energy = get_energy(size, state);
+ get_grad(grad, size, state);
+ get_hess(hess, size, state);
+ // Adds eta along the diagonal of the Hessian for non-multiplier entries.
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < params; i++) {
+ gsl_matrix_set(hess, i, i, gsl_matrix_get(hess, i, i) + eta);
+ }
+ // Use LU decomposition to solve for the next step in Newton's method.
+ dz_eigen =;
+ // Dots the gradient into the step in order to judge the step size.
+ gsl_blas_ddot(grad, dz, &grad_dz_prod);
+ // Initializes the Armijo counter.
+ m = 0;
+ // This loop determines the Armijo step size.
+ while (true) {
+ alpha = gsl_sf_pow_int(beta, m) * s;
+ gsl_vector_scale(dz, alpha);
+ gsl_vector_sub(state, dz);
+ energy = get_energy(size, state);
+ if (fabs(old_energy - energy) >= sigma * alpha * grad_dz_prod) break;
+ else {
+ gsl_vector_add(state, dz);
+ gsl_vector_scale(dz, 1 / alpha);
+ m++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Gets the new norm of the gradient for comparison.
+ norm = gsl_blas_dnrm2(grad) / size;
+ // Judges if the norm has changed sufficiently little to decrement eta.
+ if (fabs(norm - old_norm) < gamma * eta) eta *= delta;
+ // Prints several useful statistics for debugging purposes.
+ if (verbose) printf("m was %i, grad_norm was %e, eta was %e, energy was %e\n",
+ m, norm, eta, energy);
+ // Determines if the process has converged to acceptable precision.
+ if (norm < epsilon) {
+ converged = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Causes the program to fail if norm has diverged to a large number.
+ if (norm > bound) break;
+ // Reset the norm for the next iteration.
+ old_norm = norm;
+ // Increment the counter.
+ iterations++;
+ }
+ // Gotta live free, die hard. No one likes memory leaks.
+ gsl_vector_free(grad);
+ gsl_vector_free(dz);
+ gsl_matrix_free(hess);
+ // Return conditions to indicate success or failure.
+ if (converged) return 0;
+ else return 1;