path: root/blossom5-v2.05.src/GEOM/GPMkdtree.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'blossom5-v2.05.src/GEOM/GPMkdtree.cpp')
1 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blossom5-v2.05.src/GEOM/GPMkdtree.cpp b/blossom5-v2.05.src/GEOM/GPMkdtree.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8cd17b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blossom5-v2.05.src/GEOM/GPMkdtree.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "GPMkdtree.h"
+#include "../timer.h"
+// 'mapping' must be of size 2*N. (array[N], ... array[2*N-1] is used as a temporary buffer).
+// After the call array[mapping[0]] <= array[mapping[1]] <= ... <= array[mapping[N-1]].
+// array is not modified.
+template <typename Type> inline void sort(Type* array, int array_skip, int* mapping, int N)
+ // mergesort
+ int i;
+ int* mappingSrc = mapping;
+ int* mappingDst = mapping + N;
+ int* pSrc1;
+ int* pSrc2;
+ int* pSrc1End;
+ int* pSrc2End;
+ int* pDst;
+ for (i=0; i<(N&(~1)); i+=2)
+ {
+ if (array[array_skip*i] < array[array_skip*(i+1)])
+ {
+ mappingSrc[i] = i;
+ mappingSrc[i+1] = i+1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mappingSrc[i] = i+1;
+ mappingSrc[i+1] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i != N) mappingSrc[i] = i;
+ int step;
+ for (step=2; step<N; step*=2)
+ {
+ pSrc2End = mappingSrc;
+ pDst = mappingDst;
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ pSrc1 = pSrc2End;
+ pSrc1End = pSrc1 + step;
+ if (pSrc1End >= mappingSrc + N)
+ {
+ memcpy(pDst, pSrc1, (int)((char*)(mappingSrc + N) - (char*)pSrc1));
+ break;
+ }
+ pSrc2 = pSrc1End;
+ pSrc2End = pSrc2 + step;
+ if (pSrc2End > mappingSrc + N) pSrc2End = mappingSrc + N;
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ if (array[(array_skip)*(*pSrc1)] < array[array_skip*(*pSrc2)])
+ {
+ *pDst ++ = *pSrc1 ++;
+ if (pSrc1 == pSrc1End)
+ {
+ memcpy(pDst, pSrc2, (int)((char*)pSrc2End - (char*)pSrc2));
+ pDst = (int*) ((char*)pDst + (int)((char*)pSrc2End - (char*)pSrc2));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *pDst ++ = *pSrc2 ++;
+ if (pSrc2 == pSrc2End)
+ {
+ memcpy(pDst, pSrc1, (int)((char*)pSrc1End - (char*)pSrc1));
+ pDst = (int*) ((char*)pDst + (int)((char*)pSrc1End - (char*)pSrc1));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pDst = mappingDst;
+ mappingDst = mappingSrc;
+ mappingSrc = pDst;
+ }
+ if (mappingSrc != mapping) memcpy(mapping, mappingSrc, N*sizeof(int));
+#define NEIGHBOR_PARENT(k) (((k)-1)>>1)
+#define NEIGHBOR_FIRST_CHILD(k) (((k)<<1)+1)
+ K_max = 0;
+ dist_array = NULL;
+ if (dist_array) delete [] dist_array;
+void Neighbors::Init(int _K, PointId* _array)
+ K = _K;
+ array = _array;
+ num = 0;
+ if (K > K_max)
+ {
+ if (dist_array) delete [] dist_array;
+ K_max = K;
+ dist_array = new double[K_max];
+ }
+inline void Neighbors::Swap(int k1, int k2)
+ PointId p = array[k1]; array[k1] = array[k2]; array[k2] = p;
+ double d = dist_array[k1]; dist_array[k1] = dist_array[k2]; dist_array[k2] = d;
+inline void Neighbors::Add(PointId p, double dist)
