AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-08-24Final submission source needs no subdirectories.epl.v2eplJaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-24Slight wording change.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-24Bad wording.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-24Some more small fixes.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-24Added sentence clarifying that H is centered.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-24Reflowed paragraphs.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-24Plot caption tweaks.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-24Merge branch 'epl' of git:research/replicated_kac-rice/paper_2 into eplJaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-24Figure updates.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-24Some changes to Fig 4 caption.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-23Braketed some math in the bib.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-23More fixes for referees.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-23Many small changes for the reveiwers.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-23Added little markers for the E±_1RSB.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-23Small spot changes.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-23Made endpoints in figures more clear.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-23Updated published article.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-23Modified article for two columns.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-23Simplified packages to call, including important removal of fullpage.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-08-23Fixed some references at the request of a reviewer.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-07-17Fixed the title of the manuscript.epl.v1Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-07-17Wrote cover letter.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-07-17Removed urls from bib file to shorten length for EPL.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-07-17Changed style for EPL.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-22Final tweaks.arXiv.v1Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-22Figure work.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-22Added some new references.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-21Lighter shading and text tweaks in figure.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-21Some tweaks.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-21Updated Ros paper at publication.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-19Merge branch 'master' of git:research/replicated_kac-rice/paper_2Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-19Work.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-17Lots of polishing.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-17More tweaks.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-17A few fixes and many citations.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-16Clarified endpoints.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-16Fixed typo.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-16Changed line lengths.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-16Some fixes and tweaks.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-16Lots of writing and figure tweaking.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-16Lots of work.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-16New figure and equation simplification and writing.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-14Many changes.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-13Lots of work.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-12Lots of work.Jaron Kent-Dobias
2023-06-10Initial commit.Jaron Kent-Dobias