Name | Description | Owner | Idle |
professional/cv | Jaron's CV. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 7 weeks |
system/linux | Jaron's fork of linux.git | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 12 months |
system/prepare-lastboot | Support for ZFS fallback to a previous boot | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 16 months |
personal/betterment |
sethna.hs | Solutions to Sethna's textbook computational problems in Haskell. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 6 years |
professional/presentations |
2025/ictp-saifr_colloquium | ICTP-SAIFR colloquium 19.02.2025 | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 5 weeks |
research/complex_complex |
code | Gradient descent and Langevin dynamics on complex p-spin models. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 24 months |
papers/JPA_55_434006 | More complex landscapes for complex p-spin models. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 3 years |
papers/PRR_3_023064 | Complex landscapes for complex p-spin models. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 4 years |
research/dipolar_fluids |
code | Tools for calculating the energy and simulating dipole mediated domains. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 7 years |
papers/PRE_91_032919 | Publication describing accurate heuristic for dipolar fluids. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | |
research/first_order_singularities |
mma | Mathematica files for investigating scaling functions with essential singulariti... | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 16 months |
paper | Paper defining well-converging Ising scaling functions. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 22 months |
pres/aps_mm_2017 | Presentation on essential singularities at the Ising transition. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 6 years |
research/fracture |
code/fuse_networks | Tools to simulate the breaking of random fuse networks. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 5 years |
code/percolation | Tools to simulate percolation. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 6 years |
pres/aps_mm_2019 | APS March Meeting presentation 2019. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 6 years |
research/hadamard |
code | Simulation code for the hard matrix model | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 4 years |
mma | Mathematica files involved in HMM work | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 4 years |
research/hidden_order |
PRB_102_075129 | Guessing at hidden order in URu2Si2 with RUS and mean field theory. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 2 years |
posters/aps_mm_2020 | Hidden order poster, APS March Meeting 2020. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 5 years |
research/high_Tc |
code | Toy classical model of an interesting potential high T_c system | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 6 years |
research/least_squares |
code | Simulations of random least squares problems. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 7 months |
research/metastable |
code | Utility for measuring distribution of magnetizations for Ising models. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 5 years |
research/morse |
paper/SciPostPhys_16_001 | Paper on two-point complexity | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 21 months |
research/normal_forms |
infinite_order/grown_networks/code | Code to generate and analyze grown networks. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 5 years |
research/percolation |
code | Code for simulating percolation | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 3 months |
research/rbmp |
code | Code for tiling Aztec diamonds. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 2 years |
research/replicated_kac-rice |
papers/EPL_143_61003 | Paper on RSB among saddles. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 19 months |
papers/PRE_107_064111 | Paper on Kac-Rice method with RSB. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 22 months |
papers/marginal | Paper on counting marginal minima. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 3 months |
research/wolff |
code/c++ | Efficiently simulate spin models using a generalized Wolff algorithm. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 5 years |
code/haskell | Work in progress implementation of Wolff in Haskell. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 6 years |
code/ising_sampling | Rapidly sample E/M pairs for various lattice models. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 6 years |
code/lattice_glass | Geometric cluster algorithms for lattice glass models. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 4 years |
code/space_wolff | Simulate lattice and continuum solids, gasses, and fluids. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 5 years |
code/spheres | Geometric cluster algorithms for spheres. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 3 years |
papers/PRE_98_063306 | Publication describing general Wolff with on-site potentials. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 6 years |
pres/aps_mm_2018 | March Meeting Presentation. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 6 years |
pres/aps_mm_2020 | March Meeting Presentation. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 5 years |
pres/statphys_27 | StatPhys 27 presentation. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 6 years |
system/PKGBUILDs |
armv6h-libs | Symlinks for armv6h libraries on arm64. | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 5 years |
bdf-tewi-git | Improved PKGBUILD for lucy tewi font | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 8 weeks |
linux-kentdobias | Linux kernel package for Jaron's x86 computers. | gitolite user | 2 months |
linux-pinebook | Linux kernel patched and configured for Pine64 Pinebook. | gitolite user | 3 years |
linux-pinebookpro | Linux kernel package for Pine64 Pinebook Pro. | gitolite user | 18 months |
linux-pinecube | Linux kernel package for Pine64 Pinecube. | gitolite user | 18 months |
linux-pinephone | Linux kernel package for Pine64 Pinephone. | gitolite user | 2 months |
linux-raspberrypi4 | Linux kernel package for the Raspberry Pi 4. | gitolite user | 2 months |
prepare-lastboot | PKGBUILD for prepare-lastboot utility | Jaron Kent-Dobias | 16 months |
uboot-pinebook | U-Boot for the Pine64 Pinebook. | gitolite user | 4 years |