path: root/glass.hpp
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authorJaron Kent-Dobias <>2021-06-24 14:08:57 +0200
committerJaron Kent-Dobias <>2021-06-24 14:08:57 +0200
commit3b470b46f600ee56babb71a337f2acfe7b9ae4b3 (patch)
treef03ce16da196d9141bb2d81b604b5f3fad379842 /glass.hpp
parent1cf96564223e5f3550c5f140f50435d4e55dbe0a (diff)
More refactoring.
Diffstat (limited to 'glass.hpp')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/glass.hpp b/glass.hpp
index fbff7d6..64fe8b7 100644
--- a/glass.hpp
+++ b/glass.hpp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include <list>
+#include <queue>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/src/Core/CwiseNullaryOp.h>
@@ -11,6 +12,14 @@ template <int D> using Matrix = Eigen::Matrix<int, D, D>;
using Rng = randutils::random_generator<pcg32>;
+template <unsigned D> Vector<D> randomVector(unsigned L, Rng& r) {
+ Vector<D> x;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < D; i++) {
+ x[i] = r.uniform((unsigned)0, L - 1);
+ }
+ return x;
int iPow(int x, unsigned p) {
if (p == 0)
return 1;
@@ -139,9 +148,10 @@ public:
-template <typename T> concept State = requires(T v) {
+template <typename T> concept State = requires(T v, const T& v2) {
{ v.empty() } -> std::same_as<bool>;
+ { v.operator==(v2) } -> std::same_as<bool>;
template <unsigned D, State S> class HalfEdge;
@@ -165,3 +175,221 @@ public:
HalfEdge(Vertex<D, S>& n, const Vector<D>& d) : neighbor(n), Δx(d) {}
+template <unsigned D, State S> class System {
+ const unsigned L;
+ unsigned N;
+ std::vector<Vertex<D, S>> vertices;
+ unsigned vectorToIndex(const Vector<D>& x) const {
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ for (unsigned d = 0; d < D; d++) {
+ i += x[d] * iPow(L, d);
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ Vector<D> indexToVector(unsigned i) const {
+ Vector<D> x;
+ for (unsigned d = 0; d < D; d++) {
+ x[d] = (i / iPow(L, d)) % L;
+ }
+ return x;
+ }
+ System(unsigned L, unsigned N) : L(L), N(N), vertices(iPow(L, D)) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < iPow(L, D); i++) {
+ vertices[i].position = indexToVector(i);
+ vertices[i].initialPosition = vertices[i].position;
+ vertices[i].adjacentEdges.reserve(2 * D);
+ vertices[i].marked = false;
+ }
+ for (unsigned d = 0; d < D; d++) {
+ Vector<D> Δx = Vector<D>::Zero();
+ Δx[d] = 1;
+ for (signed i = 0; i < iPow(L, D); i++) {
+ unsigned j = iPow(L, d + 1) * (i / iPow(L, d + 1)) + mod(i + iPow(L, d), pow(L, d + 1));
+ vertices[i].adjacentEdges.push_back(HalfEdge<D, S>(vertices[j], Δx));
+ vertices[j].adjacentEdges.push_back(HalfEdge<D, S>(vertices[i], -Δx));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ double density() const { return N / pow(L, D); }
+ void setInitialPosition() {
+ for (Vertex<D, S>& v : vertices) {
+ v.initialPosition = v.position;
+ }
+ }
+ double selfIntermediateScattering() const {
+ double F = 0;
+ Vector<D> k1 = {M_PI, 0};
+ Vector<D> k2 = {0, M_PI};
+ for (const Vertex<D, S>& v : vertices) {
+ if (!v.empty()) {
+ F += cos( - v.initialPosition));
+ F += cos( - v.initialPosition));
+ }
+ }
+ return F / (2 * this->N);
+ }
+template <unsigned D, State S> class FiniteEnergySystem : public System<D, S> {
+ using System<D, S>::System;
+ virtual double pairEnergy(const S&, const S&) const { return 0; }
+ double siteEnergy(const Vertex<D, S>& v) const {
