path: root/blossom5-v2.05.src/PMinit.cpp
diff options
authorJaron Kent-Dobias <>2022-09-30 10:55:55 +0200
committerJaron Kent-Dobias <>2022-09-30 10:55:55 +0200
commita06ff64534815cbf702a3847a19443612d307b80 (patch)
tree0b2023643f0d9d86296d4e4cbd9a683995d26230 /blossom5-v2.05.src/PMinit.cpp
parentfc1f46cd4870476d77b5ab28799f47de242e3617 (diff)
Changed rbmp to use blossom algorithm.
Diffstat (limited to 'blossom5-v2.05.src/PMinit.cpp')
1 files changed, 544 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blossom5-v2.05.src/PMinit.cpp b/blossom5-v2.05.src/PMinit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbcbb99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blossom5-v2.05.src/PMinit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "PMimplementation.h"
+void PerfectMatching::InitGreedy(bool allocate_trees)
+ Node* i;
+ int dir;
+ Edge* a;
+ EdgeIterator I;
+ Tree* t = NULL;
+ Node* last_root = &nodes[node_num];
+ REAL slack_min;
+ for (i=nodes; i<nodes+node_num; i++) i->y = PM_INFTY;
+ for (a=edges; a<edges+edge_num; a++)
+ {
+ if (a->head[0]->y > a->slack) a->head[0]->y = a->slack;
+ if (a->head[1]->y > a->slack) a->head[1]->y = a->slack;
+ }
+ for (a=edges; a<edges+edge_num; a++)
+ {
+ i = a->head[0];
+ if (!i->is_outer)
+ {
+ i->is_outer = 1;
+ i->y /= 2;
+ }
+ a->slack -= i->y;
+ i = a->head[1];
+ if (!i->is_outer)
+ {
+ i->is_outer = 1;
+ i->y /= 2;
+ }
+ a->slack -= i->y;
+ }
+ tree_num = node_num;
+ for (i=nodes; i<nodes+node_num; i++)
+ {
+ if (i->flag == 2) continue;
+ slack_min = PM_INFTY;
+ FOR_ALL_EDGES(i, a, dir, I) if (slack_min > a->slack) slack_min = a->slack;
+ i->y += slack_min;
+ FOR_ALL_EDGES(i, a, dir, I)
+ {
+ if (a->slack <= slack_min && i->flag == 0 && a->head[dir]->flag == 0)
+ {
+ i->flag = 2;
+ a->head[dir]->flag = 2;
+ i->match = EDGE_DIR_TO_ARC(a, dir);
+ a->head[dir]->match = EDGE_DIR_TO_ARC(a, 1-dir);
+ tree_num -= 2;
+ }
+ a->slack -= slack_min;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allocate_trees)
+ {
+ if (tree_num > tree_num_max)
+ {
+ if (trees) free(trees);
+ tree_num_max = tree_num;
+ trees = (Tree*) malloc(tree_num_max*sizeof(Tree));
+ }
+ t = trees;
+ }
+ for (i=nodes; i<nodes+node_num; i++)
+ {
+ if (i->flag != 0) continue;
+ i->is_tree_root = 1;
+ i->first_tree_child = NULL;
+ i->tree_sibling_prev = last_root;
+ last_root->tree_sibling_next = i;
+ last_root = i;
+ if (allocate_trees)
+ {
+ i->tree = t;
+ t->root = i;
+ t->eps = 0;
+ t->first[0] = t->first[1] = NULL;
+ t->pq_current = NULL;
+ t->pq00.Reset();
+ t->pq0.Reset();
+ t->pq_blossoms.Reset();
+ t ++;
+ }
+ }
+ last_root->tree_sibling_next = NULL;
+PerfectMatching::Node* PerfectMatching::FindBlossomRootInit(Edge* a0)
+ Node* i;
+ Node* j;
+ Node* _i[2];
+ Node* r;
+ int branch;
+ _i[0] = ARC_HEAD(a0);
+ _i[1] = ARC_TAIL(a0);
+ branch = 0;
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ if (!_i[branch]->is_outer)
+ {
+ r = _i[branch];
+ j = _i[1-branch];
+ break;
+ }
+ _i[branch]->is_outer = 0;
+ if (_i[branch]->is_tree_root)
+ {
+ j = _i[branch];
