path: root/langevin.cpp
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authorJaron Kent-Dobias <>2021-11-09 10:13:59 +0100
committerJaron Kent-Dobias <>2021-11-09 10:13:59 +0100
commit7bf6e952b53699977f5091a78f0f9f48f7b359c5 (patch)
tree4d5637c53daf33e10fc58334cb3b15b8aa07c0d8 /langevin.cpp
parentd448af5010b664025c816dc2c6e383ac7bea3491 (diff)
Generalized code to easily allow mixed p-spins.
Diffstat (limited to 'langevin.cpp')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/langevin.cpp b/langevin.cpp
index 86aeb9e..dc3d07d 100644
--- a/langevin.cpp
+++ b/langevin.cpp
@@ -27,63 +27,6 @@ using ComplexTensor = Tensor<Complex, p>;
using Rng = randutils::random_generator<pcg32>;
-std::list<std::array<ComplexVector, 2>> saddlesCloserThan(const std::unordered_map<uint64_t, ComplexVector>& saddles, Real δ) {
- std::list<std::array<ComplexVector, 2>> pairs;
- for (auto it1 = saddles.begin(); it1 != saddles.end(); it1++) {
- for (auto it2 = std::next(it1); it2 != saddles.end(); it2++) {
- if ((it1->second - it2->second).norm() < δ) {
- pairs.push_back({it1->second, it2->second});
- }
- }
- }
- return pairs;
-template <class Generator>
-std::tuple<ComplexTensor, ComplexVector, ComplexVector> matchImaginaryEnergies(const ComplexTensor& J0, const ComplexVector& z10, const ComplexVector& z20, Real ε, Real Δ, Generator& r) {
- Real σ = sqrt(factorial(p) / (Real(2) * pow(z10.size(), p - 1)));
- complex_normal_distribution<Real> dJ(0, σ, 0);
- ComplexTensor J = J0;
- ComplexVector z1, z2;
- Real ΔH = abs(imag(getHamiltonian(J, z10) - getHamiltonian(J, z20))) / z10.size();
- Real γ = ΔH;
- std::function<void(ComplexTensor&, std::array<unsigned, p>)> perturbJ =
- [&γ, &dJ, &r] (ComplexTensor& JJ, std::array<unsigned, p> ind) {
- Complex Ji = getJ<Complex, p>(JJ, ind);
- setJ<Complex, p>(JJ, ind, Ji + γ * dJ(r.engine()));
- };
- while (ΔH > ε) {
- ComplexTensor Jp = J;
- iterateOver<Complex, p>(Jp, perturbJ);
- try {
- z1 = findSaddle(Jp, z10, Δ);
- z2 = findSaddle(Jp, z20, Δ);
- Real Δz = (z1 - z2).norm();
- if (Δz > 1e-2) {
- Real ΔHNew = abs(imag(getHamiltonian(Jp, z1) - getHamiltonian(Jp, z2))) / z1.size();
- if (ΔHNew < ΔH) {
- J = Jp;
- ΔH = ΔHNew;
- γ = ΔH;
- std::cerr << "Match imaginary energies: Found couplings with ΔH = " << ΔH << std::endl;
- }
- }
- } catch (std::exception& e) {}
- }
- return {J, z1, z2};
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// model parameters
unsigned N = 10; // number of spins
@@ -143,24 +86,29 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Rng r;
- Tensor<Real, p> ReJ = generateCouplings<Real, p>(N, std::normal_distribution<Real>(0, σ), r.engine());
+ pSpinModel<Real, p> pSpin;
+ std::get<0>(pSpin.Js) = generateCouplings<Real, p>(N, std::normal_distribution<Real>(0, σ), r.engine());
std::normal_distribution<Real> Red(0, 1);
- RealVector zMin = randomMinimum(ReJ, Red, r, ε);
- auto [Hr, dHr, ddHr] = hamGradHess(ReJ, zMin);
+ RealVector zMin = randomMinimum(pSpin, Red, r, ε);
+ Real Hr;
+ RealVector dHr;
+ RealMatrix ddHr;
+ std::tie(Hr, dHr, ddHr, std::ignore) = pSpin.hamGradHess(zMin);
Eigen::EigenSolver<Matrix<Real>> eigenS(ddHr - (dHr * zMin.transpose() + * Matrix<Real>::Identity(zMin.size(), zMin.size()) + (ddHr * zMin) * zMin.transpose()) / (Real)zMin.size() + 2.0 * zMin * zMin.transpose());
std::cout << eigenS.eigenvalues().transpose() << std::endl;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++) {
RealVector zNew = normalize(zMin + 0.01 * eigenS.eigenvectors().col(i).real());
- std::cout << getHamiltonian(ReJ, zNew) - Hr << " " << real(eigenS.eigenvectors().col(i).dot(zMin)) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << pSpin.getHamiltonian(zNew) - Hr << " " << real(eigenS.eigenvectors().col(i).dot(zMin)) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
complex_normal_distribution<Real> d(0, 1, 0);
- ComplexTensor J = ReJ.cast<Complex>();
+ pSpinModel<Complex, p> complexPSpin = pSpin.cast<Complex>();;
ComplexVector zSaddle = zMin.cast<Complex>();
ComplexVector zSaddleNext;
@@ -168,7 +116,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
while (!foundSaddle) {
ComplexVector z0 = normalize(zSaddle + δ * randomVector<Complex>(N, d, r.engine()));
try {
- zSaddleNext = findSaddle(J, z0, ε);
+ zSaddleNext = findSaddle(complexPSpin, z0, ε);
Real saddleDistance = (zSaddleNext - zSaddle).norm();
if (saddleDistance / N > 1e-2) {
std::cout << saddleDistance << std::endl;
@@ -177,27 +125,16 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
} catch (std::exception& e) {}
- auto [H1, dH1, ddH1] = hamGradHess(J, zSaddle);
- auto [H2, dH2, ddH2] = hamGradHess(J, zSaddleNext);
- Eigen::ComplexEigenSolver<ComplexMatrix> ces;
- ces.compute(ddH1);
+ Complex H1 = complexPSpin.getHamiltonian(zSaddle);
+ Complex H2 = complexPSpin.getHamiltonian(zSaddleNext);
Real φ = atan2( H2.imag() - H1.imag(), H1.real() - H2.real());
std::cerr << (zSaddle - zSaddleNext).norm() / (Real)N << " " << φ << " " << H1 * exp(Complex(0, φ)) << " " << H2 * exp(Complex(0, φ)) << std::endl;
- Real smallestNorm = std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity();
- for (Complex z : ces.eigenvalues()) {
- if (norm(z) < smallestNorm) {
- smallestNorm = norm(z);
- }
- }
- std::cerr << smallestNorm << std::endl;
- getchar();
- J = exp(Complex(0, φ)) * J;
+ std::get<0>(complexPSpin.Js) = exp(Complex(0, φ)) * std::get<0>(complexPSpin.Js);
- Cord test(J, zSaddle, zSaddleNext, 3);
- test.relaxNewton(J, 10, 1, 1e4);
+ Cord test(complexPSpin, zSaddle, zSaddleNext, 3);
+ test.relaxNewton(10, 1, 1e4);
std::cout << test.z0.transpose() << std::endl;
std::cout << test.z1.transpose() << std::endl;