+ double E = 0;
+ for (const HalfEdge<D, S>& e : v.adjacentEdges) {
+ E += pairEnergy(v.state, e.neighbor.state);
+ }
+ return E;
+ }
+ double energy() const {
+ double E = 0;
+ for (const Vertex<D, S>& v : this->vertices) {
+ E += siteEnergy(v);
+ }
+ return E / 2;
+ }
+ bool trySwap(Vertex<D, S>& v1, Vertex<D, S>& v2, double T, Rng& r) {
+ double E0 = siteEnergy(v1) + siteEnergy(v2);
+ std::swap(v1.state, v2.state);
+ double E1 = siteEnergy(v1) + siteEnergy(v2);
+ double ΔE = E1 - E0;
+ if (exp(-ΔE / T) > r.uniform(0.0, 1.0)) {
+ /* Accept the swap. */
+ std::swap(v1.initialPosition, v2.initialPosition);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ /* Revert the swap. */
+ std::swap(v1.state, v2.state);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool tryRandomMove(double T, Rng& r) {
+ Vertex<D, S>& v1 = r.pick(this->vertices);
+ if (v1.empty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Vertex<D, S>& v2 = (r.pick(v1.adjacentEdges)).neighbor;
+ if (!v2.empty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return trySwap(v1, v2, T, r);
+ }
+ bool tryRandomSwap(double T, Rng& r) {
+ Vertex<D, S>& v1 = r.pick(this->vertices);
+ Vertex<D, S>& v2 = r.pick(this->vertices);
+ if (v1.state != v2.state) {
+ return trySwap(v1, v2, T, r);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ void sweepLocal(Rng& r) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < iPow(this->L, D); i++) {
+ tryRandomMove(r);
+ }
+ }
+ void sweepSwap(Rng& r) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < iPow(this->L, D); i++) {
+ tryRandomSwap(r);
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned flipCluster(const Transformation<D>& R, Vertex<D, S>& v0, double T, Rng& r,
+ bool dry = false) {
+ std::queue<std::array<std::reference_wrapper<Vertex<D, S>>, 2>> q;
+ Vector<D> x0New = R.apply(v0.position);
+ Vertex<D, S>& v0New = this->vertices[this->vectorToIndex(x0New)];
+ q.push({v0, v0New});
+ unsigned n = 0;
+ while (!q.empty()) {
+ auto [vR, vNewR] = q.front();
+ q.pop();
+ Vertex<D, S>& v = vR;
+ Vertex<D, S>& vNew = vNewR;
+ if (!v.marked && !vNew.marked) {
+ v.marked = true;
+ vNew.marked = true;
+ for (HalfEdge<D, S>& e : v.adjacentEdges) {
+ Vertex<D, S>& vn = e.neighbor;
+ Vector<D> xnNew = R.apply(vn.position);
+ Vertex<D, S>& vnNew = this->vertices[this->vectorToIndex(xnNew)];
+ if (!vn.marked && !vnNew.marked) {
+ double E0 = pairEnergy(v.state, vn.state) + pairEnergy(vNew.state, vnNew.state);
+ double E1 = pairEnergy(vNew.state, vn.state) + pairEnergy(v.state, vnNew.state);
+ double ΔE = E1 - E0;
+ if (exp(-ΔE / T) < r.uniform(0.0, 1.0)) {
+ q.push({vn, vnNew});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dry) {
+ std::swap(v.state, vNew.state);
+ std::swap(v.initialPosition, vNew.initialPosition);
+ }
+ n += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+ }
+ unsigned wolff(const Transformation<D>& R, double T, Rng& r) {
+ unsigned n = flipCluster(R, r.pick(this->vertices), T, r);
+ for (Vertex<D, S>& v : this->vertices) {
+ v.marked = false;
+ }
+ return n;
+ }
+ void swendsenWang(const Transformation<D>& R, double T, Rng& r) {
+ for (Vertex<D, S>& v : this->vertices) {
+ if (!v.marked) {
+ bool dry = 0.5 < r.uniform(0.0, 1.0);
+ flipCluster(R, v, T, r, dry);
+ }
+ }
+ for (Vertex<D, S>& v : this->vertices) {
+ v.marked = false;
+ }
+ }