+ i = _i[1-branch];
+ while (i->is_outer)
+ {
+ i->is_outer = 0;
+ i = ARC_HEAD(i->match);
+ i->is_outer = 0;
+ i = ARC_HEAD(i->tree_parent);
+ }
+ r = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ i = ARC_HEAD(_i[branch]->match);
+ i->is_outer = 0;
+ _i[branch] = ARC_HEAD(i->tree_parent);
+ branch = 1 - branch;
+ }
+ i = r;
+ while ( i != j )
+ {
+ i = ARC_HEAD(i->match);
+ i->is_outer = 1;
+ i = ARC_HEAD(i->tree_parent);
+ i->is_outer = 1;
+ }
+ return r;
+void PerfectMatching::ShrinkInit(Edge* a0, Node* tree_root)
+ int branch, flag;
+ Node* i;
+ Node* j;
+ Node* r;
+ Arc* a_prev;
+ Arc* aa;
+ tree_root->flag = 2;
+ i = tree_root->first_tree_child;
+ if ( i )
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ ARC_HEAD(i->match)->flag = 2;
+ i->flag = 2;
+ }
+ r = FindBlossomRootInit(a0);
+ if ( !r->is_tree_root )
+ {
+ j = ARC_HEAD(r->match);
+ j->match = aa = j->tree_parent;
+ i = ARC_HEAD(aa);
+ while ( !i->is_tree_root )
+ {
+ j = ARC_HEAD(i->match);
+ i->match = ARC_REV(aa);
+ j->match = aa = j->tree_parent;
+ i = ARC_HEAD(aa);
+ }
+ i->match = ARC_REV(aa);
+ }
+ tree_root->is_tree_root = 0;
+ branch = 0;
+ flag = 0;
+ a_prev = EDGE_DIR_TO_ARC(a0, 0);
+ i = ARC_HEAD(a_prev);
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ Arc* a_next = (flag == 0) ? i->match : i->tree_parent;
+ flag = 1 - flag;
+ i->flag = 0;
+ i->match = NULL;
+ if (branch == 0)
+ {
+ i->blossom_sibling = a_next;
+ if (i == r)
+ {
+ branch = 1;
+ flag = 0;
+ a_prev = ARC_REV(a0);
+ i = ARC_HEAD(a_prev);
+ if (i == r) break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ a_prev = i->blossom_sibling;
+ i = ARC_HEAD(a_prev);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i->blossom_sibling = ARC_REV(a_prev);
+ a_prev = a_next;
+ i = ARC_HEAD(a_prev);
+ if (i == r) break;
+ }
+ }
+ i->blossom_sibling = ARC_REV(a_prev);
+void PerfectMatching::ExpandInit(Node* k)
+ Node* i = ARC_HEAD(k->blossom_sibling);
+ Node* j;
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ i->flag = 2; i->is_outer = 1;
+ if (i == k) break;
+ i->match = i->blossom_sibling;
+ j = ARC_HEAD(i->match);
+ j->flag = 2; j->is_outer = 1;
+ j->match = ARC_REV(i->match);
+ i = ARC_HEAD(j->blossom_sibling);
+ }
+void PerfectMatching::AugmentBranchInit(Node* i0, Node* r)
+ Node* tree_root_prev = r->tree_sibling_prev;
+ Node* i;
+ Node* j;
+ Arc* aa;
+ r->flag = 2;
+ i = r->first_tree_child;
+ if ( i )
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ ARC_HEAD(i->match)->flag = 2;
+ i->flag = 2;
+ }
+ i = i0;
+ if ( !i0->is_tree_root )
+ {
+ j = ARC_HEAD(i0->match);
+ j->match = aa = j->tree_parent;
+ i = ARC_HEAD(aa);
+ while ( !i->is_tree_root )
+ {
+ j = ARC_HEAD(i->match);
+ i->match = ARC_REV(aa);
+ j->match = aa = j->tree_parent;
+ i = ARC_HEAD(aa);
+ }
+ i->match = ARC_REV(aa);
+ }
+ r->is_tree_root = 0;
+ tree_root_prev->tree_sibling_next = r->tree_sibling_next;
+ if (r->tree_sibling_next) r->tree_sibling_next->tree_sibling_prev = tree_root_prev;
+ tree_num --;
+// true_slack(a) = slack(a) + ...