+ int k;
+ if (num < K)
+ {
+ k = num ++;
+ array[k] = p;
+ dist_array[k] = dist;
+ while ( k > 0 )
+ {
+ int k_parent = NEIGHBOR_PARENT(k);
+ if (dist_array[k] <= dist_array[k_parent]) break;
+ Swap(k, k_parent);
+ k = k_parent;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (dist_array[0] <= dist) return;
+ array[0] = p;
+ dist_array[0] = dist;
+ k = 0;
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ int k_child = NEIGHBOR_FIRST_CHILD(k);
+ if (k_child >= K) break;
+ if (k_child+1 < K && dist_array[k_child+1] > dist_array[k_child]) k_child ++;
+ if (dist_array[k] >= dist_array[k_child]) break;
+ Swap(k, k_child);
+ k = k_child;
+ }
+ }
+ //for (k=1; k<num; k++) assert(dist_array[k] <= dist_array[NEIGHBOR_PARENT(k)]);
+inline double Neighbors::GetMax()
+ assert(num > 0);
+ return dist_array[0];
+GPMKDTree::GPMKDTree(int _D, int _point_num, REAL* coords, GeomPerfectMatching* _GPM)
+ : D(_D), DIM(_GPM->DIM), point_num(_point_num), GPM(_GPM)
+ Node* i;
+ Node* j;
+ int d, d0, k;
+ int* mapping = new int[(D+2)*point_num];
+ int* buf = mapping + D*point_num;
+ int* marking = buf + point_num;
+ memset(marking, 0, point_num*sizeof(int));
+ int* ptr = mapping;
+ int node_num_max = 4*point_num/3+2;
+ nodes = (Node*)malloc(node_num_max*sizeof(Node));
+ rev_mapping = (Node**)malloc(point_num*sizeof(Node*));
+ memset(rev_mapping, 0, point_num*sizeof(Node*));
+ REAL** coords_array = new REAL*[D];
+ int* skip_array = new int[D];
+ for (d=0; d<DIM; d++) { coords_array[d] = coords + d; skip_array[d] = DIM; }
+ if (d < D) { coords_array[d] = GPM->sums; skip_array[d] = 1; }
+ for (d=0; d<D; d++)
+ {
+ sort<REAL>(coords_array[d], skip_array[d], ptr, point_num);
+ if (d == DIM) sum_max = GPM->sums[ptr[point_num-1]];
+ ptr += point_num;
+ }
+ nodes[0].parent = NULL;
+ nodes[0].order = 0;
+ nodes[0].d = point_num;
+ nodes[0].first_child = NULL;
+ node_num = 1;
+ Node* first_unprocessed = &nodes[0];
+ while ( (i=first_unprocessed) )
+ {
+ first_unprocessed = i->first_child;
+ int start = i->order;
+ int num0 = i->d, num;
+ if ((DIM==D && num0<=2) || (DIM<D && num0 <= CHILDREN_MAX))
+ {
+ // leaf
+ i->d = -num0;
+ for (k=0; k<num0; k++)
+ {
+ i->points[k] = mapping[start+k];
+ rev_mapping[mapping[start+k]] = i;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // not a leaf.
+ if (node_num + 2 > node_num_max)
+ {
+ node_num_max = 3*node_num_max/2 + 16;
+ Node* nodes_old = nodes;
+ nodes = (Node*)realloc(nodes, node_num_max*sizeof(Node));
+#define UPDATE_NODE_PTR(ptr) ptr = (Node*)((char*)ptr + ((char*)nodes-(char*)nodes_old))
+ if (first_unprocessed) UPDATE_NODE_PTR(first_unprocessed);
+ for (k=0; k<node_num; k++)
+ {
+ if (nodes[k].parent) UPDATE_NODE_PTR(nodes[k].parent);
+ if (nodes[k].d>=0 && nodes[k].first_child) UPDATE_NODE_PTR(nodes[k].first_child);
+ }
+ for (k=0; k<point_num; k++) if (rev_mapping[k]) UPDATE_NODE_PTR(rev_mapping[k]);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // choose split dimension d0 and number of items 'num' in the first group.
