diff options
authorJaron Kent-Dobias <>2021-01-12 17:39:27 +0100
committerJaron Kent-Dobias <>2021-01-12 17:39:27 +0100
commite6b4d83097f4442edf2290236e1b092724d8fd74 (patch)
parent3279288783f64e8a8e8fb6394d66a23f49899869 (diff)
Changed code to now find nearby saddles and perturb J.
2 files changed, 86 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/langevin.cpp b/langevin.cpp
index cf61b85..acac6c7 100644
--- a/langevin.cpp
+++ b/langevin.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include <getopt.h>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/LU>
+#include <utility>
#include "complex_normal.hpp"
#include "p-spin.hpp"
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@
#include "pcg-cpp/include/pcg_random.hpp"
#include "randutils/randutils.hpp"
+#include "unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorFFT.h"
using Rng = randutils::random_generator<pcg32>;
@@ -129,7 +131,9 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// simulation parameters
double ε = 1e-4;
+ double εJ = 5e-2;
double δ = 1e-2; // threshold for determining saddle
+ double Δ = 1e-3;
double γ = 1e-2; // step size
unsigned t = 1000; // number of Langevin steps
unsigned M = 100;
@@ -182,24 +186,43 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Vector z0 = normalize(randomVector(N, complex_normal_distribution<>(0, 1, 0), r.engine()));
Vector zSaddle = findSaddle(J, z0, ε);
- double W;
+ Vector zSaddlePrev = Vector::Zero(N);
Vector z = zSaddle;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- std::tie(W, z) = langevin(J, z, T, γ, M, r);
+ while (δ < (zSaddle - zSaddlePrev).norm()) { // Until we find two saddles sufficiently close...
+ std::tie(std::ignore, z) = langevin(J, z, T, γ, M, r);
try {
- Vector zNewSaddle = findSaddle(J, z, ε);
- Scalar H;
- Matrix ddH;
- std::tie(H, std::ignore, ddH) = hamGradHess(J, zNewSaddle);
- Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Matrix> es(ddH.adjoint() * ddH);
- std::cout << N << "\t" << M * (i+1) << "\t" << H << "\t"
- << zNewSaddle.transpose() << "\t" << es.eigenvalues().transpose()
- << std::endl;
- std::cerr << M * (i+1) << " steps taken to move " << (zNewSaddle - zSaddle).norm() << ", saddle information saved." << std::endl;
+ Vector zSaddleNext = findSaddle(J, z, ε);
+ if (Δ < (zSaddleNext - zSaddle).norm()) { // Ensure we are finding distinct saddles.
+ zSaddlePrev = zSaddle;
+ zSaddle = zSaddleNext;
+ }
} catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Could not find a saddle: " << e.what() << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Current saddles are " << (zSaddle - zSaddlePrev).norm() << " apart." << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cerr << "Found sufficiently nearby saddles, perturbing J." << std::endl;
+ complex_normal_distribution<> dJ(0, εJ * σ, 0);
+ std::function<void(Tensor&, std::array<unsigned, p>)> perturbJ =
+ [&dJ, &r] (Tensor& JJ, std::array<unsigned, p> ind) {
+ Scalar Ji = getJ<Scalar, p>(JJ, ind);
+ setJ<Scalar, p>(JJ, ind, Ji + dJ(r.engine()));
+ };
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ Tensor Jp = J;
+ iterateOver<Scalar, p>(Jp, perturbJ);
+ Vector zSaddleNew = findSaddle(Jp, zSaddle, ε);
+ Vector zSaddlePrevNew = findSaddle(Jp, zSaddlePrev, ε);
+ std::cout << (zSaddleNew - zSaddlePrevNew).norm() << std::endl;
return 0;
diff --git a/tensor.hpp b/tensor.hpp
index 528a51a..05fec36 100644
--- a/tensor.hpp
+++ b/tensor.hpp
@@ -1,27 +1,53 @@
#pragma once
#include <array>
+#include <functional>
#include <eigen3/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor>
+#include <utility>
#include "factorial.hpp"
template <class Scalar, unsigned p, std::size_t... Indices>
-Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p> initializeJ(unsigned N, std::index_sequence<Indices...>) {
+Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p> initializeJHelper(unsigned N, std::index_sequence<Indices...>) {
std::array<unsigned, p> Ns;
std::fill_n(Ns.begin(), p, N);
return Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>(std::get<Indices>(Ns)...);
-template <class Scalar, unsigned p, class Distribution, class Generator, std::size_t... Indices>
-void populateCouplings(Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>& J, unsigned N, unsigned l,
- std::array<unsigned, p> is, Distribution d, Generator& r,
- std::index_sequence<Indices...> ii) {
+template <class Scalar, unsigned p>
+Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p> initializeJ(unsigned N) {
+ return initializeJHelper<Scalar, p>(N, std::make_index_sequence<p>());
+template <class Scalar, unsigned p, std::size_t... Indices>
+void setJHelper(Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>& J, const std::array<unsigned, p>& ind, Scalar val, std::index_sequence<Indices...>) {
+ J(std::get<Indices>(ind)...) = val;
+template <class Scalar, unsigned p>
+void setJ(Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>& J, std::array<unsigned, p> ind, Scalar val) {
+ do {
+ setJHelper<Scalar, p>(J, ind, val, std::make_index_sequence<p>());
+ } while (std::next_permutation(ind.begin(), ind.end()));
+template <class Scalar, unsigned p, std::size_t... Indices>
+Scalar getJHelper(const Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>& J, const std::array<unsigned, p>& ind, std::index_sequence<Indices...>) {
+ return J(std::get<Indices>(ind)...);
+template <class Scalar, unsigned p>
+Scalar getJ(const Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>& J, const std::array<unsigned, p>& ind) {
+ return getJHelper<Scalar, p>(J, ind, std::make_index_sequence<p>());
+template <class Scalar, unsigned p>
+void iterateOverHelper(Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>& J,
+ std::function<void(Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>&, std::array<unsigned, p>)>& f,
+ unsigned l, std::array<unsigned, p> is) {
if (l == 0) {
- Scalar z = d(r);
- do {
- J(std::get<Indices>(is)...) = z;
- } while (std::next_permutation(is.begin(), is.end()));
+ f(J, is);
} else {
unsigned iMin;
if (l == p) {
@@ -29,20 +55,30 @@ void populateCouplings(Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>& J, unsigned N, unsigned l,
} else {
iMin = is[p - l - 1];
- for (unsigned i = iMin; i < N; i++) {
+ for (unsigned i = iMin; i < J.dimension(p - 1); i++) {
std::array<unsigned, p> js = is;
js[p - l] = i;
- populateCouplings<Scalar, p>(J, N, l - 1, js, d, r, ii);
+ iterateOverHelper<Scalar, p>(J, f, l - 1, js);
+template <class Scalar, unsigned p>
+void iterateOver(Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>& J, std::function<void(Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>&, std::array<unsigned, p>)>& f) {
+ std::array<unsigned, p> is;
+ iterateOverHelper<Scalar, p>(J, f, p, is);
template <class Scalar, unsigned p, class Distribution, class Generator>
Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p> generateCouplings(unsigned N, Distribution d, Generator& r) {
- Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p> J = initializeJ<Scalar, p>(N, std::make_index_sequence<p>());
+ Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p> J = initializeJ<Scalar, p>(N);
- std::array<unsigned, p> is;
- populateCouplings<Scalar, p>(J, N, p, is, d, r, std::make_index_sequence<p>());
+ std::function<void(Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>&, std::array<unsigned, p>)> setRandom =
+ [&d, &r] (Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, p>& JJ, std::array<unsigned, p> ind) {
+ setJ<Scalar, p>(JJ, ind, d(r));
+ };
+ iterateOver<Scalar, p>(J, setRandom);
return J;