+// i->flag=0, i->is_processed=1: true_slack -= eps
+// i->flag=1, i->match->head->is_processed=1: true_slack += eps - slack(i->match)
+void PerfectMatching::InitGlobal()
+ Node* i;
+ Node* j;
+ Node* r;
+ Node* r2;
+ Node* r3 = NULL; // initialize to prevent compiler warning
+ Edge* a;
+ EdgeIterator I;
+ int dir;
+ Tree TREE;
+ enum { NONE, AUGMENT, SHRINK } flag;
+ InitGreedy();
+ for (i=nodes; i<nodes+node_num; i++) i->best_edge = NULL;
+ PriorityQueue<REAL> pq;
+ for (r=nodes[node_num].tree_sibling_next; r; )
+ {
+ r2 = r->tree_sibling_next;
+ if (r2) r3 = r2->tree_sibling_next;
+ i = r;
+ pq.Reset();
+ r->tree = &TREE;
+ REAL eps = 0;
+ Arc* critical_arc = NULL;
+ REAL critical_eps = PM_INFTY;
+ flag = NONE;
+ Node* branch_root = i;
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ i->is_processed = 1;
+ i->y -= eps;
+ if (!i->is_tree_root) ARC_HEAD(i->match)->y += eps;
+ FOR_ALL_EDGES(i, a, dir, I)
+ {
+ a->slack += eps;
+ j = a->head[dir];
+ if (j->tree == &TREE)
+ {
+ // same tree
+ if (j->flag == 0)
+ {
+ REAL slack = a->slack;
+ if (!j->is_processed) slack += eps;
+ if (2*critical_eps > slack || critical_arc == NULL)
+ {
+ flag = SHRINK;
+ critical_eps = slack/2;
+ critical_arc = EDGE_DIR_TO_ARC(a, dir);
+ if (critical_eps <= eps) break;
+ //pq.DecreaseUpperBound(critical_eps);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (j->flag == 0)
+ {
+ // different tree
+ if (critical_eps >= a->slack || critical_arc == NULL)
+ {
+ flag = AUGMENT;
+ critical_eps = a->slack;
+ critical_arc = EDGE_DIR_TO_ARC(a, dir);
+ if (critical_eps <= eps) break;
+ //pq.DecreaseUpperBound(critical_eps);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // free node
+ if (a->slack > eps)
+ {
+ if (a->slack < critical_eps)
+ {
+ if (j->best_edge == NULL)
+ {
+ j->best_edge = a;
+ pq.Add(a);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (a->slack < j->best_edge->slack)
+ {
+ pq.Decrease(j->best_edge, a, pq_buf);
+ j->best_edge = a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(j->flag == 2 && !j->is_blossom && !ARC_HEAD(j->match)->is_blossom);
+ if (j->best_edge) pq.Remove(j->best_edge, pq_buf);
+ j->flag = 1;
+ j->tree = i->tree;
+ j->tree_parent = EDGE_DIR_TO_ARC(a, 1-dir);
+ j = ARC_HEAD(j->match);
+ if (j->best_edge) pq.Remove(j->best_edge, pq_buf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (dir < 2 && a)
+ {
+ Edge* atmp = a;
+ int dirtmp = dir;
+ CONTINUE_FOR_ALL_EDGES(i, atmp, dirtmp, I) atmp->slack += eps;
+ break;
+ }
+ // move i
+ if (i->first_tree_child) i = i->first_tree_child;
+ else
+ {
+ while (i != branch_root && !i->tree_sibling_next) { i = ARC_HEAD(i->match); i = ARC_HEAD(i->tree_parent); }
+ if (i == branch_root)
+ {