+ //d0 = (i->parent) ? ((i->parent->d + 1) % D) : 0;
+ //num = num0/2;
+ const int FRACTION = 20;
+ int num_min = 1; if (num_min < num0/FRACTION) num_min = num0/FRACTION;
+ int num_max = num0-1; if (num_max > (FRACTION-1)*num0/FRACTION) num_max = (FRACTION-1)*num0/FRACTION;
+ int num_max_DIM = num0-1;
+ if (D>DIM && (!i->parent || !i->parent->parent || !i->parent->parent->parent)) d0 = D-1;
+ else
+ {
+ d0 = -1;
+ REAL diff_max = 0;
+ for (d=0; d<D; d++)
+ {
+ ptr = mapping + d*point_num;
+ REAL c_min, c_max;
+ c_min = coords_array[d][ptr[start + num_min ]*skip_array[d]];
+ c_max = coords_array[d][ptr[start + ((d<DIM)?num_max:num_max_DIM)]*skip_array[d]];
+ REAL diff = c_max - c_min;
+ //if (d == DIM) diff *= 2;
+ if (d0<0 || diff_max < diff) { d0 = d; diff_max = diff; }
+ }
+ }
+ ptr = mapping + d0*point_num;
+ REAL c_min, c_max;
+ if (d < DIM)
+ {
+ c_min = coords_array[d0][ptr[start+num_min]*skip_array[d0]];
+ c_max = coords_array[d0][ptr[start+num_max]*skip_array[d0]];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c_min = coords_array[d0][ptr[start+1]*skip_array[d0]];
+ c_max = coords_array[d0][ptr[start+num0-1]*skip_array[d0]]; // for this dimension upper tail is important, so don't discard it!
+ }
+ REAL split = (c_min + c_max) / 2;
+ for (num=num_min; num<num_max; num++)
+ {
+ if (coords_array[d0][ptr[start+num]*skip_array[d0]] > split) break;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ptr = mapping + d0*point_num;
+ for (k=start; k<start+num; k++) marking[ptr[k]] = 1;
+ for (d=0; d<D; d++)
+ {
+ if (d == d0) continue;
+ ptr = mapping + d*point_num;
+ int* bufa = buf;
+ int* bufb = buf + num;
+ for (k=start; k<start+num0; k++)
+ {
+ if (marking[ptr[k]]) *bufa ++ = ptr[k];
+ else *bufb ++ = ptr[k];
+ }
+ memcpy(ptr+start, buf, num0*sizeof(int));
+ }
+ ptr = mapping + d0*point_num;
+ for (k=start; k<start+num; k++) marking[ptr[k]] = 0;
+ i->d = d0;
+ PointId p = ptr[start + num - ((num >= num0-num) ? 1 : 0)];
+ i->coord = coords_array[d0][p*skip_array[d0]];
+ i->first_child = j = &nodes[node_num];
+ node_num += 2;
+ j->parent = (j+1)->parent = i;
+ j->order = start;
+ j->d = num;
+ (j+1)->order = start+num;
+ (j+1)->d = num0-num;
+ (j+1)->first_child = first_unprocessed;
+ j->first_child = j+1;
+ first_unprocessed = j;
+ }
+ delete [] coords_array;
+ delete [] skip_array;
+ delete [] mapping;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // set ordering and depth_max
+ int depth = 0, depth_max = 0;
+ // set ordering
+ i = &nodes[0];
+ k = 0;
+ if (D > DIM)
+ {
+ // ordering for AddNegativeEdges() - tree preorder
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ if (!IS_LEAF(i))
+ {
+ i = i->first_child;
+ depth ++;
+ if (depth_max < depth) depth_max = depth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ i->order = k ++;
+ if (!i->parent) break;
+ if (i->parent->first_child == i) { i ++; break; }
+ i = i->parent;
+ depth --;
+ }
+ if (!i->parent) break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // compute tree inorder - useful for nearest neighbor search so that that branches close to the input node are explored first
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ if (!IS_LEAF(i))
+ {
+ i = i->first_child;
+ depth ++;
+ if (depth_max < depth) depth_max = depth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i->order = k ++;
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ if (!i->parent) break;
+ if (i->parent->first_child == i) { i->parent->order = k ++; i ++; break; }
+ i = i->parent;
+ depth --;
+ }
+ if (!i->parent) break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ traversing_buf = (REAL*) malloc((D + depth_max + 2)*sizeof(REAL));
+ free(nodes);
+ free(rev_mapping);
+ free(traversing_buf);
+void GPMKDTree::AddPerfectMatching(PointId* rev_mapping)
+ Node* i;
+ int k;
+ PointId p, q = -1;
+ i = &nodes[0];
+ do
+ {
+ if (IS_LEAF(i))
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<-i->d; k++)
+ {
+ p = i->points[k];
+ if (q < 0) q = p;
+ else { GPM->AddInitialEdge(rev_mapping[p], rev_mapping[q]); q = -1; }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i = i->first_child;
+ continue;
+ }
+ while ( i->parent )
+ {
+ if (i->parent->first_child == i) { i ++; break; }
+ i = i->parent;
+ }
+ } while (i->parent);
+#define MOVE_DOWN_LEFT(i)\
+ {\
+ *stack ++ = current_diff[i->d];\
+ if (current_diff[i->d] <= 0 && (diff = i->coord - coord0[i->d]) < 0) current_diff[i->d] = diff;\
+ i = i->first_child;\
+ }
+#define MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT(i)\
+ {\
+ *stack ++ = current_diff[i->d];\
+ if (current_diff[i->d] >= 0 && (diff = i->coord - coord0[i->d]) > 0) current_diff[i->d] = diff;\
+ i = i->first_child+1;\
+ }
+#define MOVE_LEFT(i)\
+ {\
+ int d_prev = i->parent->d;\
+ current_diff[d_prev] = stack[-1];\
+ if (current_diff[d_prev] <= 0 && (diff = i->parent->coord - coord0[d_prev]) < 0) current_diff[d_prev] = diff;\
+ i --;\
+ }
+#define MOVE_RIGHT(i)\
+ {\
+ int d_prev = i->parent->d;\
+ current_diff[d_prev] = stack[-1];\
+ if (current_diff[d_prev] >= 0 && (diff = i->parent->coord - coord0[d_prev]) > 0) current_diff[d_prev] = diff;\
+ i ++;\
+ }
+#define MOVE_UP(i)\
+ {\
+ i = i->parent;\
+ current_diff[i->d] = *(-- stack);\
+ }
+#define MOVE_DOWN_LEFT_X(i)\
+ {\
+ *stack ++ = current_diff[i->d];\
+ if (i->d < D-1) { if (current_diff[i->d] <= 0 && (diff = i->coord - coord0[i->d]) < 0) current_diff[i->d] = diff; }\
+ else current_diff[i->d] = i->coord;\
+ i = i->first_child;\
+ }
+#define MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_X(i)\
+ {\
+ *stack ++ = current_diff[i->d];\
+ if (i->d < D-1) { if (current_diff[i->d] >= 0 && (diff = i->coord - coord0[i->d]) > 0) current_diff[i->d] = diff; }\
+ i = i->first_child+1;\
+ }
+#define MOVE_LEFT_X(i)\
+ {\
+ int d_prev = i->parent->d;\
+ current_diff[d_prev] = stack[-1];\
+ if (d_prev < D-1) { if (current_diff[d_prev] <= 0 && (diff = i->parent->coord - coord0[d_prev]) < 0) current_diff[d_prev] = diff; }\
+ else current_diff[d_prev] = i->parent->coord;\
+ i --;\
+ }
+#define MOVE_RIGHT_X(i)\
+ {\
+ int d_prev = i->parent->d;\
+ current_diff[d_prev] = stack[-1];\
+ if (d_prev < D-1) { if (current_diff[d_prev] >= 0 && (diff = i->parent->coord - coord0[d_prev]) > 0) current_diff[d_prev] = diff; }\
+ i ++;\
+ }
+#define MOVE_UP_X(i)\
+ {\
+ i = i->parent;\
+ current_diff[i->d] = *(-- stack);\
+ }
+void GPMKDTree::ComputeKNN(PointId p0, int K, PointId* neighbors_array)
+ int p;
+ REAL* coord0 = GPM->coords + p0*DIM;
+ neighbors.Init(K, neighbors_array);
+ for (p=0; p<point_num; p++)
+ if (p != p0)
+ {