+ PriorityQueue<REAL>::Item* q = pq.GetMin();
+ if (q == NULL || q->slack >= critical_eps)
+ {
+ eps = critical_eps;
+ break;
+ }
+ pq.Remove(q, pq_buf);
+ a = (Edge*)q;
+ dir = (a->head[0]->flag == 2) ? 0 : 1;
+ j = a->head[0];
+ Arc* aa = EDGE_DIR_TO_ARC(a, dir);
+ eps = a->slack;
+ assert(eps < critical_eps);
+ // continue growth
+ i = ARC_TAIL(aa);
+ j = ARC_HEAD(aa);
+ assert(j->flag == 2 && !j->is_blossom && !ARC_HEAD(j->match)->is_blossom);
+ j->flag = 1;
+ j->tree = i->tree;
+ j->tree_parent = ARC_REV(aa);
+ j = ARC_HEAD(j->match);
+ if (j->best_edge) pq.Remove(j->best_edge, pq_buf);
+ i = branch_root = j;
+ continue;
+ }
+ i = i->tree_sibling_next;
+ }
+ }
+ // update slacks
+ i = r;
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ if (i->is_processed)
+ {
+ i->y += eps;
+ if (!i->is_tree_root)
+ {
+ j = ARC_HEAD(i->match);
+ j->y -= eps;
+ REAL delta = eps - ARC_TO_EDGE_PTR(i->match)->slack;
+ FOR_ALL_EDGES(j, a, dir, I) a->slack += delta;
+ j->best_edge = NULL;
+ }
+ FOR_ALL_EDGES(i, a, dir, I)
+ {
+ if (!PriorityQueue<REAL>::isReset(a))
+ {
+ assert(a->head[dir]->flag == 2 && a->head[dir]->best_edge == a);
+ a->head[dir]->best_edge = NULL;
+ PriorityQueue<REAL>::ResetItem(a);
+ }
+ a->slack -= eps;
+ }
+ i->is_processed = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!i->is_tree_root) ARC_HEAD(i->match)->best_edge = NULL;
+ }
+ i->best_edge = NULL;
+ }
+ i = ARC_TAIL(critical_arc);
+ j = ARC_HEAD(critical_arc);
+ if (flag == SHRINK)
+ {
+ // shrink
+ ShrinkInit(ARC_TO_EDGE_PTR(critical_arc), r);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // augment
+ AugmentBranchInit(i, r);
+ if (j->is_outer)
+ {
+ AugmentBranchInit(j, j);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ExpandInit(j);
+ tree_num --;
+ }
+ i->match = critical_arc;
+ j->match = ARC_REV(critical_arc);
+ }
+ r = r2;
+ if (r && !r->is_tree_root) r = r3;
+ }
+ if (tree_num > tree_num_max)
+ {
+ if (trees) free(trees);
+ tree_num_max = tree_num;
+ trees = (Tree*) malloc(tree_num_max*sizeof(Tree));
+ }
+ Tree* t = trees;
+ for (r=nodes; r<nodes+node_num; r++)
+ {
+ if (!r->is_outer)
+ {
+ ExpandInit(r);
+ r->is_tree_root = 1;
+ r->flag = 0;
+ r->first_tree_child = NULL;
+ if (t == trees) { nodes[node_num].tree_sibling_next = r; r->tree_sibling_prev = &nodes[node_num]; }
+ else { (t-1)->root->tree_sibling_next = r; r->tree_sibling_prev = (t-1)->root; }
+ r->tree = t;
+ t->root = r;
+ t->eps = 0;
+ t->first[0] = t->first[1] = NULL;
+ t->pq_current = NULL;
+ t->pq00.Reset();
+ t->pq0.Reset();
+ t->pq_blossoms.Reset();
+ t ++;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(t == trees+tree_num);
+ if (t == trees) nodes[node_num].tree_sibling_next = NULL;
+ else (t-1)->root->tree_sibling_next = NULL;