+ neighbors.Add(p, GPM->Dist(coord0, GPM->coords+p*DIM));
+ }
+void GPMKDTree::ComputeKNN(PointId p0, int K, PointId* neighbors_array)
+ int neighbor_num = 0;
+ Node* i = rev_mapping[p0];
+ int k, order0 = i->order;
+ REAL diff;
+ REAL* coords = GPM->coords;
+ REAL* coord0 = GPM->coords + p0*DIM;
+ REAL* current_diff = traversing_buf;
+ REAL* stack = traversing_buf + D;
+ neighbors.Init(K, neighbors_array);
+ for (k=0; k<D; k++) current_diff[k] = 0;
+ i = &nodes[0];
+ do
+ {
+ if (IS_LEAF(i))
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<-i->d; k++)
+ {
+ PointId p = i->points[k];
+ if (p == p0) continue;
+ double dist2;
+ REAL* coord2 = coords+p*DIM;
+ GPM_GET_DIST2(dist2, coord0, coord2);
+ neighbors.Add(p, dist2);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (neighbors.GetNum() < K || GPM->Norm2(current_diff) < neighbors.GetMax())
+ {
+ if (i->order > order0)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( i->parent )
+ {
+ if (i->parent->order > order0)
+ {
+ if (i->parent->first_child == i)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (i->parent->first_child != i)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ MOVE_UP(i);
+ }
+ } while ( i->parent );
+void GPMKDTree::AddNegativeEdges(PointId p, PerfectMatching* pm)
+ PointId q;
+ for (q=p+1; q<node_num; q++)
+ {
+ if (GPM->nodes[q].is_marked) continue;
+ REAL len = GPM->Dist(p, q);
+ if (2*len - GPM->sums[p] - GPM->sums[q] < 0)
+ {
+ if (pm->AddNewEdge(p, q, len, true)>=0)
+ {
+ GPM->AddInitialEdge(p, q);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void GPMKDTree::AddNegativeEdges(PointId p0, PerfectMatching* pm)
+ Node* i = rev_mapping[p0];
+ int k, order0 = i->order;
+ bool check;
+ REAL diff;
+ REAL* coords = GPM->coords;
+ REAL* coord0 = coords + p0*DIM;
+ REAL* sums = GPM->sums;
+ REAL sum0 = sums[p0];
+ REAL* current_diff = traversing_buf;
+ REAL* stack = traversing_buf + D;
+ for (k=0; i->points[k]!=p0; k++) {}
+ for (k++; k<-i->d; k++)
+ {
+ PointId p = i->points[k];
+ REAL len = GPM->Dist(coord0, GPM->coords+p*DIM);
+ if (2*len - GPM->sums[p] < GPM->sums[p0])
+ {
+ double start_time = get_time();
+ if (pm->AddNewEdge(p0, p, len, true)>=0) GPM->AddInitialEdge(p0, p);
+ GPM->graph_update_time += get_time() - start_time;
+ }
+ }
+ for (k=0; k<DIM; k++) current_diff[k] = 0;
+ current_diff[k] = sum_max;
+ i = &nodes[0];
+ do
+ {
+ if (i->order > order0)
+ {
+ if (IS_LEAF(i))
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<-i->d; k++)
+ {
+ PointId p = i->points[k];
+ if (!GPM->nodes[p].is_marked)
+ {
+ //REAL* coord2 = coords+p*DIM;
+ //REAL threshold = sums[p0]+sums[p];
+ //GPM_CHECK_DIST(check, coord0, coord2, threshold);
+ //if (check)
+ {
+ REAL len = GPM->Dist(coord0, GPM->coords+p*DIM);
+ if (2*len - GPM->sums[p] < GPM->sums[p0])
+ {
+ double start_time = get_time();
+ if (pm->AddNewEdge(p0, p, len, true)>=0) GPM->AddInitialEdge(p0, p);
+ GPM->graph_update_time += get_time() - start_time;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ REAL threshold = current_diff[D-1] + sum0;
+ GPM_CHECK_NORM(check, current_diff, threshold);
+ if (check)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while ( i->parent )
+ {
+ if (i->parent->first_child == i)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ MOVE_UP_X(i);
+ }
+ } while (i->parent);